Module 10 unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolates 教案 1教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写单词 stomachache,cold, headache, fever, has got 等生词; 2语言学会用口语表达 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday so today和He' sgot a stomachache进行询问 3情感以游戏活动为途径,渗透任务型教学把语言训练融入表演与游 戏之中,让学生在玩中学学中玩寓教于乐 2学情分析 四年级的学生大概处在十岁左右这个阶段的儿童注意不稳定、不持 久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所吸 引。所以他们对课件里的动画和能动发声的教具感兴趣。另一方面 他们感知事物的特点比较笼统不精确,往往只注意到一些孤立的现象, 看不出事物之间的联系和特点对时间和空间的概念也比较模糊。大 部分同学的英语水平有了很大的提高,学习兴趣浓厚,上课能积极参与 到英语学习中来,大部分同学的口语表达流利,能用所学知识进行简单 的日常交流不少同学词汇积累丰富,甚至可以用英语进行简单的对 话 3教学重难点 1.重点掌握单词 stomachache,cold, headache, fever, has got等生词学 会用口语表达 Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday so today.和He'sgot a stomachache进行询问;
Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolates 教案 1 教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写单词:stomachache, cold, headache, fever, has got 等生词; 2.语言:学会用口语表达 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday so today.和 He’s got a stomachache 进行询问 3.情感:以游戏活动为途径,渗透任务型教学,把语言训练融入表演与游 戏之中,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,寓教于乐。 2 学情分析 四年级的学生大概处在十岁左右,这个阶段的儿童注意不稳定、不持 久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所吸 引。 所以他们对课件里的动画和能动发声的教具感兴趣。另一方面, 他们感知事物的特点比较笼统,不精确,往往只注意到一些孤立的现象, 看不出事物之间的联系和特点,对时间和空间的概念也比较模糊。大 部分同学的英语水平有了很大的提高,学习兴趣浓厚,上课能积极参与 到英语学习中来,大部分同学的口语表达流利,能用所学知识进行简单 的日常交流,不少同学词汇积累丰富,甚至可以用英语进行简单的对 话。 3 教学重难点 1. 重点掌握单词:stomachache, cold, headache, fever, has got 等生词;学 会用口语表达 Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday so today.和 He’s got a stomachache 进行询问;
2难点为单词 stomachache,cold, headache, fever, has got等生词学会 用口语表达 Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday so today和He' s got a stomachache进行询问。 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step1热身(快乐歌) Step l: warming-up 1. Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls 2. Sing and do: If you're happy如果你感到快乐 If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands(clap, clap) If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap, clap) If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap) If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet(stomp, stomp) If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet(stomp, stomp) If you' re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it If you' re happy and you know it, stomp your feet(stomp, stomp) If you' re happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray, hurray) If you're happy and you know it shout hurray (hurray, hurray) If you, re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray(hurray, hurray) If you're happy and you know it, do all three(clap, stomp, hurray!) If you're happy and you know it do all three(clap, stomp, hurray! If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it If you're happy and you know it, do all three(clap, stomp hurray 设计意图活跃了课堂气氛拉近了师生间的距离
2. 难点为单词:stomachache, cold, headache, fever, has got 等生词;学会 用口语表达 Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday so today.和 He’s got a stomachache 进行询问。 4 教学过程 活动 1【导入】Step1 热身(快乐歌) Step1: warming-up 1. Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls! 2. Sing and do: If you're happy 如果你感到快乐 If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap). If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap, clap). If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap, clap). If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp). If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp, stomp). If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp). [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray, hurray). If you're happy and you know it shout hurray (hurray, hurray). If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray, hurray). If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap, stomp, hurray!). If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap, stomp, hurray!). If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap, stomp, hurray!) 设计意图:活跃了课堂气氛,拉近了师生间的距离
活动2【导入】Step2Lead-in(西瓜和巧克力演示,老师扮演病人 的表情及动作) Take out the water melon and chocolate引出标题; 采用标声调的方式学习标题如Ⅰ是第四声我们结合拼音做笔记had 是第一声 chocolate是第四声 教会孩子语音语调的重要性。接着学会之后让会读的孩子们站起来 读,以营造气氛 活动3【讲授】Step3 Presentation 1 New words(用自然拼读拼写法学习单词结合实物展示) 在此处,先说出我的课堂 rules,孩子们分为 Group12.34。运用时下最 流行的自然拼读法教孩子们拼读单词。 rap:我说c,你说k/以及我说ch,你说/chi等。 运用纸板学习完单词边学全班边做动作,例如肚子痛,头痛并表扬动 作做得好的同学。学会后,使用大小声,男女声,AB组分开读等环节加 以熟练。 老师运用字母操,展示字母及字母发音,让孩子边做操边学习字母发音 进而使单词的拼读; 接着与孩子们进行快闪游戏以巩固已学单词 2 Read and find out:看图选择Sam昨天吃了什么,用不同的手势告诉老 师yes和no,以增强气氛 T: Boys and girls, please read and find out what Sam and Daming had yesterday
活动 2【导入】Step2 Lead-in (西瓜和巧克力演示,老师扮演病人 的表情及动作) Take out the water melon and chocolate 引出标题; 采用标声调的方式学习标题:如 I 是第四声,我们结合拼音做笔记,had 是第一声,chocolate 是第四声。 教会孩子语音语调的重要性。接着学会之后让会读的孩子们站起来 读,以营造气氛。 活动 3【讲授】Step 3 Presentation 1.New words(用自然拼读拼写法学习单词,结合实物展示) 在此处,先说出我的课堂 rules,孩子们分为 Group1,2,3,4。运用时下最 流行的自然拼读法教孩子们拼读单词。 rap:我说 c,你说/k/以及我说 ch,你说/chi/等。 运用纸板学习完单词,边学全班边做动作,例如肚子痛,头痛,并表扬动 作做得好的同学。学会后,使用大小声,男女声,AB 组分开读等环节加 以熟练。 老师运用字母操,展示字母及字母发音,让孩子边做操边学习字母发音, 进而使单词的拼读; 接着与孩子们进行快闪游戏,以巩固已学单词; 2.Read and find out:看图选择 Sam 昨天吃了什么,用不同的手势告诉老 师 yes 和 no,以增强气氛。 T: Boys and girls, please read and find out what Sam and Daming had yesterday;
I will give you two minutes看图选择材料,用不同的手势告诉老师yes 和 3. Watch, read and fill in the blanks:看文章填黑板上的表格。 T: Boys and girls do you want to see the video? Yes T: Watch, read and here is a question for you How to fill these blanks? H 手指来数一数 4. Presentation ofthe text ①课前在黑板上已经贴好纸板加文章内容的6个步骤。跟着动画 句一句学习学会断句(用sash断开,连读( link words ②接着ppt展示图片,副图片代表一个动作学会句型后快速说出,比 比哪一组的孩子较快!采取男生站起来读女生站起来读全班站起 来读个人站起来读等环节加以操练。 T: Well children, let's watch the video and read it together. Lets learn the sentences one by one. 5. Pair work: Act it out!精彩的表演环节到了! T: Well children Lets do the pair work. Four students are in one group Please cooperate together to finish the passage. Every student read one sentence. Two minutes for you! Are you ready?四名学生一组每一个学 生表演一个人。我将给你2分钟! 6. Do and think (emotion education) 主题升华渗透情感教育。健康是多么的重要!
I will give you two minutes.看图选择材料,用不同的手势告诉老师 yes 和 no; 3.Watch,read and fill in the blanks:看文章,填黑板上的表格。 T: Boys and girls, do you want to see the video? S: Yes! T: Watch, read and here is a question for you: How to fill these blanks?用 手指来数一数。 4. Presentation of the text: ①课前在黑板上已经贴好纸板加文章内容的 6 个步骤。跟着动画一 句一句学习,学会断句(用 slash 断开),连读(link words); ②接着 ppt 展示图片,一副图片代表一个动作,学会句型后快速说出,比 一比哪一组的孩子较快!采取男生站起来读,女生站起来读,全班站起 来读,个人站起来读等环节,加以操练。 T: Well children, let’s watch the video and read it together. Let’s learn the sentences one by one. 5. Pair work: Act it out!精彩的表演环节到了! T: Well children! Let’s do the pair work. Four students are in one group. Please cooperate together to finish the passage. Every student read one sentence. Two minutes for you! Are you ready? 四名学生一组,每一个学 生表演一个人。我将给你 2 分钟! 6.Do and think (Emotion education) 主题升华,渗透情感教育。健康是多么的重要!
T: After this class. What s your feeling about health? S: Yes. Health is very important! 设计意图通过课文的学习,是学生了解健康的重要性。 7. Who is lucky today?幸运大抽奖 设置悬念六个不同的按钮对应不同的图片,图片对应的分数不一样 是不是很刺激很好玩呢? 活动4【活动】 Summary孩子举手分条说出本节课所写,老师归纳 1. To describe illness 2. To keep health 活动5【作业】 Homework课外扩展练习 Continue to act out the play with your parents or friends after class
T: After this class. What’s your feeling about health? S: Yes. Health is very important! 设计意图:通过课文的学习,是学生了解健康的重要性。 7. Who is lucky today? 幸运大抽奖 设置悬念,六个不同的按钮对应不同的图片,图片对应的分数不一样。 是不是很刺激很好玩呢? 活动 4【活动】Summary 孩子举手分条说出本节课所写,老师归纳 1. To describe illness. 2. To keep health. 活动 5【作业】Homework 课外扩展练习 Continue to act out the play with your parents or friends after class. 女部:奵奺奻奼奾奿妀妁妅妉妊妋妌妍妎妏妐妑妔妕妗妘妚妛妜妟妠妡妢妤妦妧妩妫 妭妮妯妰妱妲妴妵妶妷妸妺妼妽妿姀姁姂姃姄姅姆姇姈姉姊姌姗姎姏姒姕姖姘姙姛姝姞姟姠姡姢姣姤姥奸姧姨姩姫姬姭姮姯姰姱姲姳姴姵姶姷姸姹姺姻姼姽姾娀威娂娅娆娈娉娊娋娌娍娎娏娐娑娒娓娔娕娖娗娙娚娱娜娝娞娟娠娡娢娣娤娥娦娧娨娩娪娫娬娭娮娯娰娱娲娳娴娵娷娸娹娺娻娽娾娿婀娄婂婃婄婅婇婈婋婌婍婎婏婐婑婒婓婔婕婖婗婘婙婛婜婝婞婟婠婡婢婣婤婥妇婧婨婩婪婫娅婮婯婰婱婲婳婵婷婸婹婺婻婼婽婾婿媀媁媂媄媃媅媪媈媉媊媋媌媍媎媏媐媑媒媓媔媕媖媗媘媙媚媛媜媝媜媞媟媠媡媢媣媤媥媦媨媩媪媫媬媭妫媰媱媲媳媴媵媶媷媸媹媺媻媪媾嫀嫃嫄嫅嫆嫇嫈嫉嫊袅嫌嫍嫎嫏嫐嫑嫒嫓嫔嫕嫖妪嫘嫙嫚嫛嫜嫝嫞嫟嫠嫡嫢嫣嫤嫥嫦嫧嫨嫧嫩嫪嫫嫬嫭嫮嫯嫰嫱嫲嫳嫴嫳妩嫶嫷嫸嫹嫺娴嫼嫽嫾婳妫嬁嬂嬃嬄嬅嬆嬇娆嬉嬊娇嬍嬎嬏嬐嬑嬒嬓嬔嬕嬖嬗嬘嫱嬚嬛嬜嬞嬟嬠嫒嬢嬣嬥嬦嬧嬨嬩嫔嬫嬬奶嬬嬮嬯婴嬱嬲嬳嬴嬵嬶嬷婶嬹嬺嬻嬼嬽嬾嬿孀孁孂娘孄孅孆孇孆孈孉孊娈孋孊孍孎孏嫫婿媚 子部:孑孒孓孖孚孛孜孞孠孡孢孥学孧孨孪孙孬孭孮孯孰孱孲孳孴孵孶孷孹孻孼孽孾 宀部:宄宆宊宍宎宐宑宒宓宔宖実宥宧宨宩宬宭宯宱宲宷宸宺宻宼寀寁寃寈寉寊寋寍寎寏寔寕寖寗寘寙寚寜寝寠寡寣寥寪寭寮寯寰寱寲寳寴寷 寸部:寽対尀専尃尅尌 小部:尐尒尕尗尛尜尞尟尠 尢部:尣尢尥尦尨尩尪尫尬尭尮尯尰尲尳尴尵尶 尸部:尾屃届屇屈屎屐屑屒屓屔屖屗屘屙屚屛屉扉屟屡屣履屦屧屦屩屪屫属 山部:敳屮屰屲屳屴屵屶屷屸屹屺屻屼屽屾屿岃岄岅岆岇岈岉岊岋岌岍岎岏岐岑岒岓岔岕岖岘岙岚岜岝岞岟岠岗岢岣岤岥岦岧岨岪岫岬岮岯岰岲岴岵岶岷岹岺岻岼岽岾岿峀峁峂峃峄峅峆峇峈峉峊峋峌峍峎峏峐峑峒峓崓峖峗峘峚峙峛峜峝峞峟峠峢峣峤峥峦峧峨峩峪峬峫峭峮峯峱峲峳岘峵峷峸峹峺峼峾峿崀崁崂崃崄崅崆崇崈崉崊崋崌崃崎崏崐崒崓崔崕崖崘崚崛崜崝崞崟岽崡峥崣崤崥崦崧崨崩崪崫崬崭崮崯崰崱崲嵛崴崵崶崷崸崹崺崻崼崽崾崿嵀嵁嵂嵃嵄嵅嵆嵇嵈嵉嵊嵋嵌嵍嵎嵏岚嵑岩嵓嵔嵕嵖嵗嵘嵙嵚嵛嵜嵝嵞嵟嵠嵡嵢嵣嵤嵥嵦嵧嵨嵩嵪嵫嵬嵭嵮嵯嵰嵱嵲嵳嵴嵵嵶嵷嵸嵹嵺嵻嵼嵽嵾嵿嶀嵝嶂嶃崭嶅嶆岖嶈嶉嶊嶋嶌嶍嶎嶏嶐嶑嶒嶓嵚嶕嶖嶘嶙嶚嶛嶜嶝嶞嶟峤嶡峣嶣嶤嶥嶦峄峃嶩嶪嶫嶬嶭崄嶯嶰嶱嶲嶳岙嶵嶶嶷嵘嶹岭嶻屿岳帋巀巁巂巃巄巅巆巇巈巉巊岿巌巍巎巏巐巑峦巓巅巕岩巗巘巙巚