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 系统基本配置 hostnamectl timedatectl localctl  查看系统信息 who id uname date ip addr dmidecode lspci  用户权限管理 groupadd groupmod groupdel useradd passwd usermod userdel  chmod chown chgrp umask  文件目录操作 cd mkdir touch file mv cp rm rmdir find whereis which ln  文本处理操作 ls cat more less head tail grep sort uniq sed vi wc diff awk paste  磁盘存储管理 zip gzip bzip2 tar fdisk df du mkfs mdadm mount umount  网络接口管理 nmcli nmtui bond  其他操作命令 man help echo export history clear
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文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.23MB 文档页数:26
• Define cloud services, including types and service models • How to define cloud service requirements and identify appropriate services • Survey cloud-based security capabilities and offerings • Discuss cloud storage encryption considerations • Protection of cloud-based applications and infrastructures • Explain the major federated identity management standards and how they differ
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.14MB 文档页数:24
• Attacks against browsers • Fake and malicious websites • Attacks targeting sensitive data • Injection attacks • Spam • Phishing attacks
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:660.25KB 文档页数:28
• Learn basic terms and primitives of cryptography • Deep dive into how symmetric encryption algorithms work • Study the RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm • Compare message digest algorithms • Explain the math behind digital signatures • Learn the concepts behind quantum cryptography
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:3.99MB 文档页数:65
• Networking basics • Network threats and vulnerabilities • WiFi security • Denial-of-service attacks • Network encryption concepts and tools • Types of firewalls and what they do • Intrusion detection and prevention systems • Security information and event management tools
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:427.22KB 文档页数:19
• Basic database terminology and concepts • Security requirements for databases • Implementing access controls in databases • Protecting sensitive data • Data mining and big data
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