第22章先天性畸形的发生 和机制 Congenital Malformations and Mechanism 陆军军医大学基础医学院 组织胚胎学教研室
第22章 先天性畸形的发生 和机制 Congenital Malformations and Mechanism 陆军军医大学基础医学院 组织胚胎学教研室
主要内容 先天性畸形的发生和分类 先天性畸形发生的影响因素 先天性畸形发生的胚胎学机制 四、致畸机制的研究方法 五、先天性畸形的预防和产前检査
主要内容 • 一、先天性畸形的发生和分类 • 二、先天性畸形发生的影响因素 • 三、先天性畸形发生的胚胎学机制 • 四、致畸机制的研究方法 • 五、先天性畸形的预防和产前检查
ARtiCLe doi:10.1038/ nature24487 Regeneration of the entire human epidermis using transgenic stem cells Tobias Hirsch *, Tobias Rothoeft*, Norbert Teig*, Johann W. Bauer*, Graziella Pellegrini,S*, Laura De Rosas Davide Scaglione, Julia Reichelt,, Alfred Klausegger, Daniela Kneisz, Oriana Romano, Alessia Secone Seconetti5 Roberta Contin5 Elena enzo Irena Jurman8 Sonia Carulli. Frank Jacobsen. Thomas Lueckelo, Marcus Lehnhardtl Meike Fischer 2, Maximilian Kueckelhaus', Daniela Quaglino Michele Morgante, Silvio Bicciato', Sergio Bondanza& Michele De Lucas
LAMB3 mutant JEB Junctional epidermolysis bullosa 大疱性表皮松解症
LAMB3 mutant JEB: Junctional epidermolysis bullosa. 大疱性表皮松解症
head ces 点 epidermis JEB
Francesca La Mantia Ph.D. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Francesca La Mantia Ph.D. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
4 months primary cultures Epidermal Stem Cell (4Mc Progenitor Cell Stem/Progenitor o>derived cells Cell Transduction 8 months primary cultures Epidermal Cells Transgenic autologous epidermal cultures(PGc) Engrafted transgenic stem cells are recovered in pre-graft cultures
SECOND INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON HUMAN GENOME EDMING Day One Day CAGH以GH 1100am Break 南方科技大学 11:30am Human Embryo Editing 副教授贺建奎 Moderator: Robin-Lovell- Badge, "The Francis Crick Institute Speakers Kathy Niakan, The Francis Crick Institute Paula Amato, Oregon Health Science University Maria Jasin, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute Xingu Huang. Shanghai. Tech University Jiankui He, Southen University of Science and Technology
南方科技大学 副教授贺建奎