第七章食品的热物性 Calorimetry DLTMA TMA Dilatometry TG.DTA-TG.DSC TGA DTA
第七章 食品的热物性
量热法 Thermal analysis is made up of various techniques for studying the thermal behaviour of materials.When a material is heated or cooled its structure and chemical composition undergo changes fusion,melting,crystallization, oxidation,decomposition,reaction,transition, expansion,sintering To measure these various transformations the variation in different parameters is followed up as a function of the temperature
量热法 n Thermal analysis is made up of various techniques for studying the thermal behaviour of materials. When a material is heated or cooled its structure and chemical composition undergo changes : fusion, melting, crystallization, oxidation, decomposition, reaction, transition, expansion, sintering ... To measure these various transformations the variation in different parameters is followed up as a function of the temperature
DSC DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETRY (DSC) Differential scanning calorimetry is a technique determining the variation in the heat flow given out or taken in by a sample when it undergoes temperature scanning in a controlled atmosphere With heating or cooling any transformation taking place in a material is accompanied by a exchange of heat DSC enables the temperature of this transformation to be determined and the heat from it to be quantified
DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETRY (DSC) n Differential scanning calorimetry is a technique determining the variation in the heat flow given out or taken in by a sample when it undergoes temperature scanning in a controlled atmosphere. With heating or cooling any transformation taking place in a material is accompanied by a exchange of heat ; DSC enables the temperature of this transformation to be determined and the heat from it to be quantified
DSC reference sample DSC 121 heater thermosensor 巍dib鱼tle chamber
Glass transition Tg° Tgm ge Melting Crystallization TEMPERATURE
DSC exo +ve In the absence of any EX EX discrete physical or chemical transformations, 0 the baseline signal,as at B s B above,is related to the B heat capacity of the EN sample. temperature→
DSC In the absence of any discrete physical or chemical transformations, the baseline signal, as at B above, is related to the heat capacity of the sample
DSC empty pan D(sample) Tr sample D(sapphire) sapphire T time D(sample) Cp (sample)x mass of sample = D(sapphire) Cp (sapphire)x mass of sapphire
Liquid s Wat爸vapor Solid P M D Tbw Crystal A Collapse Solution Stickiness Rubber H Ice+Solution B Softening zoeN Tu Reaction zone Entangle且cw I Ice+Solution+Solute Ice+Rubber+Solute g G Ice-GTass FSolute Glass Q Ice+Glass+Solute R 0 Solute Mass Fraction
20 ARRHENIUS 15 GLASS S10 骂 RUBBER WLF 5 0 FLUID ARRHENIUS Tm Tg -5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Tm/T
DSC DSC应用示例 a b <-MOId IBaH IeuLatoxg e g 1 Wig -100 -50 0 50100 Temperature (C) Fig.4.Thermograms of freeze-dried tomato at high moisture con- tents,Xw:(a)0.5253;(b)0.5967;(c)0.6463;(d0.7427;(e)0.7913;(fD 0.8969;(g)fresh tomato osmotically treated,Xw=0.9097