TheOriginationand DevelopmentofTcl Feng Cchong-lian The 2nd People's Hospital of Guangzhou
The Origination and Development of TCM Feng Chong-lian The 2 nd People’s Hospital of Guangzhou
用医学的起源与发展 冯崇廉 中国中医药学会广州分会常务理事 广州中西医结合专业委员会副主 广州市第二人民医院主任中医师 广州医学院硕士研究生导师 广州医学院学报》编委
中医学的起源与发展 冯崇廉 中国中医药学会广州分会常务理事 广州中西医结合专业委员会副主 广州市第二人民医院主任中医师 广州医学院硕士研究生导师 《广州医学院学报》编委
o Mao Ze-dong, The Chairman of pr china said: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology are a great treasure-house. and efforts should be made to explore them and raise them to a higher level
⚫ Mao Ze-dong, The Chairman of P.R. China said: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology are a great treasure-house, and efforts should be made to explore them and raise them to a higher level
中华人民共和国主席毛泽东 说:“祖国医药学是一个伟大的 宝库,应当努力挖掘,加以提 高
中华人民共和国主席毛泽东 说 :“祖国医药学是一个伟大的 宝库,应当努力挖掘,加以提 高
o Jiang Ze-min, the General secretary of cccp(the central committee of the communist party of China) said: We should develop Traditional Chinese Medicine, and put the equal stress on cm and western medicine
⚫ Jiang Ze-min, the General secretary of CCCP (the central committee of the communist party of China) said: We should develop Traditional Chinese Medicine, and put the equal stress on TCM and western medicine
中国中央总书记江泽民 说:“中西医并重,发展中医 药
中国中央总书记江泽民 说 :“中西医并重,发展中医 药
o Wuyi, vice-premier and concurrently minister of the public Health ministry of china said
⚫ Wuyi, vice-premier and concurrently minister of the Public Health Ministry of China said:
o the national chinese medicine and Pharmacology are the systemic scientific theory and the special methods of diagnosis and treatment which arise from the experience accumulated b the Chinese people in their struggle against disease over a long period of time
⚫ the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology are the systemic scientific theory and the special methods of diagnosis and treatment, which arise from the experience accumulated by the Chinese people in their struggle against disease over a long period of time
o TCM is the condensation of the superb wisdom of the Chinese nation. It is the excellent traditional culture of Chinese nation and the speciality and the superiority in hygienic undertakings of our country
⚫ TCM is the condensation of the superb wisdom of the Chinese nation. It is the excellent traditional culture of Chinese nation and the speciality and the superiority in hygienic undertakings of our country
国务院副总理兼卫生部长 吴仪说:“中医药学是我国人民 在长期的劳动、实践和与疾病 斗争的经验积累中逐步形成的 独特而系统的科学理论和诊疗 方法,凝聚着中华民族的优秀 传统文化,是我国卫生事业的 特色和优势
国务院副总理兼卫生部长 吴仪说:“中医药学是我国人民 在长期的劳动、实践和与疾病 斗争的经验积累中逐步形成的 独特而系统的科学理论和诊疗 方法,凝聚着中华民族的优秀 传统文化,是我国卫生事业的 特色和优势