实验证明系统从状态4变化到状态B,可以 采用做功和传热的方法,不管经过什么过程,只 要始末状态确定,做功和传热之和保持不变 Experiments prove: The system changes from state A state B, can be used to working heat transporting, regardless of the the path or processes that the system goes throgh between the given initial state the final state, the total of working heat transporting remain unchanged
11.1 Fundamental Property Relation 11.2 The chemical Potential and Phase Equilibrium 11.3 Partial Properties 11.4 Ideal-Gas Mixture 11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species 11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Species in Solution 11.7 Generalized Correlations for the Fugacity Coefficient 11.8 The Ideal Solution 11.9 Excess Properties