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7.1 Basic physical quantities 7.2 Mechanics properties of rubber elasticity Griffith Theory 7.3 Fracture Mechanics of Brittle Materials Stress, strain, modulus Theory of rubber elasticity 7.4 Fracture properties of polymer in glassy and crystalline state
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6.1 Polymer Melts and Glasses 6.2 Crystalline States of Polymers 6.3 Oriented States of Polymers 6.2.1 Chain Conformations in Crystals 6.2.2 Basic Morphology of Polymer Crystals 6.2.3 Polymer Crystallization ModelsǃThermodynamicsǃKinetics 6.4 Liquid Crystalline Polymers
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5.1 Molecular motions of polymers 5.3 Glass transition of polymers 5.2 Viscous flow of polymers
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西北工业大学:电子商务_第9章 电子结算系统
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第一节 概述 第二节 化学信息处理 第三节 生物信息处理 第四节 虚拟筛选(virtual screening)
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复旦大学:《药物设计学》课程教学资源(电子课件)第三章 基于性质的药物设计 Properties Based Drug Design
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复旦大学:《药物设计学》课程教学资源(电子课件)第二章 基于靶点的药物设计 Target Based Drug Design
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复旦大学:《药物设计学》课程教学资源(电子课件)第一章 基于筛选途径的药物发现 Screening Based Drug Discovery
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