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深圳大学:《植物生理学 Plant Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)Chapter03 植物的矿质营养 Mineral Nutrition


chapter 3 Mineral Nutrition

chapter 3 Mineral Nutrition

The elements in Plant Dry ma 水分(10%-95%) 植物材料 105 干物质(5%-90%)600C 有机物质(90%-95%发 灰分(5%-10%残烬

植物材料 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )         − − −  −  灰分 残烬 有机物质 挥发 干物质 水分 5% 10% 90% 95% 5% 90% 600 10% 95% 105 C C The Elements in Plant Dry matter

Methods of Studying Plant Nutrition Solution (A)培养液生长体系 culture 植物支撑体系 method 营养液 气泡 (B)营养膜生长体系 营养液 逻亚逻 营养再生室 (C)气培生长体系 营养液气室 植物体固定在封盖上

Methods of Studying Plant Nutrition Solution culture method

The essential Nutrient elements Nutrient elements that are required for the growth and development of plants Criteria a) In its absence the plant is unable to complete a normal life cycle b Or that element is part of some essential plant constituent or metabolite c)Must act directly

The Essential Nutrient Elements ➢ Definition: Nutrient elements that are required for the growth and development of plants ➢ Criteria: a) In its absence the plant is unable to complete a normal life cycle. b) Or that element is part of some essential plant constituent or metabolite. c) Must act directly

The essential Nutrient elements Macronutrients Required in large amounts Micronutrients Required in relatively small quantities

The Essential Nutrient Elements ➢ Macronutrients: • Required in large amounts. ➢ Micronutrients: • Required in relatively small quantities

The Essential elements OXygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Sulfur Silicon Chlorine Molybdenum Iron Manganese Copper Boron Zinc Sodium Nickel

The Essential Elements Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Sulfur Silicon Chlorine Molybdenum Iron Manganese Copper Boron Zinc Sodium Nickel

Macroelements From the soil From H2o and co2 Nitrogen OXygen Phosphorus Carbon Potassium Hydrogen Calcium Magnesium Sulfur SIlicon

Macroelements ➢ From H2O and CO2 • Oxygen • Carbon • Hydrogen ➢ From the soil: • Nitrogen • Phosphorus • Potassium • Calcium • Magnesium • Sulfur • Silicon

Microelements Chlorine ·|ron Manganese(Mn) · Boron Molybdenum Zinc Copper Nickel Sodium

Microelements • Chlorine • Iron • Manganese(Mn) • Boron • Molybdenum • Zinc • Copper • Nickel • Sodium

Function of Essential Elements Structure of important compounds: amino acids, protein, nuclear acids, etc Enzyme-activating Contributing to osmotic potentials Energy metabolism: ATP, ADP, AMP All of the above

Function of Essential Elements ➢ Structure of important compounds: amino acids, protein, nuclear acids, etc. ➢ Enzyme-activating ➢ Contributing to osmotic potentials ➢ Energy metabolism: ATP, ADP, AMP ➢ All of the above

Usually most deficient elements in soils Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium

Usually most deficient elements in soils ➢ Nitrogen ➢ Phosphorus ➢ Potassium

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