Translation Theories and practice Liu Yangmin
Translation Theories and Practice Liu Yangmin
Introduction 1. What are we going to deal with? 2. Contents 3. Requirements 4. Examination 5. Textbook
Introduction 1. What are we going to deal with? 2. Contents 3. Requirements 4. Examination 5. Textbook
1. What are we going to deal with? 关 Translation theories TRanslation techniques Practice aPpreciation
1.What are we going to deal with? Translation theories Translation techniques Practice Appreciation
2. Contents Introduction: definition, criteria of translation Procedure of translation Translation techniques: annotation and paraphrase Amplification and omission, shift and adaptation Translation of idioms and proverbs Translation of proper names Translation of figurative speech Translation of sentences. division and combination Specification and abstraction Translation of passive voice Translation of attributive clause
2.Contents Introduction: definition, criteria of translation Procedure of translation Translation techniques: annotation and paraphrase Amplification and omission, shift and adaptation Translation of idioms and proverbs Translation of proper names Translation of figurative speech Translation of sentences: division and combination Specification and abstraction Translation of passive voice Translation of attributive clause
Translation of adverbial clauses Translation of long sentences Translation of paragraphs and texts Dealing with translation of different styles Translation of literary works Contradictions in translation Review and final exam
Translation of adverbial clauses Translation of long sentences Translation of paragraphs and texts Dealing with translation of different styles Translation of literary works Contradictions in translation Review and final exam
3. Requirement 8- Regular attendance 8 Translation practice (assignment, every other time)
3.Requirement: Regular attendance Translation practice (assignment, every other time)
4 Examination g Attendance 10%o 8- Assignment 20%o 8 Final exam 70%o
4.Examination: Attendance 10% Assignment 20% Final exam 70%
5.Textbook 新编大学英译汉教程 华先发、邵毅编 上海外语教育出版社20047
5.Textbook: 新编大学英译汉教程 华先发、邵毅 编 上海外语教育出版社 2004.7