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佛山科学技术学院:《动物生理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件,英文版)第4章 呼吸 Respiration

Section 1 The Process of Respiration and Respiratory Organs Section 2 Pulmonary Ventilation Section3 Gas Exchange and Transport Section 4 Regulation of respiratory movement

Chapter 5 Respiration Section 1 The Process of Respiration and Respiratory Organs Section 2 Pulmonary Ventilation Section3 Gas Exchange and Transport Section 4 Regulation of respiratory movement

Chapter 5 Respiration Section 1 The Process of Respiration and Respiratory Organs Section 2 Pulmonary Ventilation Section3 Gas Exchange and Transport Section 4 Regulation of respiratory movement

Section 1 The Process of Respiration and Respiratory Organs

Section 1 The Process of Respiration and Respiratory Organs

introduction The gas exchange process between organization and environment is named respiration co

CO2 CO2 O2 introduction The gas exchange process between organization and environment is named respiration

Process of respiration (1)External respiration:the 呼吸的3个连续过程: 血液橘环 exchange process of 02 2 and 1.外呼吸,包括呼 组织 吸器官的通气和呼吸 CO2 between lungs and 器官换气 environment and the exchange 2.气体的运输, process between lung and blood. 3.内呼吸,包括 血液与组织、细胞 间的气体交换。 (2)The transportation of 02 and CO2 by the blood (3)internal respiration:the exchange of 02 and CO2 between the blood and the tissue

Process of respiration (1) External respiration: the exchange process of O2 and CO2 between lungs and environment and the exchange process between lung and blood. (2) The transportation of O2 and CO2 by the blood (3) internal respiration: the exchange of O2 and CO2 between the blood and the tissue

Respiratory organs 人的呼吸系统乡 呼吸系统的主要生理 机能是气体交换即呼吸, 呼吸的全过程有四个互相 联系的环节:(1)外呼吸, 包括肺通气和肺换气; 肺 (2)气体在血液中的运输; (3)内呼吸: (4)细胞呼吸. 呼吸受神经调节和体 液调节。 胸膜腔

Respiratory organs

人類肺部空氯交换 咽 鼻 喉 支氣管 氣管 放大 @東吳大學版權所有

Alveolus(肺泡) place for gas exchange 肺泡上皮基膜 毛细血管基膜 间隙 肺泡上皮 毛细血管内皮 液体层 红 肺泡 细 毛细血管 胞

Alveolus (肺泡) place for gas exchange

Surface tension Tension of a liguid's surface.Due to the force of attraction between molecules 表面张力:在液气界面处 液体内部分子对液体表面 分子的作用合力,有将液 体表面分子拉向液体内部 的力,使液体表面有尽量 缩小的倾向

表面张力:在液气界面处, 液体内部分子对液体表面 分子的作用合力,有将液 体表面分子拉向液体内部 的力,使液体表面有尽量 缩小的倾向。 Surface tension Tension of a liquid’s surface. Due to the force of attraction between molecules

Alveolar surfactant(肺泡表面活性物质) Resource:Synthesised and secreted by II alveoli cells [型肺泡上皮 来源:肺泡Ⅱ型细胞分泌 巨嗜细胞 Complements:DPPC 肺泡腔 成分:二棕榈酰卵磷脂 肺泡壁 Physiology effect: 毛细血营 reduces surface tension 红细胞

Alveolar surfactant(肺泡表面活性物质) Resource:Synthesised and secreted by Ⅱ alveoli cells 来源:肺泡Ⅱ型细胞分泌 Complements:DPPC 成分:二棕榈酰卵磷脂 Physiology effect: reduces surface tension

临床 早产儿或新生 儿可因DPPC Normal lung 缺乏,发生肺 不张,造成呼 吸窘迫综合征, 导致死亡 Collapsed lung

早产儿或新生 儿可因DPPC 缺乏,发生肺 不张,造成呼 吸窘迫综合征, 导致死亡 临 床

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