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世纪高等院校生命科学实验系列教材:《植物生理学 Plant Physiology》深圳大学课程自编教材——植物生理学实验指导(英汉双语,编著:徐晓峰、莫蓓莘、吴锦霞)


2 世纪高等院校生命科学实验系列教材 验系列教材 植物 ZHIWI 植物生理学实叠 生理学实验指导 英汉双语 SHENGLIXUE SHIYANZHIDAO YINGHAN SHUANGYU 徐晓峰吴锦霞莫蓓莘编蓍 英取双 华南理工大学出版社

植物生理学实验指导 (英汉双语) 徐晓峰莫蓓莘吴锦霞编著 前 《植物生理学》是生物科学丶生物技术丶农学丶园艺丶植保丶农业资源与环境

植物生理学实验指导 (英汉双语) 徐晓峰 莫蓓莘 吴锦霞编著 前言 《植物生理学》是生物科学、生物技术、农学、园艺、植保、农业资源与环境 2

等专业必修的专业基础课程。随着植物生理学在微观与宏观领域爼速发展·新知识 新技术不断更新与出现·迫切需要对传统的植物生理学教学內容进行精简与改革 同时面向世界培养创新型人才是我国在新的时代芎景下提出的人才培养新目标;也 是高校的重要任务。实施双语教学是培养学生具有国际合作意识丶国际交流与竞争 能力的国际化人才的重要途径。为了跟上学科的发展·配合双语教学的实施·编者 根据多年的教学体会,参阅大量的相矢资料·编写了本教材 本书精选了涵盖水分生理丶矿质营养生理丶光合作用丶呼吸作用丶生长发育丶 植物生长调节物质丶及抗性生理学等实验原理和技术的18个实验项目;采用中英文 对照的方式编写。附录部分包括各种常用数据表及常用仪器的使用方法等·可供读 者查阅。本书吸收了植物生理学研究中新的实验技术和方法·在实验内容上体现了 科学性和实用性·可供农林院校有尖专业的大学本科生阅读·也可供其他植物生理 学工作者参考使用 本书的出版得到了广东省生物科学实验教学示范中心建设专项经费的资助。本 书是深圳大学生物科学实验中心的系列实验教材之一·全书由徐晓峰·吴锦霞统稿 实验1~2由莫蓓莘编写;实验3~4、6、8~9、11-12、14~17以及附录部分由徐晓峰 编写;实验5、7、10、13、18~21由吴锦霞编写。鉴于知识和能力所限·书中的缺 点与错误难免·恳请广大读者予以批评指正 本书在编写过程中·参考并引用了大量的国内外相矢资料·由于篇幅有限·书 中不能一一列出·在此一并表禾衷心的感谢!另外·本教材在申请立项过程中,得 到了学校设备处和学院实验中心的大力支持·在此表禾衷心的感谢!由于编者水平 有限·书中错漏之处在所难免·敬请读者给予批评指正。 编者 2011年9月

等专业必修的专业基础课程。随着植物生理学在微观与宏观领域迅速发展,新知识, 新技术不断更新与出现,迫切需要对传统的植物生理学教学内容进行精简与改革; 同时面向世界培养创新型人才是我国在新的时代背景下提出的人才培养新目标;也 是高校的重要任务。实施双语教学是培养学生具有国际合作意识、国际交流与竞争 能力的国际化人才的重要途径。为了跟上学科的发展,配合双语教学的实施,编者 根据多年的教学体会,参阅大量的相关资料,编写了本教材。 本书精选了涵盖水分生理、矿质营养生理、光合作用、呼吸作用、生长发育、 植物生长调节物质、及抗性生理学等实验原理和技术的 18个实验项目;采用中英文 对照的方式编写。附录部分包括各种常用数据表及常用仪器的使用方法等,可供读 者查阅。本书吸收了植物生理学研究中新的实验技术和方法,在实验内容上体现了 科学性和实用性,可供农林院校有关专业的大学本科生阅读,也可供其他植物生理 学工作者参考使用。 本书的出版得到了广东省生物科学实验教学示范中心建设专项经费的资助。本 书是深圳大学生物科学实验中心的系列实验教材之一,全书由徐晓峰,吴锦霞统稿, 实验 1~2由莫蓓莘编写;实验 3~4、6、8~9、11~12、14~17以及附录部分由徐晓峰 编写;实验 5、7、10、13、18~21由吴锦霞编写。鉴于知识和能力所限,书中的缺 点与错误难免,恳请广大读者予以批评指正。 本书在编写过程中,参考并引用了大量的国内外相关资料,由于篇幅有限,书 中不能一一列出,在此一并表示衷心的感谢!另外,本教材在申请立项过程中,得 到了学校设备处和学院实验中心的大力支持,在此表示衷心的感谢!由于编者水平 有限,书中错漏之处在所难免,敬请读者给予批评指正。 编者 2011年 9月 3

基本要求 (1)预习。为了取得更好的实验效果,你们必须预习实验指导中的相尖内容 这样才能熟悉所做实验的目的·以及将采用的实验技术的原理 (2)参与。你和你的合作伙伴共用一套实验用具。为获取最好的实验效果·你 们俩都必须参与全部的实验过程。你要随时跟踪你合作伙伴的工作·确保每个人都 不遗漏任何重要的实验技术或者观案 (3)出勤。学生必须参加课程安排的所有实验,教师会在实验课上检查出勤情 况。·如果没有充分理由(生病丶合理的原因等等)实验课缺勤数超过20%,将 导致你学期末这门课程不通过的成绩 (4)清洁。保持实验室和实验设备的整洁·每天工作结束后·离开前留下整洁 的工作台。撕去贴在玻璃器皿上的标签并捋用过的玻璃器皿洗净。用95%的酒精洗 掉用记号笔做的标记。将废弃物丢进相应的垃圾箱里

基本要求 (1)预习。为了取得更好的实验效果,你们必须预习实验指导中的相关内容, 这样才能熟悉所做实验的目的,以及将采用的实验技术的原理。 (2)参与。你和你的合作伙伴共用一套实验用具。为获取最好的实验效果,你 们俩都必须参与全部的实验过程。你要随时跟踪你合作伙伴的工作,确保每个人都 不遗漏任何重要的实验技术或者观察。 (3)出勤。学生必须参加课程安排的所有实验,教师会在实验课上检查出勤情 况。, 如果没有充分理由(生病、合理的原因等等)实验课缺勤次数超过 20%,将 导致你学期末这门课程不通过的成绩。 (4)清洁。保持实验室和实验设备的整洁。每天工作结束后,离开前留下整洁 的工作台。撕去贴在玻璃器皿上的标签并将用过的玻璃器皿洗净。用 95%的酒精洗 掉用记号笔做的 标记。将废 弃物丢进相应的垃圾箱里

GENERALINSTRUCTION 1. Preparation. In order to get the most out of these laborate ESSENTIAL that you read through the lab manual ahead of time, so that you are familiar with the goals of that days experiment, and the principles of the techniques you will use 2. Participation. You will share a set of equipments with a fellow student, and will carry out experimental work cooperatively. It is important that both you and your partner participate fully in all laboratory experiments in order to obtain the maximum benefit You should always monitor your partner's work, to ensure that you do not miss important experimental techniques or observations 3. Attendance. Attendance at all scheduled laboratories is compulsory and will be checked at each laboratory session. Absence from the lab for other than compelling and fully documented reasons (illness or compassionate reasons, etc. )for over 20% of the lab periods will result in your being given an INCOMPLETE grade for the course at the end of the semester 4. Cleaning. You are responsible for keeping the laboratory and equipment clean. Leave your bench clean and tidy at the end of each day remove tape and labels from glasswar and wash all used glassware in the sinks. Use 95% alcohol to wash off labels made with markers. Throw waste in the appropriate garbage

GENERALINSTRUCTION 1. Preparation. In order to get the most out of these laboratory experiments, it is ESSENTIAL that you read through the lab manual ahead of time, so that you are familiar with the goals of that day’s experiment, and the principles of the techniques you will use. 2. Participation. You will share a set of equipments with a fellow student, and will carry out experimental work cooperatively. It is important that both you and your partner participate fully in all laboratory experiments in order to obtain the maximum benefit. You should always monitor your partner’s work, to ensure that you do not miss any important experimental techniques or observations. 3. Attendance. Attendance at all scheduled laboratories is compulsory, and will be checked at each laboratory session. Absence from the lab for other than compelling and fully documented reasons(illness or compassionate reasons, etc.)for over 20% of the lab periods will result in your being given an INCOMPLETE grade for the course at the end of the semester. 4. Cleaning. You are responsible for keeping the laboratory and equipment clean. Leave your bench clean and tidy at the end of each day. Remove tape and labels from glassware and wash all used glassware in the sinks. Use 95% alcohol to wash off labels made with markers. Throw waste in the appropriate garbage

实验室安全规则 安全是每一个人的责任! 1.保持实验室整洁、有序且干净。在实验室工作时·将你不需要的东西(例如 外套丶书本丶包)收趄来·放到提供的放置地点(墙钩、工作台下的柜子)。不要 携带不需要的材料(例如额外的书本丶衣服)进入实验室。 2.只限于上该课程的学生(他们已受过安全教育)·进入实验室。未经老师或 实验员的允许·不能带入访客。 3.在实验室中须穿实验服·并纽扣系好。不要穿着它跑出实验室·包括上洗 手间时(也不许) 4.学生必须穿皮鞋或球鞋·不能穿凉鞋或拖鞋·以防腐蚀性液体滴到脚上。长 发必须扎在脑后。 5.不准要在实验室吃东西。不要捋午餐或饮料带进或存放在实验室;不要在实 验室里使用化妆品(比如润唇膏)或调带隐形眼镜。不要咬笔! 6.任何实验均禁止用嘴移液。必须使用球管或移液器·或自动移液器 7.离开实验室之前·或手接触到可能被污染的材料之后·要用肥皂洗手 8.开口性创伤丶割伤丶划伤和擦伤要用防水绷带包扎好 9.对尖锐物体·如针和刀片·要非常小心地处理。锐器和破碎玻璃要放在适当 的容器里。如果打破装有细菌培养液的试管·溶液泼出·在漬理之前要先消毒材料。 要特别小心以避免割伤或感染!必须严格按照实验步骤进行清理

实验室安全规则 安全是每一个人的责任! 1. 保持实验室整洁、有序且干净。在实验室工作时,将你不需要的东西(例如 外套、书本、背包)收起来,放到提供的放置地点(墙钩、工作台下的柜子)。不要 携带不需要的材料(例如额外的书本、衣服)进入实验室。 2. 只限于上该课程的学生(他们已受过安全教育),进入实验室。未经老师或 实验员的允许,不能带入访客。 3. 在实验室中须穿实验服,并将纽扣系好。不要穿着它跑出实验室,包括上洗 手间时(也不许)。 4. 学生必须穿皮鞋或球鞋,不能穿凉鞋或拖鞋,以防腐蚀性液体滴到脚上。长 发必须扎在脑后。 5. 不准要在实验室吃东西。不要将午餐或饮料带进或存放在实验室;不要在实 验室里使用化妆品(比如润唇膏)或调带隐形眼镜。不要咬笔! 6. 任何实验均禁止用嘴移液。必须使用球管或移液器,或自动移液器。 7. 离开实验室之前,或手接触到可能被污染的材料之后,要用肥皂洗手。 8. 开口性创伤、割伤、划伤和擦伤要用防水绷带包扎好。 9. 对尖锐物体,如针和刀片,要非常小心地处理。锐器和破碎玻璃要放在适当 的容器里。如果打破装有细菌培养液的试管,溶液泼出,在清理之前要先消毒材料。 要特别小心以避免割伤或感染!必须严格按照实验步骤进行清理。 6

LAB SAFETY RULES Safety is everyone s responsibility 1. Keep the laboratory neat, orderly and clean. When you are working in the laboratory store things you don' t need(e.g. coats, books, backpacks) out of the way, in the places provided(wall hooks, under-bench cupboards). Do not bring unnecessary materials(e.g extra books, clothing )to the laboratory 2. Access to the laboratory is limited to students registered in the course Who have been advised of the potential hazards. Do not bring visitors without permission of the instructor or demonstrator 3. Wear a lab coat in the laboratory, and button it up properly. Don' t wear it outside the laboratory, including when you go to the washroom! 4. Wear shoes, Wear shoes, not sandals, at all times in the laboratory Corrosive reagents can easily be dropped onto unprotected toes. Tie back long hair 5. Do not eat or drink in the laboratory. Do not bring or store your lunch or coffee cup in the laboratory; do not apply cosmetics (e.g. lip balm) or adjust contact lense the boratory. Do not chew on your per 6. Oral pipetting is prohibited in any laboratory. Use a bulb or pro-pipettor, or an automated pipettor 7. Wash your hands -with soap-before leaving the laboratory, and at any time after handing materials that may be contaminated 8. Open wounds, cuts, scratches and grazes should be covered with waterproof dressings 9. Sharp objects, such as needles and blades, should be handled with great care. Dispose of sharps and broken glass in the proper containers. If a tube of bacterial culture breaks and spills, disinfect the material before you clean up. Be extremely careful to avoid cutting and infecting yourself! Follow the laboratory procedures for clean-up

LAB SAFETY RULES Safety is everyone’s responsibility! 1. Keep the laboratory neat, orderly and clean. When you are working in the laboratory, store things you don’t need(e.g. coats, books, backpacks) out of the way, in the places provided (wall hooks, under-bench cupboards). Do not bring unnecessary materials(e.g . extra books, clothing) to the laboratory. 2. Access to the laboratory is limited to students registered in the course.Who have been advised of the potential hazards. Do not bring visitors without permission of the instructor or demonstrator. 3. Wear a lab coat in the laboratory, and button it up properly. Don’t wear it outside the laboratory,includingwhen you go to the washroom! 4. Wear shoes, Wear shoes, not sandals, at all times in the laboratory. Corrosive reagents can easily be dropped onto unprotected toes.Tie back long hair. 5. Do not eat or drink in the laboratory. Do not bring or store your lunch or coffee cup in the laboratory; do not apply cosmetics (e.g. lip balm) or adjust contact lenses in the laboratory. Do not chew on your pen! 6. Oral pipetting is prohibited in any laboratory. Use a bulb or pro-pipettor, or an automated pipettor. 7. Wash your hands —with soap —before leaving the laboratory, and at any time after handing materials that may be contaminated. 8. Open wounds, cuts, scratches and grazes should be covered with waterproof dressings. 9. Sharp objects, such as needles and blades, should be handled with great care. Dispose of sharps and broken glassin the proper containers. If a tube of bacterial culture breaks and spills, disinfect the material before you clean up. Be extremely careful to avoid cutting and infecting yourself! Follow the laboratory procedures for clean-up. 7

实验报告的一般要求 每个学生要负责完成所有实验的实验报告。每份实验报告必须遵循以下一般准 则 写正式的书面报告的目的是让你学会如何撰写和编排真正的科学报告。每份科 学杂志都有自己的格式要求·但也都遵循类似的格式·其中包括标题丶作者名单 摘要或概要丶材料和方法丶结果(表中的数据丶图表丶照片和说明)丶解释结果的一 个讨论以及在稿件中所引用的参考文献。建议大家看看一些科学出版物作为参老例 子·部分建议期刊为:《植物生理学学报》丶《美国国家科学院院刊》、《自然》、《细胞》 请记住·实验报告是你练习书面沟通技巧的机会。此外·也能显禾你是否很好 地掌握了本实验的基本概念 一般准则如下 1.采用双倍行距的文本,小四号字体·边距2.54cm 2.不要使用人称代词·即·“我分离出叶绿素”这是不恰当的·而是要用“叶绿 素用…方法分离出来” 3.要用过去时态来写 4.每份实验报告会包括多个实验部分。把这些合并成一个单位·因此你要给出 个标题·还有前言丶材料丶方法和讨论等部分 5.书写清楚简洁·使用正确的语法丶拼写和标点符号。报告应遵循使其易于阅 读的逻辑方式。 封面。封面一页包括标题丶姓名丶学号丶你的实验窒搭档姓名丶课程编号丶你 的组号 摘要。摘要中概述背景丶结果和获取这些结果的方法·以及结论。这一部分 通常最后来写。写摘要的基本方法是分别用一到两句话来总结每个部分(引言、材 料和方法丶结果和讨论)。 引言。引言是为在报告其余部分出现的研究提供一个背景。此外·引言部分还 介绍进行实验的目的 材料和方法。该部分不能重写实验指导中的材料和方法·而是要适当地参考实 验指导·概述实际实验中所用的方法·包括对实验指导中的方法有所改变的部分

实验报告的一般要求 每个学生要负责完成所有实验的实验报告。每份实验报告必须遵循以下一般准 则。 写正式的书面报告的目的是让你学会如何撰写和编排真正的科学报告。每份科 学杂志都有自己的格式要求,但也都遵循类似的格式,其中包括标题、作者名单、 摘要或概要、材料和方法、结果(表中的数据、图表、照片和说明)、解释结果的一 个讨论以及在稿件中所引用的参考文献。建议大家看看一些科学出版物作为参考例 子。部分建议期刊为:《植物生理学学报》、《美国国家科学院院刊》、《自然》、《细胞》。 请记住,实验报告是你练习书面沟通技巧的机会。此外,也能显示你是否很好 地掌握了本实验的基本概念。 一般准则如下: 1. 采用双倍行距的文本,小四号字体,边距2.54cm。 2. 不要使用人称代词,即,“我分离出叶绿素”这是不恰当的,而是要用“叶绿 素用…方法分离出来”。 3. 要用过去时态来写。 4. 每份实验报告会包括多个实验部分。把这些合并成一个单位,因此你要给出 一个标题,还有前言、材料、方法和讨论等部分。 5. 书写清楚简洁,使用正确的语法、拼写和标点符号。报告应遵循使其易于阅 读的逻辑方式。 封面。封面一页包括标题、姓名、学号、你的实验室搭档姓名、课程编号、你 的组号。 摘要。摘要中概述背景、结果和获取这些结果的方法,以及结论。这一部分, 通常最后来写。写摘要的基本方法是分别用一到两句话来总结每个部分(引言、材 料和方法、结果和讨论)。 引言。引言是为在报告其余部分出现的研究提供一个背景。此外,引言部分还 介绍进行实验的目的。 材料和方法。该部分不能重写实验指导中的材料和方法,而是要适当地参考实 验指导,概述实际实验中所用的方法,包括对实验指导中的方法有所改变的部分。 8

结果。结果部分陈薤最终的数据和观察资料·但不讨论数据。结果部分的文字 应该是将图和表格所显禾的结果介绍给阅读者。图需要包括绘制的图和照片·表格 要用三线表 讨论。讨论部分可以看出实验者是否完全理解了实验中所学技术的背景知识 是否盲目按照实验指导操作。此部分要对所得结果以及该结果所说明的问题迸行分 析。讨论中的每一个结论都必须有实验结果的支持(参考图示或引用表中的数据 如果实验不成功·还要分析产生该结果的可能原因(例如使用的技术或使用方法不 准确)。讨论应以一个总结整份报告最终实验结果和主要结论的简短句子来结尾 绘制图表的注意事项 1.报告中的图要有一个恰当的标题 2.标题应该是一个独立的清晰表述·图和图标应能独立说明问题。 3.结果和讨论中要引用到图所提供的数据。 4!.在水平ⅹ-轴或横坐标上绘制规律性变化的已知量(自变量),如时间、底物 浓度·温度等。未知的或测量出的量(因变量)·例如吸光度丶酶活力等·则在垂直 向的y轴或纵坐标上标出。 5.每一组数据都使用明确定义的符号(⊕,◇◆,口0…等)而不是x,+,或一个 小点

结果。结果部分陈述最终的数据和观察资料,但不讨论数据。结果部分的文字 应该是将图和表格所显示的结果介绍给阅读者。图需要包括绘制的图和照片,表格 要用三线表。 讨论。讨论部分可以看出实验者是否完全理解了实验中所学技术的背景知识, 是否盲目按照实验指导操作。此部分要对所得结果以及该结果所说明的问题进行分 析。讨论中的每一个结论都必须有实验结果的支持(参考图示或引用表中的数据)。 如果实验不成功,还要分析产生该结果的可能原因(例如使用的技术或使用方法不 准确)。讨论应以一个总结整份报告最终实验结果和主要结论的简短句子来结尾。 绘制图表的注意事项 1. 报告中的图要有一个恰当的标题。 2. 标题应该是一个独立的清晰表述,图和图标应能独立说明问题。 3. 结果和讨论中要引用到图所提供的数据。 4. 在水平 x-轴或横坐标上绘制规律性变化的已知量(自变量),如时间、底物 浓度,温度等。未知的或测量出的量(因变量),例如吸光度、酶活力等,则在垂直 向的 y-轴或纵坐标上标出。 5. 每一组数据都使用明确定义的符号(⊕,◇,◆,□,o,…等)而不是 x,+,或一个 小点。 9

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL LAB REPORTS Each student will be responsible for writing all the lab reports throughout the semester. The following general guidelines must be followed for each lab report The purpose of writing formal lab reports is for you to learn how to write compile proper scientific reports. Each scientific journal has its own formatting requirements; however, they all follow a similar format with a Title, a list of authors, an Abstract or Summary, Materials and Methods, Results (data in tables, figures, pictures and description), a Discussion which interprets results, and a list of References cited in the body of the manuscript. It is suggested that you look through a few journals examples of scientific publications. Some suggested journals are: Plant Physiology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS), Nature, and Cell Remember that the lab reports are an opportunity for you to practice your written communication skills. Additionally, it is a great opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of laboratory concepts GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Double-spaced text and a 12-point font size. One inch margins. m is unacceptable Rather 2. Do not use personal pronouns, i.e,I isolated the chlorophyl use " chlorophyll was isolated by 3. Write in the past tense 4. Each lab report will contain multiple exercises. Combine these into one unit. Therefore you should have one Title, Introduction, Materials and Methods sections, results and discussion 5. Write clearly and concisely using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. The report should follow in a logical manner making it easy to read TITLE PAGE A cover page which includes a title, your name and identification number, your lab partner s name, the course number, your group number SUMMARY/ABSTRACT A summary paragraph which clearly states the background, results with methods to obtain those results and a conclusion This section is often written last. a basic method to construct the abstract is to summarize each of the sections(Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion)into 1 to 2 sentences each NTRODUCTION emainder of the report. Additionally, the Introduction presents the objectives of the study ented in the The introduction presents a background to the research that is presented in the that was conducted MATERIALS AND METHODS In this course, we are not requiring you to rewrite the materials and methods presented in the Course Manual. Rather, reference the sources appropriately and include any changes from the methods outlined in the Course manual RESULTS The Results section presents final data and observations, but the data are not discussed here. The text in the results section should guide the reader through the figures and tables. Figures would include graphs and photographs of gels, whereas tables should be organized in three-line format

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL LAB REPORTS Each student will be responsible for writing all the lab reports throughout the semester. The following general guidelines must be followed for each lab report. The purpose of writing formal lab reports is for you to learn how to write and compile proper scientific reports. Each scientific journal has its own formatting requirements; however, they all follow a similar format with a Title, a list of authors, an Abstract or Summary, Materials and Methods, Results (data in tables, figures, pictures and description), a Discussion which interprets results, and a list of References cited in the body of the manuscript. It is suggested that you look through a few journals for examples of scientific publications. Some suggested journals are: Plant Physiology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Nature, and Cell. Remember that the lab reports are an opportunity for you to practice your written communication skills. Additionally, it is a great opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of laboratory concepts. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Double-spaced text and a 12-point font size. One inch margins. 2. Do not use personal pronouns, i.e., “I isolated the chlorophyll” is unacceptable. Rather, use “chlorophyllwas isolated by …”. 3. Write in the past tense. 4. Each lab report will contain multiple exercises. Combine these into one unit. Therefore, you should have one Title,Introduction, Materials and Methods sections, results and discussions. 5. Write clearly and concisely using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. The report should follow in a logical manner making it easy to read. TITLE PAGE A cover page which includes a title, your name and identification number, your lab partner’s name, the course number, your group number. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT A summary paragraph which clearly states the background, results with methods to obtain those results, and a conclusion. Thissection is often written last. A basic method to construct the abstract is to summarize each of the sections (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion) into 1 to 2 sentences each. INTRODUCTION The introduction presents a background to the research that is presented in the remainder of the report. Additionally, the Introduction presents the objectives of the study that was conducted. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this course, we are not requiring you to rewrite the materials and methods presented in the Course Manual. Rather, reference the sources appropriately and include any changes from the methods outlined in the Course Manual. RESULTS The Results section presents final data and observations, but the data are not discussed here. The text in the results section should guide the reader through the figures and tables. Figures would include graphs and photographs of gels, whereas tables should be organized in three-line format

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