Mass communication Course tutor: \and 驰加 Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 1 Mass communication Course tutor: Wang Ke
What is communication Definition of communication Levels of communication Mass communication Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 2 What is communication ◼ Definition of communication ◼ Levels of communication ◼ Mass communication
Defining mass communication See p 13 Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 3 Defining mass communication ◼ See p.13
Communication science and the study of mass communication Concerns of communication theory and research Who communicates to whom(sources and rece/vers Why communicate(functions and purposes) How does communication take place? channels languages, codes What about ?(content, references, types of information What are the outcomes of communication intended or unintended), for information, understandings, action? Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 4 Communication science and the study of mass communication ◼ Concerns of communication theory and research ✓ Who communicates to whom (sources and receivers) ✓ Why communicate (functions and purposes) ✓ How does communication take place?( channels, languages, codes) ✓ What about ? ( content, references, types of information) ✓ What are the outcomes of communication( intended or unintended), for information, understandings, action?
Communication science and the study of mass communication The context of mass communications research Conventional research Critical and sociological research research Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass 5 communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 5 Communication science and the study of mass communication ◼ The context of mass communications research ◼ Conventional research ◼ Critical and sociological research research
Communication research and the stud of mass communication Origins of European and American communication research Prospects for conciliation and future research Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass 6 communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 6 Communication research and the study of mass communication ◼ Origins of European and American communication research ◼ Prospects for conciliation and future research
How to stud Required reading Further reading Formulate questions related to the field of communications Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 7 How to study ◼ Required reading ◼ Further reading ◼ Formulate questions related to the field of communications
What this means Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic Summarize key points you want your audience to remember Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass 8 communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 8 What This Means ◼ Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic ◼ Summarize key points you want your audience to remember
Next Steps Summarize any actions required of your audIence Summarize any follow up action items required of you Overview and mind map: What is 2021/2/19 communication and mass 9 communication about
2021/2/19 Overview and mind map: What is communication and mass communication about 9 Next Steps ◼ Summarize any actions required of your audience ◼ Summarize any follow up action items required of you