海纳百儿有容乃大 How to Do Interpreting Research? Ren Wen, Professor, PhD 如何做口译研究 任文(四川学外国语学院)
1 How to Do Interpreting Research? Ren Wen, Professor, PhD 如何做口译研究 任文(四川大学外国语学院)
海纨百儿有容乃大 I. Why do we do interpreting research? II. What is interpreting research? III. How can budding scholars attempt interpreting research? I Possible orientations for future researc h
2 I. Why do we do interpreting research? II. What is interpreting research? III. How can budding scholars attempt interpreting research? IV. Possible orientations for future research
海纨百儿有容乃大 I. Why do we do interpreting research?
3 I. Why do we do interpreting research?
海纨百儿有容乃大 1. 1 Pragmatic reasons 1.2 Academic reasons: contributing to disciplinary development(Daniel Gile, 2001: 2-3) 1.2.1 Empirical contribution 1.2.2 Conceptual/Theoretical contributions 1.2.3 Methodological contributions 4
4 1.1 Pragmatic reasons 1.2 Academic reasons: contributing to disciplinary development (Daniel Gile, 2001:2-3) : 1.2.1 Empirical contribution 1.2.2 Conceptual/Theoretical contributions 1.2.3 Methodological contributions
海纨百儿有容乃大 Empirical contributions desirable input speed for SI the interpreter's working memory span for CI without note-taking anticipation and adjustment strategies for SI the comfort zone of time lag in SI internship as a transition from interpreting students to interpreting professionals
5 Empirical contributions -- desirable input speed for SI -- the interpreter’s working memory span for CI without note-taking -- anticipation and adjustment strategies for SI -- the comfort zone of time lag in SI -- internship as a transition from interpreting students to interpreting professionals …
海纨百儿有容乃大 Information Units 7+2 principle 2003年6月29日∥,中华人民共和国商务部∥安民 /,部长∥代表中国政府/与香港特别行政区∥财政 司∥梁锦松司长∥共同签署了∥《内地与香港/关于 建立更紧密经贸关系的∥安排/)》,总体目标包括∥ 货物贸易和服务贸易的∥由化∥,以及贸易投资 便利化三个方面∥
6 Information Units • 7±2 principle 2003年6月29日//,中华人民共和国商务部//安民 //副部长//代表中国政府//与香港特别行政区//财政 司//梁锦松司长//共同签署了//《内地与香港//关于 建立更紧密经贸关系的//安排//》,总体目标包括// 货物贸易//和服务贸易的//自由化//,以及贸易投资 便利化三个方面//
海纨百儿有容乃大 Conceptual contributions Why is interpreting quality perception by participants highly variable? Why do the two primary parties tend to look at the interpreter when they are encouraged to look at each other and ignore the existence of the interpreter? Why do interpreters choose to gatekeep certain information even if they are required to al ways produce verbatim or close renditions?
7 Conceptual contributions -- Why is interpreting quality perception by participants highly variable? -- Why do the two primary parties tend to look at the interpreter when they are encouraged to look at each other and ignore the existence of the interpreter? -- Why do interpreters choose to gatekeep certain information even if they are required to always produce verbatim or close renditions?
海纨百儿有容乃大 Interpreters must relay accurately and completely all that is said by all parties in a meeting -including derogatory or vulgar remarks, non-verbal clues, and anything they know that is untrue; not alter, add or omit anything from the e assigned wor k AUSIT(Australian Institute of Translators and Interpreters 8
8 Interpreters must relay accurately and completely all that is said by all parties in a meeting – including derogatory or vulgar remarks, non-verbal clues, and anything they know that is untrue; not alter, add or omit anything from the assigned work. AUSIT (Australian Institute of Translators and Interpreters)
海纨百儿有容乃大 Methodological contributions new experimental designs new statistical procedures new models new measurement tools new analytical procedures new categorisation tools
9 Methodological contributions -- new experimental designs -- new statistical procedures -- new models -- new measurement tools -- new analytical procedures -- new categorisation tools
海纨百儿有容乃大 I. What is interpreting research? Research is a systematic approach to finding answers to questions Hatch and Farhady, 1982, p I
10 II. What is interpreting research? Research is a systematic approach to finding answers to questions. Hatch and Farhady, 1982, p.1