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深圳大学:《植物生理学 Plant Physiology》课程教学资源(习题集)第九章 植物的生长生理


第九章植物的生长生理 一填空题 1种子萌发适当的外界条件是 另外,少部分种子萌发需要 2莴苣种子在 下萌发率高,在 下萌发率低。 3检验种子死活的方法主要有三种: 4种子的吸水可分为三个阶段,即: 和和 5植物细胞的生长通常分为三个时期,即 和 6植物细胞壁由 等物质组成。 7高山上的植物长得矮小,其中主要原因是 二是非题 I The optimal temperature for plant growth is the temperature at which the plant grows fastest 2IAA促进根的生长,CIK促进茎芽的生长。 3黄化幼苗生长细弱的原因是因为缺少光合作用所合成的营养物 4生长素对于促进整体植物的生长无效。 5极性不只是表现在整体植物上,一个单细胞照样有极性的存在。 )))) 6根系生长的最适温度一般低于地上部分生长的最适温度。 7对向光性作用的光是短波光,而红光是无效的 8在种子萌发过程中,有氧呼吸一直占优势。 9根的生长部位有顶端分生组织,根没有顶端优势。 ((((((( 10向光性的光受体是存在于质膜上的花色素 l1偏上性运动是一种可逆的细胞伸长运动 ))) 三选择题 I The most effective action spectrum of light in phototropism is A red light B blue light C. green light D. yellow light 2 What is a tropism? A. an internal chemical signal that controls a plant's growth and development B a movement in response to an external stimulus C a movement in response to light stimulus D a pigment that absorbs light and affects seed germin 3 Which plant system functions mainly for producing food for the plant? A. leaf B em 4 Looking at a stem, how can one determine the length of yearly growth? A Measure the distance between axillary buds B. Count the number of lenticels C. Measure the diameter of the stem D. Measure the distance between the terminal bud scale scars and the terminal bud

第九章 植物的生长生理 一 填空题 1 种子萌发适当的外界条件是________,________,________,另外,少部分种子萌发需要 ________。 2 莴苣种子在________下萌发率高,在________下萌发率低。 3 检验种子死活的方法主要有三种:________、________和________。 4 种子的吸水可分为三个阶段,即:________,________和________。 5 植物细胞的生长通常分为三个时期,即:________,________和________。 6 植物细胞壁由________、________、________等物质组成。 7 高山上的植物长得矮小,其中主要原因是________。 二 是非题 1 The optimal temperature for plant growth is the temperature at which the plant grows fastest. ( ) 2 IAA 促进根的生长,CTK 促进茎芽的生长。 ( ) 3 黄化幼苗生长细弱的原因是因为缺少光合作用所合成的营养物。 ( ) 4 生长素对于促进整体植物的生长无效。 ( ) 5 极性不只是表现在整体植物上,一个单细胞照样有极性的存在。 ( ) 6 根系生长的最适温度一般低于地上部分生长的最适温度。 ( ) 7 对向光性作用的光是短波光,而红光是无效的。 ( ) 8 在种子萌发过程中,有氧呼吸一直占优势。 ( ) 9 根的生长部位有顶端分生组织,根没有顶端优势。 ( ) 10 向光性的光受体是存在于质膜上的花色素。 ( ) 11 偏上性运动是一种可逆的细胞伸长运动。 ( ) 三 选择题 1 The most effective action spectrum of light in phototropism is _______. A. red light B. blue light C. green light D. yellow light 2 What is a tropism? A. an internal chemical signal that controls a plant's growth and development B. a movement in response to an external stimulus C. a movement in response to light stimulus D. a pigment that absorbs light and affects seed germination 3 Which plant system functions mainly for producing food for the plant? A. leaf B. stem C. root D. flower 4 Looking at a stem, how can one determine the length of yearly growth? A. Measure the distance between axillary buds. B. Count the number of lenticels. C. Measure the diameter of the stem. D. Measure the distance between the terminal bud scale scars and the terminal bud

5 What is the term for growth in response to gravity? B phot C growth regulator D gravitropism 6 What is girdling and how does it kill a tree? A. Girdling is the process by which all the leaves are stripped away preventing the tree from photosynthesizing B. Girdling strips away the secondary phloem, disrupting the flow of water to the leaves C. Girding strips away the secondary xylem, disrupting the flow of photosynthates to the roots D. Girdling strips away the secondary phloem, disrupting the flow of photosynthates to the oots. Ca. Girdling is associated with the stem system 7 How would phototropism be beneficial to plants? A. By keeping the leaves oriented perpendicularly to light, the plant can increase water loss B. By keeping the leaves oriented parallel to light, the plant can increase water loss C. By keeping the leaves oriented perpendicularly to light, the plant can increase the D. By keeping the leaves oriented parallel to light, the plant can decrease the photosynthesis 8 Which of the following wavelengths of light would stimulate germination? A 450 nm B 540 nm C 660 nm D. 730 nm 9根中最大的伸长区具有下列哪一个特征 A.DNA的复制B.细胞分裂C.液泡的形成D.细胞的分化 10促进莴苣种子萌发的光是 A.蓝紫光 B.远红光 C.红光 红光后再一个远红光 11长波光有利于植物细胞的 A.伸长生长 B.横向生长 C.壁的加厚 D.细胞分化 12植物正常生长需要 A.昼夜温度都高 B.较高日温较低夜温 C.较低日温较高夜温 D.昼夜都是25℃ 13植物离体部分具有恢复植株其余部分的能力叫作 A.极性 B.再生作用 C.生长相关性 D.细胞分化 14种子萌发需要光的植物有 A.烟草 B.莴苣 C.番茄 15土壤中氮素供应不足,会使植物根冠比 A.增加 B.降低 C.不变 16黄化幼苗被照射下列哪种光时,不利于其形态建成 A.红光 B.远红光 C.绿光

5 What is the term for growth in response to gravity? A. tropism B. phototropism C. growth regulator D. gravitropism 6 What is girdling and how does it kill a tree? A. Girdling is the process by which all the leaves are stripped away preventing the tree from photosynthesizing. B. Girdling strips away the secondary phloem, disrupting the flow of water to the leaves. C. Girding strips away the secondary xylem, disrupting the flow of photosynthates to the roots. D. Girdling strips away the secondary phloen, disrupting the flow of photosynthates to the roots.Ca. Girdling is associated with the stem system. 7 How would phototropism be beneficial to plants? A. By keeping the leaves oriented perpendicularly to light, the plant can increase water loss. B. By keeping the leaves oriented parallel to light, the plant can increase water loss. C. By keeping the leaves oriented perpendicularly to light, the plant can increase the photosynthesis rate. D. By keeping the leaves oriented parallel to light, the plant can decrease the photosynthesis rate. 8 Which of the following wavelengths of light would stimulate germination? A. 450 nm B. 540 nm C. 660 nm D. 730 nm 9 根中最大的伸长区具有下列哪一个特征 A. DNA 的复制 B. 细胞分裂 C. 液泡的形成 D. 细胞的分化 10 促进莴苣种子萌发的光是________ A. 蓝紫光 B. 远红光 C. 红光 D. 红光后再一个远红光 11 长波光有利于植物细胞的________ A. 伸长生长 B. 横向生长 C. 壁的加厚 D. 细胞分化 12 植物正常生长需要________ A. 昼夜温度都高 B. 较高日温较低夜温 C. 较低日温较高夜温 D. 昼夜都是 25℃ 13 植物离体部分具有恢复植株其余部分的能力叫作________ A. 极性 B. 再生作用 C. 生长相关性 D. 细胞分化 14 种子萌发需要光的植物有________ A. 烟草 B. 莴苣 C. 番茄 15 土壤中氮素供应不足,会使植物根冠比________ A. 增加 B. 降低 C. 不变 16 黄化幼苗被照射下列哪种光时,不利于其形态建成 A. 红光 B. 远红光 C. 绿光

四名词解释 Growth retardants 2种子寿命 3种子活力 4组织培养 5细胞周期 6顶端优势 7极性 8向性运动 9感性运动 五解释现象 1为什么贮藏种子时必须晒干后才能进仓? 2种子萌发过程中无机磷的含量增高后,肌醇六磷酸活性降低。 3温室栽培作物如何调节光照条件以获得较高的光合效果。 4水稻为什么要烤田? 5小麦倒伏后还会直立,为什么? 6果树有时会出现大小年,为什么? 7为什么日温较高夜温较低能提高甜菜、马铃薯的产量? 六问答题 I If a sign is nailed into a tree trunk five feet from the ground and the tree grows three inches every year, then how high from the ground will the sign be in after 100 years? 2 Under what types of conditions would you expect a plant to have a very large, extensive root system, but small stem and leaf systems? 3 How do the combined affects of phototropism and gravitropism benefit seeds after being 4 If a gardener wanted to speed up the process of germination, what light treatment would she most likely use? Exactly how does that light treatment spread up germination? 5种子萌发时,发生了哪些生理变化?请详细说明 6为什么说种子萌发时需要水和氧气? 7试述光对植物生长的影响。 8综述植物生长的相关性 9哪些外界条件能影响植物的生长? 10试述顶端生长抑制侧生生长的原因。 l1种子萌发时,有机物质发生哪些生理生化变化? 12何谓向地性?植物根向地性的原因何在?

四 名词解释 1 Growth retardants 2 种子寿命 3 种子活力 4 组织培养 5 细胞周期 6 顶端优势 7 极性 8 向性运动 9 感性运动 五 解释现象 1 为什么贮藏种子时必须晒干后才能进仓? 2 种子萌发过程中无机磷的含量增高后,肌醇六磷酸活性降低。 3 温室栽培作物如何调节光照条件以获得较高的光合效果。 4 水稻为什么要烤田? 5 小麦倒伏后还会直立,为什么? 6 果树有时会出现大小年,为什么? 7 为什么日温较高夜温较低能提高甜菜、马铃薯的产量? 六 问答题 1 If a sign is nailed into a tree trunk five feet from the ground and the tree grows three inches every year, then how high from the ground will the sign be in after 100 years? 2 Under what types of conditions would you expect a plant to have a very large, extensive root system, but small stem and leaf systems? 3 How do the combined affects of phototropism and gravitropism benefit seeds after being dispersed? 4 If a gardener wanted to speed up the process of germination, what light treatment would she most likely use? Exactly how does that light treatment spread up germination? 5 种子萌发时,发生了哪些生理变化?请详细说明。 6 为什么说种子萌发时需要水和氧气? 7 试述光对植物生长的影响。 8 综述植物生长的相关性。 9 哪些外界条件能影响植物的生长? 10 试述顶端生长抑制侧生生长的原因。 11 种子萌发时,有机物质发生哪些生理生化变化? 12 何谓向地性?植物根向地性的原因何在?



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