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目录 第一章绪论… 第一节社会学产生的历史背景…… 第二节从社会哲学到社会学的转变会学产生的理论前提………… 第二章孔德的实证主义社会学… 第一节生平与著述… 第二节科学分类和社会学… 第三节社会静力学和社会动力学……… 第四节社会学的研究方法…… 第五节关于社会改建的实证主义思想 第三章斯宾塞的社会有机论………
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一、西方社会学的历史与现状 二、马克思主义社会学 三、社会学中国化与社会运行
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Enlightenment A European cultural movement that reached its height in the 18th century but which still resonates today. Enlightenment theories about economics and philosophy still widely held today, have provided the basis for numerous critiques from numerous critics
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Key concepts of Scotch School Nature of Reason and Evolutionary Reason Unintended Consequences of Action Origin of Justice: from Feeling not from Reason Evolutionary Process of Behavior Norms System
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Key Lectures 1) Social Thoughts of Ancient Greece 2)Cosmopolitanism of Mediterranean Empire: Hellenic Social Thoughts 3)Social Thoughts in Roman Law 4) Christian Social Philosophy in the Middle Ages
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Content Decline of Roman Empire and the rise of Christianity Saint Augustine: City of God Saint Thomas Aquinas: God and Human Being Conflict between church and king Church and Medieval Feudalism
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Key points Roman Empire and Western Civilization Caesar and concept of western civilization Roma and greece Roman civilization: architecture, politic and law achievements Roman law three original elements; Greek philosophy, roman law and hebraic ethics
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