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1. Calculate the force at the base of a continental block that has a uniform thickness of 25km, length of1000km, width of500km, and density of2.70. What is the stress on the bottom of the block?
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1 Background knowledge 2 Presentation
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Lactie 4 .1 Shin-sawiralt alion fov Newt. coig cocffoueur Vontiei auculelion h23-2959-989-91 40-s2, Batch -71-99. A> Suiens-Swow neli mclalin Fov auny slius liuwr coondwolio, a sct g aapu canlo such aat
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1. Background Information 2 Structure 3. Language Point 4. Appreciation of the Text
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设A是n维欧氏空间V内的一个线性变换,如果对a,∈V,都有 (Aa,)=(a, AB) 则称A是V内的对称变换 命题n维欧氏空间V上的线性变换A是对称变换当且仅当它在标准正交基 ,2n下的矩阵A是实对称矩阵
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9.1 Going abroad Vocabulary Add the missing words to the puzzle. 1. You may need a _if you're staying in the USA for longer than a month. 2 _class is cheaper than business or club
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18.2.1 逐次逼近式 A/D 转换器原理 18.2.2 双积分式 A/D 转换器原理 18.2.3 A/D 转换器的主要指标 18.2.4 实用的模/数转换器
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Part 10.2: Toxicology in ECC ients, but it is a leading cause of cardiac arrest Opiate poisoning causes respiratory depression victims <40 years of age. I-4 When a patient with poisoning followed by respiratory ins cy or arrest. Heroin over is in cardiac
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:505KB 文档页数:36
2.符号函数(显函数、隐函数和参数方程)画图 (1) ezplot ezplot(f(x)',[a,b]) 表示在a
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SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP ISSUES (1 of 2) Nonliquidating distributions 8751 assets Liquidating distributions Sale of partnership interest Retirement or death of a partner Termination of a partnership
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