第四章烯烃和环烷烃 (Alkenes and Cyclic Hydrocarbons) 烯炫 官能团 ,通式:CnH2n ●第一节烯烃的结构 H≠1217H 0.108nm C=C键能 117 0.133nm H 610kJ/mol LIYING 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 第四章 烯烃和环烷烃 (Alkenes and Cyclic Hydrocarbons) 烯 烃 ⚫ 官能团: ,通式:CnH2n. ⚫ 第一节 烯烃的结构 C C C H H C H H 0.108nm 0.133nm 121.7 117 C=C 键能 610kJ/mol
Carbon sp (trigonal, 30+ iT bonds) 2px 2py 21 isolated C atom hybridised C atom in GXg 120 134Pm154pm LIYING Planar 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 Carbon sp2 (trigonal, 3 + 1 bonds) sp2 sp2 sp2 2px 2py 2pz 2s 2pz hybridised C atom in C2X4 isolated C atom 120 p p s p2 s p2 s p2 s p2 C C Planar 154pm 134pm
兀-1 Bonding (Bonding molecular orbital) LIYING 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 -Bonding (Bonding molecular orbital)
乙烯分子的形成 乙烯模型 p 烯烃的反应 C H 加成、氧化、还原、聚 -H上的反应(氧化、卤代) LIYING 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 烯烃的反应 C C C H 加成、氧化、还原、聚合 −H上的反应(氧化、卤代) 乙烯分子的形成 乙烯模型
第二节烯烃的同分异构和命名 烯烃的同分异构 碳干异构、位置异构、顺及 例:丁烯有5种同分异构体: H3CH2CH-CH2 CH3CH- CHCH3 CH3C-CH2 (1)1-丁烯 (2)2-丁烯 CH 位置异构 碳干异构(3)异丁烯 位置异构 碳干异构 LIYING 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 第二节 烯烃的同分异构和命名 CH3CH2CH CH2 CH3CH CHCH3 CH3C CH2 (1) 1-丁烯 (2)2-丁烯 CH3 位置异构 碳干异构 (3)异丁烯 位置异构 ⚫ 一、烯烃的同分异构 碳干异构、位置异构、顺反异构 例:丁烯有5种同分异构体: •碳干异构
H3C CH H2C H H H CH (4)顺-2-丁烯 5)反-2-丁烯 顺反异构 顺(cis) 反( trans) a C a+b,c丰d时存在 顺反异构体 LIYING 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 C C H3C H CH3 H C C H3C H H CH3 (4) 顺-2-丁烯 (5)反-2-丁烯 顺反异构 顺(cis) 反(trans) C C a c b d a b, c d时存在 顺反异构体
cis-trans isomerism Different spatial arrangements Arrangements cannot be converted into one another by rotation Substituents are defined as being up or down(or left or right) with respect to a plane LIYING 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 cis-trans Isomerism ❖Different spatial arrangements ❖ Arrangements cannot be converted into one another by rotation ❖Substituents are defined as being up or down (or left or right) with respect to a plane
cis-trans isomerism Compounds are different because it is not possible to rotate 360 degrees around any given bond Isomers cannot be interconverted by rotation Substituents can always be classified with respect to a plane in the molecule as being on one side or the other cis both substituents on same side of plane trans substituents on opposite sides of LIYING pl ane 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 cis-trans Isomerism ❖Compounds are different because it is not possible to rotate 360 degrees around any given bond. ➢Isomers cannot be interconverted by rotation ➢Substituents can always be classified with respect to a plane in the molecule as being on one side or the other ❖cis both substituents on same side of plane ❖trans substituents on opposite sides of plane
、烯烃的命名 1.选择含双键最长的碳链作为主链(母 体),根据主链碳原子数命名为某烯 2.从靠近双键最近的一端开始编号 3.命名时双键的位次必须表明,以双键碳 原子中编号小的表示。 CH 4~2=CH2 5,5-二甲基 5.5-DimethyI-1-hexene 1-己烯 LIYING 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 二、烯烃的命名 – 1. 选择含双键最长的碳链作为主链(母 体),根据主链碳原子数命名为某烯。 – 2. 从靠近双键最近的一端开始编号。 – 3. 命名时双键的位次必须表明,以双键碳 原子中编号小的表示。 5,5-二甲基- 1-己烯
CH2=CH2 CH3-CH=CH2 Ethene Propene Ethylene” Raylene CH3 -CH2 -CH=CH2 CH3-CH=CH--CH3 1-Butene 2-Butene LIYING 2021/2/10
LIYING 2021/2/10 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH CH2 CH3 CH2 CH CH2 CH3 CH CH CH3 Ethene Propene 1-Butene 2-Butene “Ethylene” “Propylene