Unitl Did you fall off your bike? 教学目标: 1、学生能听懂、会说并认读单词: happen,ride, thirsty, bought, watermelon, carried, ump 2、学生能听懂、会说并认读句子 Sam and i went for a bike ride yesterday. And then.? Did you fall off your bike? 3、动词的过去式: happen- happened bump-bumped carry-carried go-went are-were buy-bought fall-fell 4、能描述过去一段时间发生的事件 教学重点: 单词、句型及动词过去式 教学难点: 1、运用句型: Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday. And then.? Did you fall off your b.ike? 2、能描述过去一段时间发生的事件 教学准备: 课件、图片、单词卡 教学过程: Step l: Warm up 2. Free talk: What did you do yesterday? 3.Let’ s have a chant Chant引出 carry以及 carried Step 2: Presen tation 1. T: What was the weather like yesterday? Ss: It was hot T: Yes, it was hot yesterday I was thirsty. So I went to the supermarket. And I bought some thing
Unit1 Did you fall off your bike? 教学目标: 1、学生能听懂、会说并认读单词: happen, ride, thirsty, bought, watermelon, carried, bump 2、学生能听懂、会说并认读句子: Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday. And then...? Did you fall off your bike? 3、动词的过去式: happen-happened bump-bu mped carry-carried go-went are-were buy-bought fall-fell 4、能描述过去一段时间发生的事件。 教学重点: 单词、句型及动词过去式 教学难点: 1、运用句型:Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday. And then...? Did you fall off your b ike? 2、能描述过去一段时间发生的事件。 教学准备: 课件、图片、单词卡 教学过程: Step 1: Warm up 1. G reetings 2.Free talk:What did you do yesterday? 3. Let’s have a chant. Chant 引出 carry 以及 carried. Step 2: Presen tat ion 1. T: What was the weather like yesterday? Ss: It was hot. T: Yes, it was hot yesterday. I was thirsty. So I went to the supermarket. And I bought something
T: Can you guess what did i buy? Ss: You bought T: I bought a bottle of water and a big watermelon. The water melon was so big and so heavy. Suddenly it fell off and bumped my toes 2. Listen and underline the past tense words 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Read the passage by themselves. Step 3: Teacher-student interaction Make a small story in past tense. (a group of 4) 1. Copy the new words 2. Read the text 3. Make a story in past tense by yourselves. 板书设计: Unitl Did you fall off your bike And then.What happened? went for a bike ride bought a watermelon carried the watermelon fell off his bumped head 学反思
T: Can you guess what did I buy? Ss: You bought.... T: I bought a bottle of water and a big watermelon. The water melon was so big and so heavy. Suddenly it fell off and bumped my toes. 2. Listen and underline the past tense words. 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Read the passage by themselves. 5. Role play Step 3: Teacher-student interaction Make a small story in p ast tense.(A group of 4) Step 4: Homework 1. Copy the new words. 2. Read the text. 3. Make a story in past tense by yourselves. 板书设计: 教学反思: 1、岁月是贼,总是不经意偷去很多,美好的容颜,真实的情感,幸福的生活。 2、能够微笑面对的事情就微笑吧,因为微笑总比哭更好。 3、时间就是一颗药,你掌握好了它便是解药,你肆意挥霍它便是毒药。 4、一句顺其自然,励志名言里面包含了多少绝望和不甘心。 5、不管相爱时间有多长或多短,若能始终温柔地相待,那么,所有的时刻都将是一种无瑕的美丽。 6、回忆这东西,真的能让一个人变成神经病,前一秒还是嘴角上扬,下一秒便湿了眼眶。 7、喜欢一个人,是看到了他的优点。爱一个人,是包容了他的缺点。喜欢是一种心情,爱是一种感情。 8、每一天的努力,只是为了让远方变得更近一些。 9、放弃与放手的区别是:放弃是牺牲本来属于你的,放手是放下那些从来就不是你的。 10、不管天气怎样,给自己的世界一片晴朗;不管季节变换,让自己的内心鸟语花香。 11、一路走来,免不了会携带岁月的尘埃,生活总会给我们留下许多感慨,经过的事,路过的人,都给我们留下很多故事,偶尔翻阅起来,还会是一种感动。 Unit1 Did you fall off your bike? And then…What happened? went for a bike ride bought a watermelon carried the watermelon fell off his bike bumped head
12、在记忆里,有一些瞬间,经历时没什么特别,回想时,却胜过千言万语。 13、做该做的事,爱该爱的人,能应对惊涛拍岸的雄壮,也能安于细水长流的温情。 14、对身边的人好点,因为重要的人越来越少,剩下的越来越重要。 15、伸手需要一瞬间,牵手却要很多年,无论你遇见谁,他都是你生命该出现的人,绝非偶然。–––若无相欠,怎会相见。 16、当你强大了,你才会遇到比你强大的;当你变好,你才配得起更好。 17、多数的错失,是因为不坚持,不努力,不挽留,然后催眠自己说一切都是命运。 18、有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否它真的值得你拥有。 19、不由自主只因刻骨铭心,不离不弃只因无法代替。 20、即使没有人为你鼓掌,也要优雅地谢幕,感谢自己的认真付出。 21、在哪里存在,就在哪里绽放。不要因为难过,就忘了散发芳香。 22、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年;有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。 23、好的坏的我们都收下吧,然后一声不响,继续生活。 24、每个人心中都有一座城,住着一个不可能的人,那个人路过了青春一阵子,却会在记忆里搁浅一辈子。 五个哲理段子,品味人生 11则哲理故事,让你人生更从容 人生哲理:一般人看不懂,看懂的人不一般 1、生活中总会有伤害你的人,所发你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。 2、脆弱的人,只懂得怜悯自已,而不知道反省自已。 3、如果朋友让你生气,那就说明你仍然在意他的友情。 4、生命的成长,需要吃饭,还需要吃苦,吃亏。 5、你可能只是这个世界上的一个人,但对某个人来说,你是他的全世界。 6、无论做什么,记得是为自己而做,那就毫无怨言。 7、让自己更平和一点,更豁达一点,对于身边的过错,让自己更宽容一点。人人都有他的难处,何必强求于人。 8、不相信奇迹的人永远都不会创造奇迹。 9、不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的开始而笑。 10、坏事总是不断发生,可还是有很多办法来解决困难。永远不要忘记学进修学问,拓阔胸襟。人生所有烦恼的会不多不少永远追随,只不过学识涵养可以使一个人更加理智冷静地分析处理这些难题而已。 11、智者总是有成功的密码,能译出密码的人,心是成功的智者。 12、成功都永远不会言弃,放弃者永远不会成功。 13、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心