Textbook E.Balagurusamy,Fundamentals of Computers,Mc Graw Hill
Textbook ◼ E. Balagurusamy, Fundamentals of Computers, Mc Graw Hill
Content 1.Understanding the Computer ■ 2.Computer Organisation and Architecture ■小 3.Memory and Storage Systems ■4.Input Devices 国 5.Output Devices ■ 6.Computer Codes 7.Computer Arithmetic 10.Computer Software ■ 11.Operating Systems 12.Microsoft Software ■ 13.Programming Languages 14.Data Communications and Networks 15.The Internet and World Wide Web
Content ◼ 1. Understanding the Computer ◼ 2. Computer Organisation and Architecture ◼ 3. Memory and Storage Systems ◼ 4. Input Devices ◼ 5. Output Devices ◼ 6. Computer Codes ◼ 7. Computer Arithmetic ◼ 10. Computer Software ◼ 11. Operating Systems ◼ 12. Microsoft Software ◼ 13. Programming Languages ◼ 14. Data Communications and Networks ◼ 15. The Internet and World Wide Web
What's a Computer? A computer is an electronic machine that takes input from the user, processes the given input and generates output in the form of useful information
What’s a Computer? ◼ A computer is an electronic machine that takes input from the user, processes the given input and generates output in the form of useful information
What's a Computer? Input:data,programs,user reply Data:the raw details that need to be processed to generate some useful information. Programs:the set of instructions that can be executed by the computer in sequential or non- sequential manner. User rep/y:the input provided by the user in response to a question asked by the computer
What’s a Computer? ◼ Input: data, programs, user reply ⚫ Data: the raw details that need to be processed to generate some useful information. ⚫ Programs: the set of instructions that can be executed by the computer in sequential or nonsequential manner. ⚫ User reply: the input provided by the user in response to a question asked by the computer
What's a Computer? A computer includes various devices: Central Processing Unit(CPU) 。Monitor 。Keyboard and Mouse
What’s a Computer? ◼ A computer includes various devices: ⚫ Central Processing Unit (CPU) ⚫ Monitor ⚫ Keyboard and Mouse
What's a Computer? The unique capabilities and characteristics of a computer: ●Speed 。Storage capacity 。Accuracy 。Reliability 。Versatility ·Diligence
What’s a Computer? ◼ The unique capabilities and characteristics of a computer: ⚫ Speed ⚫ Storage capacity ⚫ Accuracy ⚫ Reliability ⚫ Versatility ⚫ Diligence
What's a Computer? Limitations: Garbage-In,Garbage-Out 。Dumb machine
What’s a Computer? ◼ Limitations: ⚫ Garbage-In, Garbage-Out ⚫ Dumb machine
Evolution of Computers Manual Computing Devices:Sand table, Abacus, Automated Computing Devices:difference engine,analytical engine,Colossus,.. Charles Babbage:A professor of mathematics a the Cambridge University is considered to be the father of modern computer
Evolution of Computers ◼ Manual Computing Devices: Sand table, Abacus, … ◼ Automated Computing Devices: difference engine, analytical engine, Colossus, … ◼ Charles Babbage: A professor of mathematics a the Cambridge University is considered to be the father of modern computer
Generations of Computers First Generation Computers ● Employed during the period 1940-1956 ● Used the vacuum tubes technology for calculation as well as for storage and control purpose. ● Advantages:(1)Fastest computing devices of their time;(2)These computers were able to execute complex mathematical problems in an efficient manner
Generations of Computers ◼ First Generation Computers • Employed during the period 1940-1956 • Used the vacuum tubes technology for calculation as well as for storage and control purpose. • Advantages: (1) Fastest computing devices of their time; (2) These computers were able to execute complex mathematical problems in an efficient manner
Generations of Computers ●Disadvantages: (1)The functioning of these computers depended on the machine language. (2)There were generally designed as special-purpose computers. (3)The use of vacuum tube technology make these computers very large and bulky. (4)They were not easily transferable from one place to another due to their huge size and also required to be placed in cool places. (5)They were single tasking because they could execute only one program at a time. (6)The generated huge amount of heat and hence were prone to hardware faults
Generations of Computers •Disadvantages: (1) The functioning of these computers depended on the machine language. (2) There were generally designed as special-purpose computers. (3) The use of vacuum tube technology make these computers very large and bulky. (4) They were not easily transferable from one place to another due to their huge size and also required to be placed in cool places. (5) They were single tasking because they could execute only one program at a time. (6) The generated huge amount of heat and hence were prone to hardware faults