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陇东学院:《语言学导论 Linguistics An Introduction》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 3 Morphology(主讲:曹宁)


Chapter 3 Morphology Cao ning 2007 Longdong University

Chapter 3 Morphology Cao Ning 2007 Longdong University

Aims a To get a general idea of some features of word I To understand word-formation processes I To get a general idea of morphology and morphemes, I To understand morphological description

To get a general idea of some features of word; To understand word-formation processes To get a general idea of morphology and morphemes; To understand morphological description. Aims

Basic Theories of Morphology Morphology, as a branch of linguistics, is thus the study of the internal structure, forms and classes of words

Morphology, as a branch of linguistics, is thus the study of the internal structure, forms and classes of words. Basic Theories of Morphology

The study of structure or form and the features comprised in the form and structure of an organism or any of its parts, in which a definite behavioral approach is employed and a specific methodology is used. John warfield

The study of structure or form and the features comprised in the form and structure of an organism or any of its parts, in which a definite behavioral approach is employed and a specific methodology is used. —John Warfield

What is word? a Lexicon-----Vocanbulary----Word Lexicon in linguistics refers to vocabulary contrasted with grammar Vocabulary is the total number of words that makeup a language

What is Word? Lexicon-----Vocanbulary----Word Lexicon in linguistics refers to vocabulary contrasted with grammar. Vocabulary is the total number of words that make up a language

What is word? a. Word is the smallest meaningful unit in the language which can be used independently.(戚雨村 1999) b. Word is the unit that unifies the sound sense and grammar. It is the basic structural unit of a sentence. (陆国强,1983) c. Word is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native speakers whether it s expressed in spoken or written form.(胡壮麟)

a. Word is the smallest meaningful unit in the language which can be used independently. (戚雨村, 1999) b. Word is the unit that unifies the sound, sense and grammar. It is the basic structural unit of a sentence. (陆国强,1983) c. Word is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native speakers, whether it is expressed in spoken or written form. (胡壮麟) What is Word?

What is word? I Every word has a fixed sound form and a certain meaning. In other words, a word has two aspects: the external aspect(sound), the internal aspect (meaning). I A word is a unity of sound and meaning I a word is a fundamental structure unit of a sentence I The relation between the meaning of a word and its sound is arbitrary or conventional

What is Word? Every word has a fixed sound form and a certain meaning. In other words, a word has two aspects: the external aspect (sound), the internal aspect (meaning). A word is a unity of sound and meaning. A word is a fundamental structure unit of a sentence. The relation between the meaning of a word and its sound is arbitrary or conventional

What is word? I WORD is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native-speakers whether it s expressed in spoken or written form I This definition is perhaps, a bit vague as there are different criteria with regard to its identification and definition it follows that it is hard to define word in the scientific sense I Nevertheless it is agreed that three senses are involved in defining word

What is Word? WORD is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native-speakers, whether it is expressed in spoken or written form. This definition is, perhaps, a bit vague, as there are different criteria with regard to its identification and definition. It follows that it is hard to define “word” in the scientific sense. Nevertheless, it is agreed that three senses are involved in defining “word

Three senses of fordii I WORD may be seen as a cluster of sound segments or letters between two pauses or blanks. A physically definable unit) I WORD is the common factor underlying a set of forms, a unit of vocabulary a lexical item, or a lexeme. the common factor underlying a set of forms) I WORD is a comparably abstract unit to be set up to show how words work in the grammar of a language. ( a grammatical unit

Three Senses of “Word” WORD may be seen as a cluster of sound segments or letters between two pauses or blanks. (A physically definable unit) WORD is the common factor underlying a set of forms, a unit of vocabulary, a lexical item, or a lexeme.( the common factor underlying a set of forms) WORD is a comparably abstract unit to be set up to show how words work in the grammar of a language.( a grammatical unit)

ldentification of words 1 Stability Words are the most stable of all linguistics units that is the constituent parts of a complex word have potential for rearrangement. a Relative uninterruptibility By uninterruptibility, we mean new elements are not to be inserted a word even when there are several p arts

Identification of Words Stability Words are the most stable of all linguistics units, that is the constituent parts of a complex word have potential for rearrangement. Relative uninterruptibility By uninterruptibility, we mean new elements are not to be inserted a word even when there are several parts

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