Importance of Supply-Demand Analysis A little knowledge goes a long way: Price Control, Taxation and other policies. Market welfare: Normative Analysis International Trade Externality (Market Failure) Market Power (Market Failure) Other markets: Financial Market, Labor Market. Macroeconomics
Types of Imperfectly Competitive Markets Monopolistic Competition – Many firms selling products that are similar but not identical. Oligopoly – Only a few sellers, each offering a similar or identical product to the others
反常积分 前面讨论 Riemann 积分时,假定了积分区间[, ] a b 有限且被积函 数 f x( )在[, ] a b 上有界,但在实际应用中经常会碰到不满足这两个条 件,却需要求积分的情况。所以,有必要突破 Riemann 积分的限制 条件,考虑积分区间无限或被积函数无界的积分问题,这样的积分称 为反常积分(或广义积分),而以前学过的 Riemann 积分相应地称 为正常积分(或常义积分)
Group work: What’s your opinion on studying abroad? If you have a chance to decide whether to study in a famous university in China such as Qinghua and Beijing University or in an ordinary university in Britain or the USA, what would you choose? Why? Give your reasons