同学们,你们读过这本书吗? 谁能说说这本书的大概内容? 尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记 Niersi Qie Luxing Ji
同学们,你们读过这本书吗? 谁能说说这本书的大概内容?
个不爱学习、喜欢搞恶作剧的顽皮孩 子尼尔斯,被小妖精用魔法变成了一个小人。 他骑在他家的大白鹅背上,进行了一次神奇 而又魔幻的长途旅行。你想知道尼尔斯经历 了哪些有趣而又不可思议的事情吗?让我们 走进课文,同他一起去历险吧
一个不爱学习、喜欢搞恶作剧的顽皮孩 子尼尔斯,被小妖精用魔法变成了一个小人。 他骑在他家的大白鹅背上,进行了一次神奇 而又魔幻的长途旅行。你想知道尼尔斯经历 了哪些有趣而又不可思议的事情吗?让我们 走进课文,同他一起去历险吧! 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright
语文六年级下册 6骑鹅旅行记 (节选)
语文 六年级 下册 6 骑鹅旅行记 (节选)
塞尔玛·拉格洛芙,瑞典女作家, 1909年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。《尼尔 斯骑鹅旅行记》是其代表作,也是 31部与《王尔德童话》和《安徒生童话》 齐名、享誉世界的儿童小说
塞尔玛·拉格洛芙,瑞典女作家, 1909年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。《尼尔 斯骑鹅旅行记》是其代表作,也是一 部与《王尔德童话》和《安徒生童话》 齐名、享誉世界的儿童小说。 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright
邀朗误课文扫消得8 词语解释 无济于事:对事情没有什 么帮助或益处。文中指男 孩光站在那没有什么用处。 在法律面前,一切头衔都 无济于事
无济于事:对事情没有什 么帮助或益处。文中指男 孩光站在那没有什么用处。 在法律面前,一切头衔都 无济于事。 词语解释 朗读课文 扫清障碍 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright
乌合之众:像暂时聚合的一 群乌鸦。比喻临时杂凑的、 毫无组织纪律的一群人。本瓤 课指男孩骂那些鸡。 这些土匪是一群乌合之众, 不堪一击
这些土匪是一群乌合之众, 不堪一击。 乌合之众:像暂时聚合的一 群乌鸦。比喻临时杂凑的、 毫无组织纪律的一群人。本 课指男孩骂那些鸡。 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright. 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright
得意扬扬:形容非常得意的 样子。本课指猫得意地念经。 瞧他俩得意扬扬的样子,也 不知遇到了什么高兴的事。、4
瞧他俩得意扬扬的样子,也 不知遇到了什么高兴的事。 得意扬扬:形容非常得意的 样子。本课指猫得意地念经。 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright
垂头丧气:神情沮丧。形容因 失败或不顺利而情绪低落、萎 蘼不振的样子。本课指男孩情 绪低落地从牛棚里走出来。 朋友是在你垂头丧气时安慰 你的人,朋友是借给你肩膀 痛哭的人
朋友是在你垂头丧气时安慰 你的人,朋友是借给你肩膀 痛哭的人。 垂头丧气:神情沮丧。形容因 失败或不顺利而情绪低落、萎 蘼不振的样子。本课指男孩情 绪低落地从牛棚里走出来。 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright
示弱:表示自己软弱,不敢同对方较量。 跃跃欲试:跃跃,急于要行动的样子;欲,要。 形容急切地想试试。 九牛二虎之力:九头牛与两只虎的力气的相加。 形容很大的力量
示弱:表示自己软弱,不敢同对方较量。 跃跃欲试:跃跃,急于要行动的样子;欲,要。 形容急切地想试试。 九牛二虎之力:九头牛与两只虎的力气的相加。 形容很大的力量。 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright
急整体感知 自由读课文,说一说男孩都欺负过哪些动物? 题 小精灵、鸡鹅、大黑猫和母牛们
自由读课文,说一说男孩都欺负过哪些动物? 小精灵、鸡鹅、大黑猫和母牛们。 整体感知 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. .除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or apreciation, and other non-commercial ornon-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shal not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obliges. In adition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, writen permission and remuneration shal be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant oblige. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shal not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright