Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning Analyze Customer Product Relationship Investigate Segmentation Bases Develop product Positioning Select segmentation Strategy IrwinMcGraw-Hill o The McGraw-Hill Commpanies, Inc, 1998
Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning Slide 8-9 Figure 8.5 Analyze Customer Product Relationship Investigate Segmentation Bases Develop Product Positioning Select Segmentation Strategy
Market segmentation process of dividing a market into groups of potential buyers who have similar needs and wants, value perceptions, or purchasing behaviors
Market Segmentation process of dividing a market into groups of potential buyers who have similar needs and wants, value perceptions, or purchasing behaviors
Mass Marketing, Segment Marketing, Individual Marketing
Mass Marketing, Segment Marketing, Individual Marketing
Analyze-Customer Product Relationships Identify prospects: people or organizations that are potential customers Eliminate non-prospects
Analyze-Customer Product Relationships Identify prospects: people or organizations that are potential customers Eliminate non-prospects
Investigate segmentation Bases
Investigate Segmentation Bases
Demographic Segmentation Ethnic background Age Gender Income
Demographic Segmentation Ethnic Background Age Gender Income
Geographic Segmentation include neighborhoods, towns, cities counties. states or countries people within various boundaries may Share common income levels cultures climates values Example: laundry detergent
Geographic Segmentation include neighborhoods, towns, cities, counties, states or countries people within various boundaries may share – common income levels – cultures – climates – values Example: laundry detergent
Geodemographic Segmentation Clusters neighborhoods into lifestyle categories Combines geographic demographic segmentation PRIZM. Claritas
Clusters neighborhoods into lifestyle categories Combines geographic & demographic segmentation PRIZM, Claritas Geodemographic Segmentation
Psychological: Psychographic Segmentation Activities Interests Opinions
Activities Interests Opinions Psychological: Psychographic Segmentation
VALS2 Lifestyle Categories gure Consumer markets Resources Abund ant Actualizers Fulfilleds ) Achievers ( Experiencers Believers Strivers Makers Strugglers Minimal Princip al Status Action Self-Orien tation Oriented Oriented Oriented InwwinyMcGraw-Hill o The MoGraw-Hill Commpanies, Inc, 1998
Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 VALS2 Lifestyle Categories - Consumer Markets Slide 8-7 Figure 8.2 Resources Abundant Principal Self-Orientation Oriented Status Oriented Action Oriented Minimal Fulfilleds Achievers Experiencers Believers Strivers Makers Strugglers Actualizers