麝香为何能治疗热闭证? ◼ 麝香虽性温味辛, 然而借其开窍通闭之功, 配伍清热药,组成凉开之剂,也常用于治疗 热闭证。 ◼ 开窍醒神首选药
麝香为何能治疗热闭证? ◼ 麝香虽性温味辛, 然而借其开窍通闭之功, 配伍清热药,组成凉开之剂,也常用于治疗 热闭证。 ◼ 开窍醒神首选药
第二十章 补虚药 Tonics
第二十章 补虚药 Tonics
Survey Drugs, which can tonify the deficiency Qi, blood, yin and yang of the body, enhance the body resistance to diseases, and be used in the treatment of various deficiency syndromes are called tonics, or supplementing and nourishing drugs
Survey Drugs, which can tonify the deficiency Qi, blood, yin and yang of the body, enhance the body resistance to diseases, and be used in the treatment of various deficiency syndromes are called tonics, or supplementing and nourishing drugs
Deficiency syndromes are further divided into deficiency of Qi, of Yang, of blood and of Yin, and accordingly, tonics are divided into four kinds: drugs for tonifying Qi, Yang, blood and Yin
Deficiency syndromes are further divided into deficiency of Qi, of Yang, of blood and of Yin, and accordingly, tonics are divided into four kinds: drugs for tonifying Qi, Yang, blood and Yin
◆凡能补充人体物质,增强机能,以提高抗病 能力,能力,消除虚弱证候的药物,称为补虚 药,亦称补益药或补养药。 ◆虚证包括气虚、阳虚、血虚、阴虚四种类 型。补益药也可根据其作用和应用范围的 不同而分为补气药、补阳药、补血药、补 阴药四类
◆凡能补充人体物质,增强机能,以提高抗病 能力,能力,消除虚弱证候的药物,称为补虚 药,亦称补益药或补养药。 ◆虚证包括气虚、阳虚、血虚、阴虚四种类 型。补益药也可根据其作用和应用范围的 不同而分为补气药、补阳药、补血药、补 阴药四类
◆补气药和补阳药,补血药和养阴药, 往往相须为用。至于气血两亏、阴 阳俱虚的病证,又当根据病情,采用 气血两补或阴阳兼顾
◆补气药和补阳药,补血药和养阴药, 往往相须为用。至于气血两亏、阴 阳俱虚的病证,又当根据病情,采用 气血两补或阴阳兼顾
补虚药不适用于有实邪的病证,能“闭门留寇” , 加重病情。但在实邪未除,正气已虚的情况下,在祛 邪之中,可适当选用补虚药,以“扶正祛邪” 。 补虚药如使用不当,有害而无益。如阴虚有热而 用补阳药,阳虚有寒而用补阴药,均能产生不良的后 果。 在服用补虚药时适当配伍健脾胃的药,以免妨碍 消化吸收,影响疗效。 notes
补虚药不适用于有实邪的病证,能“闭门留寇” , 加重病情。但在实邪未除,正气已虚的情况下,在祛 邪之中,可适当选用补虚药,以“扶正祛邪” 。 补虚药如使用不当,有害而无益。如阴虚有热而 用补阳药,阳虚有寒而用补阴药,均能产生不良的后 果。 在服用补虚药时适当配伍健脾胃的药,以免妨碍 消化吸收,影响疗效。 notes
补 气 药 Qi Tonics Section One
补 气 药 Qi Tonics Section One
Function This kind of drugs is sweet in flavor, warm or neutral in property, and has the function of replenishing the primordial Qi, and is used for treating Qi deficiency syndrome of spleen and lung
Function This kind of drugs is sweet in flavor, warm or neutral in property, and has the function of replenishing the primordial Qi, and is used for treating Qi deficiency syndrome of spleen and lung
Indications It is effective for deficiency of the spleen-Qi characterized by anorexia, loose stool, Gastric and abdominal distension, lack of vitality, lassitude, edema, prolapse of Rectum , and deficiency of the lung-Qi characterized by short breath, disinclination To talk, breathlessness after movement, spontaneous sweating, etc
Indications It is effective for deficiency of the spleen-Qi characterized by anorexia, loose stool, Gastric and abdominal distension, lack of vitality, lassitude, edema, prolapse of Rectum , and deficiency of the lung-Qi characterized by short breath, disinclination To talk, breathlessness after movement, spontaneous sweating, etc