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深圳大学:《植物生理学 Plant Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)Chapter01 Introduction


chapter 1 Introduction

chapter 1 Introduction

Plant Physiology Bilingual education Zhang-Li HU, Professor, Ph D Pei-Xin mo, Professor ph D An-Ping LEl, Associate Professor, Ph. D E-mail:aplei2007@126.com Password:123456

Bilingual Education Zhang-Li HU, Professor, Ph.D. Pei-Xin MO, Professor, Ph.D. An-Ping LEI, Associate Professor, Ph.D. E-mail: aplei2007@126.com Password: 123456 Plant Physiology

An-ping LE(雷安平) 1991年本科牛业于湖北大学生物系 1994年硕士毕业于中科院水生生物研究所 2003年博土毕业于香港城市大学生物与化学系 1994年至1999年中科院水生生物研先所藻类学研究室 2003年至今深圳大学生命科学院 I am not the best, but I should do my best

An-ping LEI (雷安平) 1991年 本科毕业于湖北大学 生物系 1994年 硕士毕业于 中科院水生生物研究所 2003年 博士毕业于香港城市大学生物与化学系 1994年至1999年 中科院水生生物研究所藻类学研究室 2003年至今 深圳大学生命科学院 I am not the best, but I should do my best!

Course Objectives A solid understanding of basic physiological concepts and their relationship to plant growth and development An appreciation for structure and function of the whole plant

Course Objectives ➢ A solid understanding of basic physiological concepts and their relationship to plant growth and development. ➢ An appreciation for structure and function of the whole plant

Course Description a broad-based, introductory course covering basic concepts of plant physiology, Including Water Solutions. and Surfaces Plant Biochemistry Plant Development Environmental Physiology

Course Description ➢ A broad-based, introductory course covering basic concepts of plant physiology, including: • Water, Solutions, and Surfaces • Plant Biochemistry • Plant Development • Environmental Physiology

Lecture Topics 1 Introduction 7. Signal transduction pathway 2. Water metabolism 8. Plant growth substance 3. Mineral nutrition 9. Photomorphogenesis 4. Photosynthesis 10 Growth physiology 5. Respiration 11. Reproductive physiology 6. Organics transport 12 Maturation and aging physiolog 13. Hardiness physiology

Lecture Topics 1.Introduction 2.Water metabolism 3. Mineral nutrition 4. Photosynthesis 5. Respiration 6. Organics transport 7. Signal transduction pathway 8. Plant growth substance 9. Photomorphogenesis 10. Growth physiology 11. Reproductive physiology 12. Maturation and aging physiology 13. Hardiness physiology

Grading Class attendance, assignment and Quiz(40% A cumulative final exam(60%) Class Attendance Class attendance is the student's responsibility Keep in mind, however, exam questions come from lectures and class discussions Class participation is highly encouraged If absent for 1/3 of the total class, exam is not permitted!

Grading • Class attendance, assignment and Quiz (40%) • A cumulative final exam (60%) Class Attendance • Class attendance is the student’s responsibility. • Keep in mind, however, exam questions come from lectures and class discussions. • Class participation is highly encouraged! • If absent for 1/3 of the total class, exam is not permitted!

Plant Physiology and Plant Cells

Plant Physiology and Plant Cells

Plant Physiology Plants diverse biochemical machines Sizes 1 cm to >100 m tall The ultimate energy collectors supporting most biological organisms Non-motile Must adapt to changing environments and"find" resources to survive Mechanisms to requlate water loss Move water minerals and"food" from sites of collection to sites of need within the plant

Plant Physiology • Plants = Diverse biochemical machines. ➢ Sizes 1 cm to >100 m tall. ➢ The ultimate energy collectors supporting most biological organisms. ➢ Non-motile. Must adapt to changing environments and “find” resources to survive. ➢ Mechanisms to regulate water loss. ➢ Move water, minerals and “food” from sites of collection to sites of need within the plant

Plant Physiology Physiology The study of biological processes and functions of living organisms How plants Use energy to assimilate carbon Convert carbon to“stuf” Grow and develop Respond to the environment Reproduce

Plant Physiology • Physiology The study of biological processes and functions of living organisms. • How plants: ➢ Use energy to assimilate carbon. ➢ Convert carbon to “stuff”. ➢ Grow and develop. ➢ Respond to the environment. ➢ Reproduce



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