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心理咨询中,我们常会遇到一些求助者,他 们所叙述的思想、情感、事件是模糊、混乱、 矛盾、不合理的。这些模糊不清的东西常常 是引起他们困扰的重要原因。为此,咨询师需要使用具性技术。以“何 人、何时、何地、有何感觉、有何想法、发 生什么事,如何发生”等问题,协助求助者 更清楚、更具体地描述其问题
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提出的背景 我们留下一个什么样的世界给子孙后代,在很大程度上取决于我们给世界留下什么样的子孙后代。(马约尔) 语文的外延与生活的外延相等。(华特·科勒涅斯)
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一、习作教学的意义 《语文课程标准》指出:“写作是运用语言文字进行 表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我,进行 创造性表述的过程。写作能力是语文素养的综合体现
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一、语文教学策略 (一)制定课堂教学目标的策略 (二)优化教学过程的策略 (三)建立有效教学方式的策略 (四)选择教学方法的策略
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10.1 What is transfer of learning? consider the two students: Henry is bilingual:He speaks both English and Spanish fluently.He begins a French course in high school and immediately recognizes many similarities between French and Spanish. “Aha,”he thinks, “my knowledge of Spanish will help me learn French”. Ted’s mathematics class has been working with decimals for several weeks. His teacher asked, “which number is larger, 4.4 or 4.14?” Ted recalls something that he knows about whole numbers: Number with three digits are larger than numbers with only two digits. “The larger number is 4.14”, he concludes
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7.1 concept learning 7.1.1 concept A concept is a category under which specific elements may be grouped.e.g. a red ball, a red pencil, and a red chair are all instances of the simple concept “red”. An “even number” is defined as any integer(整数) that is divisible by two without a remainder, and that an “odd number” is one that is not evenly(均匀地) divisible by two
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第一节 心理健康的含义与标准 第二节 大学生常见心理异常分析 第三节 培养健康心理的原则与途径
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4.1 Thorndike’s Connectionism 4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndike:1874-1949, American educational psychologist. 1891-1895,studied English literature in Wesleyan University. 1895-1897,studied psychology in Harvard Unviversity.(James) 1897-1898, studied in Columbia University, and got his PH.D.(Kattel) 1912, became Chairman of APA
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3.1 What is learning? Are they instances of learning? (1) A young child takes his first steps. (2) An adolescent male feels a strong attraction to certain females. (3) A child feels anxious when he sees the doctor coming with a needle. (4) Long after learning how to multiply, a girl realizes on her own that another way to multiply by 5 is to divided by 2 and multiply by 10(e.g. 428×5 can by figured as follows:428/2=214 ×10=2140)
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当代大学生生长在中国社会由计划经济向市场经济、从封闭社会向开放社会、从伦理社 会向法制社会转换的过程中,生活在全球化趋向日益强烈、知识经济的发展日益迅猛、多元 文化日益交融的时代,亲身感受到了先进与落后的碰撞、文明与愚昧的冲突、现代与传统的 矛盾,感受到了人们生活节奏的加快,竞争压力的加大,面对自主择业分配制度,心理负荷 越来越重;
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