Marketing research 6M:100 Research Requirement Marketing research Definition and uses Marketing Research Process
Marketing Research 6M:100 Research Requirement Marketing Research: Definition and Uses Marketing Research Process
Marketing research
Marketing Research
Uses of Marketing Research
Uses of Marketing Research
Uses of marketing research in marketing decision Tahle Questions Marketing Research Slide Can Help Answer Questions about Markets Buyers Demand Channels What kinds of people buy Is demand for our Do channels of distribution for our products? products increasing or our products need chang ing? decreasing Questions about Marketing Mix Product Pricing Placement Promotion Which product What price should Where, and by How much should design is likely to be we charge for our whom, should our we spend on most successful? new products? products be sold? promotion? Questions about Performance Market Share Customer Satisfaction Reputation What is our market share Are customers satisfied How does the public perceive overall? with our products? our organization? Irwin/McGraw-Hill 9 The McGrawHill Companies, InC, 1998
Uses of Marketing Research in marketing decision support systems Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Questions Marketing Research Can Help Answer Slide 5-1 Table 5.1 Questions about Markets What kinds of people buy our products? Is demand for our products increasing or decreasing? Do channels of distribution for our products need changing? Buyers Demand Channels Questions about Marketing Mix Product Pricing Placement Promotion Which product design is likely to be most successful? What price should we charge for our new products? Where, and by whom, should our products be sold? How much should we spend on promotion? Questions about Performance What is our market share overall? How does the public perceive our organization? Market Share Customer Satisfaction Reputation Are customers satisfied with our products?
Step 1: Formulate the Problem Good problem definition: helps avoid collecting information that is superfluous to project helps you collect enough information to adequately analyze the problem allows you to write a detailed report that resolve issues help you allocate correct amount
Step 1: Formulate the Problem Good problem definition: – helps avoid collecting information that is superfluous to project – helps you collect enough information to adequately analyze the problem – allows you to write a detailed report that resolve issues – help you allocate correct amount of resources
Step 2: Plan a Research Design Exploratory Research: research that seeks to discover ideas and insights and to generate hypotheses Descriptive research: research that studies how often something occurs or what if any relationship exists between two variables Causal research
Step 2: Plan a Research Design Exploratory Research: research that seeks to discover ideas and insights and to generate hypotheses Descriptive Research: research that studies how often something occurs, or what if any relationship exists between two variables Causal Research:
Exploratory research Example Focus group research on nutritional information usage groups of 6-10 primary food shoppers Met to discuss grocery shopping
Exploratory Research Example Focus group research on nutritional information usage groups of 6-10 primary food shoppers Met to discuss grocery shopping
Descriptive research Example
Descriptive Research Example
Describe the shopper who made this grocery list (1950s): 工立st#1 工立s七#2 1 Ib hamburger 1 Ib hamburger 2 loaves wonder 2 loaves wonder Bread Bread Carrots Carrots Rumford′ s Baking Rumford' s baking Powder Powder Nescafe Instant 1 Maxwell Coffee House coffee 2 cans de l monte (drip grind) Peaches 2 cans del Monte 5 bs Potatoes Peaches 5 lbs Potatoes
Causal Research Example: Describe the shopper who made this grocery list (1950’s): 1 lb hamburger 2 loaves Wonder Bread Carrots Rumford’s Baking Powder Nescafe Instant Coffee 2 cans Del Monte Peaches 5 lbs Potatoes 1 lb hamburger 2 loaves Wonder Bread Carrots Rumford’s Baking Powder 1 lb Maxwell House Coffee (drip grind) 2 cans Del Monte Peaches 5 lbs Potatoes List # 1 List # 2
Maybe we can use Secondary Data l Primary data: original Secondary data: research facts and undertaken by figures that firm/research have already company for been collected project at hand for another purpose
Maybe we can use Secondary Data!! Primary data: original research undertaken by firm/research company for project at hand Secondary data: facts and figures that have already been collected for another purpose