Unitl Did you fall off your bike? 教学目标: 1、学生能听懂、会说并认读单词: happen,ride, thirsty, bought, watermelon, carried, ump 2、学生能听懂、会说并认读句子 Sam and i went for a bike ride yesterday. And then.? Did you fall off your bike? 3、动词的过去式: happen- happened bump-bumped carry-carried go-went are-were buy-bought fall-fell 4、能描述过去一段时间发生的事件 教学重点: 单词、句型及动词过去式 教学难点: 1、运用句型: Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday. And then.? Did you fall off your b.ike? 2、能描述过去一段时间发生的事件 教学准备: 课件、图片、单词卡 教学过程: Step l: Warm up 2. Free talk: What did you do yesterday? 3.Let’ s have a chant Chant引出 carry以及 carried Step 2: Presen tation 1. T: What was the weather like yesterday? Ss: It was hot T: Yes, it was hot yesterday I was thirsty. So I went to the supermarket. And I bought some thing
Unit1 Did you fall off your bike? 教学目标: 1、学生能听懂、会说并认读单词: happen, ride, thirsty, bought, watermelon, carried, bump 2、学生能听懂、会说并认读句子: Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday. And then...? Did you fall off your bike? 3、动词的过去式: happen-happened bump-bu mped carry-carried go-went are-were buy-bought fall-fell 4、能描述过去一段时间发生的事件。 教学重点: 单词、句型及动词过去式 教学难点: 1、运用句型:Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday. And then...? Did you fall off your b ike? 2、能描述过去一段时间发生的事件。 教学准备: 课件、图片、单词卡 教学过程: Step 1: Warm up 1. G reetings 2.Free talk:What did you do yesterday? 3. Let’s have a chant. Chant 引出 carry 以及 carried. Step 2: Presen tat ion 1. T: What was the weather like yesterday? Ss: It was hot. T: Yes, it was hot yesterday. I was thirsty. So I went to the supermarket. And I bought something
T: Can you guess what did i buy? Ss: You bought T: I bought a bottle of water and a big watermelon. The water melon was so big and so heavy. Suddenly it fell off and bumped my toes 2. Listen and underline the past tense words 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Read the passage by themselves. Step 3: Teacher-student interaction Make a small story in past tense. (a group of 4) 1. Copy the new words 2. Read the text 3. Make a story in past tense by yourselves. 板书设计: Unitl Did you fall off your bike And then.What happened? went for a bike ride bought a watermelon carried the watermelon fell off his 学反思
T: Can you guess what did I buy? Ss: You bought.... T: I bought a bottle of water and a big watermelon. The water melon was so big and so heavy. Suddenly it fell off and bumped my toes. 2. Listen and underline the past tense words. 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Read the passage by themselves. 5. Role play Step 3: Teacher-student interaction Make a small story in p ast tense.(A group of 4) Step 4: Homework 1. Copy the new words. 2. Read the text. 3. Make a story in past tense by yourselves. 板书设计: 教学反思: 35、对于心地善良地人来说,付出代价必须得到报酬这种想法本身就是一种侮辱。美德不是装饰品,而是美好心灵的表现形式。——纪德 36、对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。——爱因斯坦 37、对好人行善,会使他变得更好;对恶人行善,他就会变得更恶。——米开朗琪罗 38、当一人言行不一致时,这就完全糟了,这会导向伪善。——列宁 39、但唯有善良的品格,无论对于神或人,都永远不会成为过分的东西。——培根 40、大量善行可能出于严厉,更多的是出于爱,但最多的还是出于清晰的了解和无偏见的公正。——歌德 41、大凡善良的人总喜欢把人往好处想,总是把人想得比实际上更好,总爱夸大他们的好处。对于这样的人来说,以后的幻灭是很难过的,在他们觉得自己负有责任时就更难过了。——陀思妥耶夫基 42、慈善的行为比金钱更能解除别人的痛苦。——卢梭 Unit1 Did you fall off your bike? And then…What happened? went for a bike ride bought a watermelon carried the watermelon fell off his bike bumped head
43、慈悲不是出于勉强,它是像甘露一样从天上降下尘世;它不但给幸福于受施的人,也同样给幸福于施与的人。——莎士比亚 44、出来吧,我的心,带着你的爱去与它相会。——泰戈尔 45、避免做坏事的最佳方式莫过于做好事,因为世上最困难的事情就是企图不做任何事。——卡莱尔 46、爱与善是幸福,亦是真理,世界上唯一可能的幸福与真理。——罗曼·罗兰《托尔斯泰传》 47、做一个善良的人,为人类去谋幸福。——高尔基 48、质朴却比巧妙的言辞更能打动我的心。——莎士比亚 49、只有理性才能教导我们认识善恶,使我们喜善恨恶。良心尽管不依存于理性,但没有理性,良心就不能得到发展。——卢梭 50、知识欲的目的是真;道德欲的目的是善;美欲的目的是美,真善美,即人间理想。——黑田鹏信 51、真正有才能的人总是善良的,坦白的,爽直的,绝不矜持。——巴尔扎克 52、真、善、美是些十分相近的品质。在前面的两种品质之上加以一些难得而出色的情状,真就显得美,善也显得美。——狄德罗 53、在一切道德品质之中,善良的本性在世界上是最需要的。——罗素 54、越是善良的人,越察觉不出别人的居心不良。——米列 55、与善人行善会使其更善,与恶人行善会使其更恶。——罗曼·罗兰 56、与其说是为了爱别人而行善,不如说是为了尊敬自己。——福楼拜 57、一只小小的蜡烛,它的光照耀得多么远!一件善事也正像这支蜡烛一样,在这罪恶的世界上发出广大的光辉。——莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》 58、一颗好心抵得过黄金。——莎士比亚 59、一个人必须要么做个好人,要么仿效好人。——德谟克利特 60、一个好行为也可能是一个坏行为,谁要救了狼就害了羊。谁为兀鹰修复了翅膀,谁就要为它的爪负责。——雨果 61、凶恶每“战胜”一次善良就把自己压缩了一次,因为它宣告了自己的丑恶。善良每败于凶恶一次,就把自己弘扬了一次,因为它宣扬了自己的光明。——王蒙 62、幸福就是至善。——亚里士多德 63、行善的人应该觉得自己快乐才对。——罗曼。罗兰 64、行善必须努力,然而,抑制恶更须努力。——苏联