《商务英语》课程考试大纲 为做好商务管理专业与金融管理专业(专科)《商务英语》课程(课程代码00796)上 海市统一命题工作,特制订本大纲 课程性质和考试目标 课程性质 《商务英语》课程是高等教育自学考试商务管理专业与金融管理专业(专科)开设的- 门专业课程,通过对学生进行商务英语学习听、说、读、写四方面全能的训练,使学生 熟悉国际商务运作及公司内部运作的基本程序,了解商务英语的基本词汇,并能用英语 进行简单的商务交流 考试目标 通过学习本课程,要求考生熟悉掌握以下沟通技能: (1)个人信息:问候及回应问候 (2)问询或是给出个人信息(姓名、职业等):问询和描述工作及职责 (3)问询和描述公司及其组织结构和产品;填写关于个人和公司信息的表格 4)理解和撰写关于个人信息的信函:理解和撰写简单的简历,理解推荐信; (5)办公室,工作环境和日常工作 (6)安排和再安排约会及会议 (刀)做计划和任务安排;确认或改变计划 (8)处理问题,投诉或道歉;寻求解决方法 (9)预测和描述未来可能性 (10)理解会议记录;理解办公室文件(报告,信函,备忘录等) (11)客户招待,休闲时光 (12)商务旅行 二、考试内容(各章节的重点内容) Unit 1 Introductions and greetings Introduce yourself and others Identify yourself and others Ask and say where people are fre Unit 2 Occupations Ask for and give personal and job-related information Answer/get through on the phone Say letters and spell Unit 3 Companies Ask for and give information on companies and products Lay out a business letter Unit 4 The place of work Ask for and give directions Talk about departments Give and take telephone messages Unit 6 Day-to-day work Describe work activities Ask for and give information on working routines (times and conditions)
1 《商务英语》课程考试大纲 为做好商务管理专业与金融管理专业(专科)《商务英语》课程(课程代码 00796)上 海市统一命题工作,特制订本大纲。 一、课程性质和考试目标 1. 课程性质 《商务英语》课程是高等教育自学考试商务管理专业与金融管理专业(专科)开设的一 门专业课程,通过对学生进行商务英语学习听、说、读、写四方面全能的训练,使学生 熟悉国际商务运作及公司内部运作的基本程序,了解商务英语的基本词汇,并能用英语 进行简单的商务交流。 2. 考试目标 通过学习本课程,要求考生熟悉掌握以下沟通技能: (1) 个人信息;问候及回应问候; (2) 问询或是给出个人信息(姓名、职业等);问询和描述工作及职责; (3) 问询和描述公司及其组织结构和产品;填写关于个人和公司信息的表格; (4) 理解和撰写关于个人信息的信函;理解和撰写简单的简历,理解推荐信; (5) 办公室,工作环境和日常工作; (6) 安排和再安排约会及会议; (7) 做计划和任务安排;确认或改变计划; (8) 处理问题,投诉或道歉;寻求解决方法; (9) 预测和描述未来可能性; (10)理解会议记录;理解办公室文件(报告,信函,备忘录等); (11)客户招待,休闲时光; (12) 商务旅行 二、 考试内容(各章节的重点内容) Unit 1 Introductions and greetings Introduce yourself and others; Identify yourself and others Ask and say where people are from Unit 2 Occupations Ask for and give personal and job-related information Answer/get through on the phone Say letters and spell Unit 3 Companies Ask for and give information on companies and products Say large numbers Lay out a business letter Unit 4 The place of work Ask for and give directions Talk about departments Give and take telephone messages Unit 6 Day-to-day work Describe work activities Ask for and give information on working routines (times and conditions)
Express likes and dislikes Unit 7 The working environment ake and respond to requests xpress obligation Give advice Make plans and arrangements Make appointments Unit 9 Visits and travel Book a hotel room Welcome visitors and make small talk Describe business events Write a letter requesting informatio Unit 11 Work history Express attitudes and feelings Describe career and experier Unit 12 Fairs and sales Book accommodation Give and take an order Describe and compare goods and products Describe conditions of sale Make suggestions and compare choices Unit 14 Entertaining Use social skills and cultural awareness in business and entertaining guest Make and accept or decline invitations Take a business associate to dinner Unit 16 Firms and factories Show visitors around a company or factory Warn visitors of dangers while in factories Describe recent events in a company Unit 17 Problems, problems Deal with problems and clients Unit 18 Future trends Express predictions of future trends Express degrees of certainty Unit 19 Enjoying a business trip Explain leisure and entertainment possibilities to a visitor Thank people 三、考试命题原则 本课程是商务管理与金融管理(专科)的一门专业课程。以《剑桥商务英语教程》
2 Express likes and dislikes Unit 7 The working environment Make and respond to requests Express obligation Give advice Unit 8 Plans Make plans and arrangements Make appointments Unit 9 Visits and travel Book a hotel room Welcome visitors and make small talk Describe business events Write a letter requesting information Unit 11 Work history Express attitudes and feelings Describe career and experience Unit 12 Fairs and sales Book accommodation Describe products Give and take an order Unit 13 Product description Describe and compare goods and products Describe conditions of sale Make suggestions and compare choices Unit 14 Entertaining Use social skills and cultural awareness in business and entertaining guests Make and accept or decline invitations Take a business associate to dinner Unit 16 Firms and factories Show visitors around a company or factory Warn visitors of dangers while in factories Describe recent events in a company Unit 17 Problems, problems Deal with problems and clients Complain and apologize Unit 18 Future trends Express predictions of future trends Express degrees of certainty Unit 19 Enjoying a business trip Explain leisure and entertainment possibilities to a visitor Make offers Thank people 三、 考试命题原则 本课程是商务管理与金融管理(专科)的一门专业课程。以《剑桥商务英语教程》
(剑桥大学考试委员会推荐BEC1考试用书, Sarah Jones-Macziola and Greg White,2012年6 月第四版)教材内容为命题范围 四、考试形式与试卷结构 (一)考试形式 《商务英语》课程的考试形式为闭卷考试方式、考试时间为60分钟,评分采用百 分制,60分为及格分 (二)考试内容结构 试卷内容覆盖教材各章节。 (三)试卷能力结构 能力考核分为“识记”“领会”和“应用”三个层次,考核不同能力层次的试题在 试卷中的分数比例为:“识记”占30%左右,“领会”占45%左右、“应用”占25%左右 (四)试卷的难度结构 试题难度分为“容易”、“中等偏易”、“中等偏难”和“难”四个层次,不同难度的 试题在试卷中的分数比例为:“容易”占20%左右、“中等偏易”占35%左右、“中等偏 难”占30%左右、“难”占15%左右 (五)试卷的题型结构 本课程考试采用的题型为单项选择题。 五、考试样卷
3 (剑桥大学考试委员会推荐 BEC1 考试用书, Sarah Jones-Macziola and Greg White, 2012 年 6 月第四版)教材内容为命题范围。 四、 考试形式与试卷结构 (一) 考试形式 《商务英语》课程的考试形式为闭卷考试方式、考试时间为 60 分钟,评分采用百 分制,60 分为及格分。 (二) 考试内容结构 试卷内容覆盖教材各章节。 (三) 试卷能力结构 能力考核分为“识记”、“领会”和“应用”三个层次,考核不同能力层次的试题在 试卷中的分数比例为:“识记”占 30%左右,“领会”占 45%左右、“应用”占 25%左右。 (四) 试卷的难度结构 试题难度分为“容易”、“中等偏易”、“中等偏难”和“难”四个层次,不同难度的 试题在试卷中的分数比例为:“容易”占 20%左右、“中等偏易”占 35%左右、“中等偏 难”占 30%左右、“难”占 15%左右 (五) 试卷的题型结构 本课程考试采用的题型为单项选择题。 五、 考试样卷