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佛山科学技术学院:《动物生理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件,英文版)第1章 细胞生理 Cellular physiology

Seaction1 Structure of Cell Membrane and Membrane Transport Seaction2 Excitation and Excitability of Cell Seaction3 Propagation of Excitation in neuromuscular junction

Chapter2 Cellular physiology Centrioles Cell Membrane Ly5o烤ome Smooth E.R. Golgi Body Nucleus- Mitochondriono Rough E.R. Chloroplast Ribosome

Chapter2 Cellular physiology

Seaction1 Structure of Cell Membrane and Membrane Transport Seaction2 Excitation and Excitability of Cell Seaction3 Propagation of Excitation in neuromuscular junction

Seaction1 Structure of Cell Membrane and Membrane Transport Seaction2 Excitation and Excitability of Cell Seaction3 Propagation of Excitation in neuromuscular junction

Seaction1 Structure of Cell Membrane and Membrane Transport

Seaction1 Structure of Cell Membrane and Membrane Transport

1.Composition and structure of cell membrane Membrane

1. Composition and structure of cell membrane

1.1 structure of cell membrane fluid mosaic model(液态镶嵌模型) Carbohydrate chain Lipid proteins Protein carbohydrate Lipid bilayer

1.1 structure of cell membrane fluid mosaic model (液态镶嵌模型) Carbohydrate chain proteins Lipid bilayer Lipid Protein carbohydrate

1.1 structure of cell membrane fluid mosaic model(液态镶嵌模型 糖 YXP 亲水性 表面蛋白 基团 非雅慕水 性基团 膜外表面 磷脂 膜内表面 磷脂非极性区 毯通道蛋白 磷脂极性区 受体蛋面」 内在蛋白

1.1 structure of cell membrane fluid mosaic model (液态镶嵌模型)

Lipid bilayer Cholesterol Phospholipid Hydrophilic (亲水) Lipid bilayer Hydrophobic (疏水)

Lipid bilayer Hydrophilic (亲水) Hydrophobic (疏水)

phospholipid PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE CH2- CH的 CHOLINE CH2 0 0-P-0 PHOSPHATE 0 CH2-CH-CH2 GLYCEROL 0 C=0c=0 FATTY ACIDS Hydrophilic head Hydrophobic tails (a)Structural formula (b)Space-filling model (c)Phospholipid symbol 1000 Addcon Wesley Lopgman ine


protein Integral protein (整合蛋白) Peripheral protein ●●● a (外周蛋白)

protein Integral protein (整合蛋白) Peripheral protein (外周蛋白)

Functions of membrane protein Transport (a)A protein that spans the membrane may provide a hydrophilic channel across the membrane that is selective for a particular solute.(b)Some transport proteins hydrolyze ATP as an energy source to actively pump substances across the membrane. Signal transduction A membrane protein may have a binding site with a specific shape that fits the shape of a chemlcal messenger.such as a hormone.The oxternal messenger (signal)may cause a conformational change in the protein that relays the message to the inslde of the cell. Adhesion Some ghycoproteins attachtothe cytoskeleton and exdracellular matrix. Cell-cell recognition Some glycoproteins(proteins with short chains of sugars)serve as identification tags that are specifically recognized by other cells

Functions of membrane protein

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