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第一节慢性支气管炎 第二节肺炎 第三节风湿病 第四节感染性心内膜炎 第五节慢性胃炎 第六节阑尾炎 第七节肾小球肾炎 第八节肾盂肾炎 第九节慢性子宫颈炎 第十节传染病和寄生虫病
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第一节呼吸系统常见肿瘤 第二节消化系统常见肿瘤 第三节泌尿系统常见肿瘤 第四节生殖系统常见肿瘤
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第一节肿瘤的概念与特性 第二节肿瘤的命名与分类 第三节癌前病变与早期癌 第四节肿瘤的病因与发病机制
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第一节炎症的原因 第二节炎症局部病理变化 第三节局部表现与全身反应 第四节炎症的类型 第五节影响炎症过程的因素
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1-1潮汐和潮汐能 一、什么叫海洋能?它包括哪些能? 二、海洋能的分类? 三、海洋能的特点是什么? 四、中国的海洋能资源情况 五、何为潮汐?潮汐能的定义? 六、潮汐能的分类
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Related Information Declaration of Independence The statement made by the 13 colonies on July 4th, 1776, during the War of American Independence, announcing their separation from Britain, and founding the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence was written mostly by Thomas Jefferson
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Related Information 1. 1. Opinion polls A survey of porential voters to determine their mood and attempt to determine the outcome of the election. Opinion polls started to play a part in American polities in the 1930s when the Gallup poll predicted the election of President Roosevelt in 1936
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Related Information Rock music emerged during the mid- 1950s to become the major popular musical form of young audience in the United States and Western Europe. Its stylistic scope is too broad to be encompassed by any single definition; the only feature common to all rock music is a heavy emphasis on the beat
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L Translation(30%) PartI(10%) 1. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price-list for bicycles? We are interested in bicycles for both man and woman, and also for children. We are the leading bicycle dealers in the city, where cycling is popular, and have branches in five neighboring districts. If the qual ity of your bicycles is satisfactory and the prices are reasonable, we will place regular orders for fairly large numbers 2. Multimedia software is used for electronic publishing and electronic games and in employee training programs, The term multimedia is also used to describe home entertainment systems and other
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Part L Reading comprehension (40% Directions: There are some tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed Task 1 (10%) Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked a)
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