第五章 受精的机制 山东师范大学生命科学学院
第五章 受精的机制 山东师范大学生命科学学院
◼ 受精(fertilization)是指两性生殖细胞融合 并形成具备双亲遗传潜能的新个体的过程。 受精作用是发育的开端,一个新的生命从 此开始。 ◼ 受精的第一个功能是将父母的基因传递给 子代,第二个功能是激发卵细胞中确保发 育正常进展的一系列反应
◼ 受精(fertilization)是指两性生殖细胞融合 并形成具备双亲遗传潜能的新个体的过程。 受精作用是发育的开端,一个新的生命从 此开始。 ◼ 受精的第一个功能是将父母的基因传递给 子代,第二个功能是激发卵细胞中确保发 育正常进展的一系列反应
◼ 受精过程中几个重要的事件:精子与卵子 的接触与识别、精子入卵、精子与卵子遗 传物质的融合以及卵子的激活和发育开始。 ◼ 受精既可以发生在体外,也可以在体内发 生
◼ 受精过程中几个重要的事件:精子与卵子 的接触与识别、精子入卵、精子与卵子遗 传物质的融合以及卵子的激活和发育开始。 ◼ 受精既可以发生在体外,也可以在体内发 生
1. 成熟精子和卵子的结构 2. 精子和卵子的接触和识别 3. 精子入卵的调控 4.卵子代谢的激活 5.遗传物质的融合
1. 成熟精子和卵子的结构 2. 精子和卵子的接触和识别 3. 精子入卵的调控 4.卵子代谢的激活 5.遗传物质的融合
一、成熟精子和卵子的结构 1. 精子作用的发现 ◼ A complex dialogue exists between egg and sperm. The egg activates the sperm metabolism that is essential for fertilization, and the sperm reciprocates by activating the egg metabolism needed for the onset of development
一、成熟精子和卵子的结构 1. 精子作用的发现 ◼ A complex dialogue exists between egg and sperm. The egg activates the sperm metabolism that is essential for fertilization, and the sperm reciprocates by activating the egg metabolism needed for the onset of development
◼ 1678年,荷兰显微镜 专家Anton van Leeuwenhoek发现了精 子,Nicolas Hartsoeker ( the other codiscoverer of sperm) 描绘了一幅精子中存 在一个预成的小人 (a preformed human — "homunculus")的画面
◼ 1678年,荷兰显微镜 专家Anton van Leeuwenhoek发现了精 子,Nicolas Hartsoeker ( the other codiscoverer of sperm) 描绘了一幅精子中存 在一个预成的小人 (a preformed human — "homunculus")的画面
◼ 17世纪末,意大 利的博物学家 Lazzaro Spallanzani 发现 过滤去除精子之 后的精液不能使 蟾蜍的卵子受精 (filtered toad semen devoid of sperm would not fertilize eggs)
◼ 17世纪末,意大 利的博物学家 Lazzaro Spallanzani 发现 过滤去除精子之 后的精液不能使 蟾蜍的卵子受精 (filtered toad semen devoid of sperm would not fertilize eggs)
◼ In 1824, J. L. Prevost and J. B. Dumas (French speaking)发现只有性成熟的雄 性动物才能产生精子,而未成熟的和年老 的动物体内都没有精子产生,同时他们还 注意到骡的不育性。 ◼ They claimed that sperm were not parasites, but rather the active agents of fertilization. They proposed that the sperm entered the egg and contributed materially to the next generation
◼ In 1824, J. L. Prevost and J. B. Dumas (French speaking)发现只有性成熟的雄 性动物才能产生精子,而未成熟的和年老 的动物体内都没有精子产生,同时他们还 注意到骡的不育性。 ◼ They claimed that sperm were not parasites, but rather the active agents of fertilization. They proposed that the sperm entered the egg and contributed materially to the next generation
◼ Until the 1840s, A. von Kolliker described the formation of sperm from cells within the adult testes. It was only in 1876 that Oscar Hertwig and Herman Fol independently demonstrated sperm entry into the egg and the union of the two cells' nuclei. ◼ Fertilization was at last recognized as the union of sperm and egg, and the union of sea urchin gametes remains one of the best-studied examples of fertilization
◼ Until the 1840s, A. von Kolliker described the formation of sperm from cells within the adult testes. It was only in 1876 that Oscar Hertwig and Herman Fol independently demonstrated sperm entry into the egg and the union of the two cells' nuclei. ◼ Fertilization was at last recognized as the union of sperm and egg, and the union of sea urchin gametes remains one of the best-studied examples of fertilization
2. 精子的结构 人类精子由头部、中部(颈部)和尾部组成
2. 精子的结构 人类精子由头部、中部(颈部)和尾部组成