Chapter 8 Network Management Computer Networking A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet The power point slides are based on the 2nd edition Jim Kurose, Keith Ros material provided by Addison-Wesley, Juf J F Kurose and K W ross 2002 Network Management 8-1
Network Management 8-1 Chapter 8 Network Management Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 2nd edition. Jim Kurose, Keith Ross Addison-Wesley, July 2002. The PowerPoint Slides are based on the material provided by J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross
Chapter 8: Network Management Chapter goals: D introduction to network management o motivation o ma ior components g Internet network management framework O MIB: management information base O SMI: data definition language O SNMP: protocol for network management o security and administration o presentation services: ASN. 1 Network Management 8-2
Network Management 8-2 Chapter 8: Network Management Chapter goals: introduction to network management motivation major components Internet network management framework MIB: management information base SMI: data definition language SNMP: protocol for network management security and administration presentation services: ASN.1
Chapter 8 outline o What is network management? g Internet-standard management framework o Structure of management Information: SMI o Management Information Base: MIB O SNMP Protocol Operations and Transport Mappings o Security and Administration 冂ASN.1 Network Management 8-3
Network Management 8-3 Chapter 8 outline What is network management? Internet-standard management framework Structure of Management Information: SMI Management Information Base: MIB SNMP Protocol Operations and Transport Mappings Security and Administration ASN.1
What is network management? 无法显示该图片 O autonomous systems(aka"network" ): 100s or 1000s of interacting hardware/ software components O other complex systems requiring monitoring, control o jet airplane o nuclear power plant o others? Network management includes the deployment, integration and coordination of the hardware software and human elements to monitor, test, poll, configure, analyze, evaluate, and controt the network and etement resources to meet the real-time, operational performance, and Quality of Service requirements at a reasonable cost Network Management 8-4
Network Management 8-4 What is network management? autonomous systems (aka “network”): 100s or 1000s of interacting hardware/software components other complex systems requiring monitoring, control: jet airplane nuclear power plant others? "Network management includes the deployment, integration and coordination of the hardware, software, and human elements to monitor, test, poll, configure, analyze, evaluate, and control the network and element resources to meet the real-time, operational performance, and Quality of Service requirements at a reasonable cost
Infrastructure for network management definitions managing entity agent data managing data managed devices contain entity managed device managed objects whose data is gathered into a network agent data)Management Information management managed device Base mib) protoco ar agent data agent data managed device managed device Network Management 8-5
Network Management 8-5 Infrastructure for network management agent data agent data agent data agent data managed device managed device managed device managed device managing entity data network management protocol definitions: managed devices contain managed objects whose data is gathered into a Management Information Base (MIB) managing entity
Network Management standards OSI CMIP SNMP: Simple Network D Common management Management Protocol Information Protocol o Internet roots SGMP) o designed 1980s: the o started simple unifying net O deployed, adopted rapidly management standard o growth: size, complexity o too slowly standardized O currently: SNMP V3 d de facto network management standard Network Management 8-6
Network Management 8-6 Network Management standards OSI CMIP Common Management Information Protocol designed 1980’s: the unifying net management standard too slowly standardized SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol Internet roots (SGMP) started simple deployed, adopted rapidly growth: size, complexity currently: SNMP V3 de facto network management standard
Chapter 8 outline g What is network management? g Internet-standard management framework o Structure of management Information SMI o Management Information Base: MIB O SNMP Protocol Operations and Transport Mappings o Security and Administration 冂ASN.1 Network Management 8-7
Network Management 8-7 Chapter 8 outline What is network management? Internet-standard management framework Structure of Management Information: SMI Management Information Base: MIB SNMP Protocol Operations and Transport Mappings Security and Administration ASN.1
SNMP overview: 4 key parts o Management information base(MIB) o distributed information store of network management data o Structure of Management Information(SMr) o data definition language for mib objects D SNMP protocol o convey managermanaged object into, commands o security, administration capabilities o major addition in SNMPv3 Network Management 8-8
Network Management 8-8 SNMP overview: 4 key parts Management information base (MIB): distributed information store of network management data Structure of Management Information (SMI): data definition language for MIB objects SNMP protocol convey managermanaged object info, commands security, administration capabilities major addition in SNMPv3
SMI: data definition language Purpose: syntax, semantics of Basic Data Types management data well defined unambiguous INTEGER 口 base data types: nteger32 Unsigned32 straightforward, boring OCTET STRING OBJECT-TyPE OBJECT IDENTIFIED o data type, status, IPaddress semantics of managed Counter 32 ob ject Counter64 O MODULE-IDENTITy Guage32 Time Ticks o groups related objects into miB module opaque Network Management 8-9
Network Management 8-9 SMI: data definition language Purpose: syntax, semantics of management data welldefined, unambiguous base data types: straightforward, boring OBJECT-TYPE data type, status, semantics of managed object MODULE-IDENTITY groups related objects into MIB module Basic Data Types INTEGER Integer32 Unsigned32 OCTET STRING OBJECT IDENTIFIED IPaddress Counter32 Counter64 Guage32 Time Ticks Opaque
SNMP M工B MIB module specified via SMI MODULE-IDENTITy (100 standardized MIBs, more vendor-specific) MODULE OBJECT TYPE OBJECT T OBJECT TYPE ob jects specified via SMI OBJECT-TyPE construct Network Management 8-10
Network Management 8-10 SNMP MIB OBJECT TYPE: OBJECT TYPE:OBJECT TYPE: objects specified via SMI OBJECT-TYPE construct MIB module specified via SMI MODULE-IDENTITY (100 standardized MIBs, more vendor-specific) MODULE