Fill in the following blanks. 1) This color seems (1)too bright for me (对我来说太鲜艳了) 2)Bright colors make you (2)look younger (看起来更年轻)How do I look? (3)fits you fine 3)The suit (对您很 适合) (4)too tight 4)This one is (太紧 了)Can you g give me a larger one? (5)goes perfectly with 5)t (搭配您 your skirt 的裙子)。 (6)jogging shoes 6)I'm looking for a pair of (运动鞋)
Fill in the following blanks. 1) This color seems (对我来说太鲜艳了) 2) Bright colors make you (看起来更年轻) How do I look? 3) The suit (对您很 适合). 4)This one is (太紧 了) Can you give me a larger one? 5) It __________ (搭配您 的裙子). 6) I’m looking for a pair of __________ (运动鞋). (1)too bright for me (2)look younger (3)fits you fine (4)too tight (5)goes perfectly with your skirt (6) jogging shoes
Translate the following sentences into English. (1)购物是旅游的要求之一。 1)Shopping is one of the essential factors of tourism. (2)游人不论走到哪里总要买 些日常用品和旅行需要的东 2)Wherever they go,travelers will 西。 buy daily necessities.They will also buy 3)购物实际上是吸引游客的 一个因素。 many things needed during a tour. (④)好的购物条件势必吸引更 3)Shopping is actually an attraction 多的游客。 for tourists. (⑤)游人期待舒适的环境、丰 4)Good Shopping conditions are sure 富的商品,可靠的质量、合 to attract more tourists. 理的价格和良好的服务。 5) Tourists expect comfortable environment,abundant commodity, dependable quality,reasonable price and good service
Translate the following sentences into English. (1)购物是旅游的要求之一。 (2)游人不论走到哪里总要买 些日常用品和旅行需要的东 西。 (3)购物实际上是吸引游客的 一个因素。 (4)好的购物条件势必吸引更 多的游客。 (5)游人期待舒适的环境、丰 富的商品,可靠的质量、合 理的价格和良好的服务。 1) Shopping is one of the essential factors of tourism. 2) Wherever they go, travelers will buy daily necessities. They will also buy many things needed during a tour. 3) Shopping is actually an attraction for tourists. 4) Good Shopping conditions are sure to attract more tourists. 5) Tourists expect comfortable environment, abundant commodity, dependable quality, reasonable price and good service
Translate the following passage into Chinese. A tourist may directly go to "specialty shops"to buy the goods they need. These shops usually have a limited quantity of products and offer good services.In the United States,the "dime store",also referred to as the "five and ten",is another popular shop.Dime stores specialize in a wide variety of inexpensive items and today,prices range from a quarter or 50 cents up to several dollars.If a tourist needs a small item and doesn't want to spend much,the dime store is likely to have just what he is looking for
Translate the following passage into Chinese. A tourist may directly go to “specialty shops” to buy the goods they need. These shops usually have a limited quantity of products and offer good services. In the United States, the “dime store”, also referred to as the “five and ten”, is another popular shop. Dime stores specialize in a wide variety of inexpensive items and today, prices range from a quarter or 50 cents up to several dollars. If a tourist needs a small item and doesn't want to spend much, the dime store is likely to have just what he is looking for
A tourist may directly go to “specialty shops”to buy the goods they need.These shops usually have a limited quantity of products and offer good services.In the United 旅游者还可以直接去专门的 States,,the“dime store”,also 商店购买自己所需要的物品。 referred to as the "five and 这些商品一般商品种类有限, ten",is another popularshop. 但服务较好。在美国,“五 Dime stores specialize in a wide variety of inexpensive 分和一角钱商店”和“一角 items and today,prices range 钱商店”是非常受欢迎的。 from a quarter or 50 cents up 这种商店专营各种低价产品。 to several dollars.If a tourist 现在的售价由25美分,50美 needs a smallitem and doesn't 分到数元不等。假如一个旅 want to spend much,the dime 游者需要一件小东西又不想 store is likely to have just what he is looking for. 多花钱,一角钱商店可能正 是他所要去的地方
旅游者还可以直接去专门的 商店购买自己所需要的物品。 这些商品一般商品种类有限, 但服务较好。在美国,“五 分和一角钱商店”和“一角 钱商店”是非常受欢迎的。 这种商店专营各种低价产品。 现在的售价由25美分,50美 分到数元不等。假如一个旅 游者需要一件小东西又不想 多花钱,一角钱商店可能正 是他所要去的地方。 A tourist may directly go to “specialty shops” to buy the goods they need. These shops usually have a limited quantity of products and offer good services. In the United States, the “dime store”, also referred to as the “five and ten”, is another popular shop. Dime stores specialize in a wide variety of inexpensive items and today, prices range from a quarter or 50 cents up to several dollars. If a tourist needs a small item and doesn't want to spend much, the dime store is likely to have just what he is looking for