Concept ■Insects pests of stored products are tne pests that live in storehouse、factory and others'places and disserve various storages of animals and plants or 仓库 storehouse、pack equipment and transport tools、 facility
◼ Concept ◼ Insects pests of stored products are tne pests that live in storehouse 、factory and others’ places and disserve various storages of animals and plants or storehouse 、pack equipment and transport tools、 facility
Beetles: Sitophilus zeamais Motsvhulsky玉米象 Callosobruchus chinensis L.绿豆象 Bruchus pisorum(L.)豌豆象 Bruchus rufimanus Boherman蚕豆象 ■Moths: Sitotroga cereallela(Olivier)麦蛾 Acarid螨类
◼ Beetles: Sitophilus zeamais Motsvhulsky 玉米象 Callosobruchus chinensis L.绿豆象 Bruchus pisorum(L.) 豌豆象 Bruchus rufimanus Boherman蚕豆象 ◼ Moths: Sitotroga cereallela (Olivier)麦蛾 ◼ Acarid 螨类
绿豆象 螨 麦蛾 麦蛾
麦蛾 麦蛾 绿豆象 螨
THE COMMON BIOLOGY CHARACTERISTIC OF INSECT PESTS OF STORED PRODUCTS 1:The primary group of insect pests of stored grain and the happing characteristics There are 600 varieties insect pests of stored products in whole world in existence
THE COMMON BIOLOGY CHARACTERISTIC OF INSECT PESTS OF STORED PRODUCTS ◼ 1: The primary group of insect pests of stored grain and the happing characteristics ◼ There are 600 varieties insect pests of stored products in whole world in existence
The familiar important insect pests of stored grain account for 30 species. The familiar insects pests of stored products are divided into three kinds by Categorizing position: beetles;moths;mites
◼ The familiar important insect pests of stored grain account for 30 species. ◼ The familiar insects pests of stored products are divided into three kinds by Categorizing position: ◼ beetles;moths;mites
The eating behaviour of insects pests of stored The eating behaviour of insects pests of stored is very complex.Some of them is polyphagous,others eat few various food,parts of polyphagous insects take many kinds of animals and plants'products
◼ The eating behaviour of insects pests of stored is very complex. Some of them is polyphagous, others eat few various food, parts of polyphagous insects take many kinds of animals’ and plants’ products. The eating behaviour of insects pests of stored
2:The spreading paths of insect pests of stored grain and the modes of endangering (1).The spreading paths natural dispersion自然传播 artificial dispersion人为传播
2: The spreading paths of insect pests of stored grain and the modes of endangering ◼ (1). The spreading paths ◼ natural dispersion 自然传播 ◼ artificial dispersion 人为传播
(2).The modes of endangering According to the full of grain seed ,the insect pests of stored products are divided ■Primary pests初期性害虫 "Secondary pests后期性害虫 ■Tungus feeders中间性害虫
◼ (2).The modes of endangering ◼ According to the full of grain seed ,the insect pests of stored products are divided ◼ Primary pests 初期性害虫 ◼ Secondary pests 后期性害虫 ◼ Tungus feeders 中间性害虫
According to directing modes of eating ,the insect pests of stored products are divided Borers蛀食类 ■Peeler剥食类 ■Embezzler侵食类 Nebbing-feeder缀 食类
According to directing modes of eating ,the insect pests of stored products are divided ◼ Borers 蛀食类 ◼ Peeler 剥食类 ◼ Embezzler 侵食类 ◼ Webbing-feeder 缀 食类
According to the endangering situation the insect pests of stored products are divided ■moth蛾类 ■Beetle甲虫类 ■Acarid螨类
According to the endangering situation , the insect pests of stored products are divided ◼ moth 蛾类 ◼ Beetle 甲虫类 ◼ Acarid 螨类