平肝息风药 Drugs for calming the liver and subduing wind Chapter 18
平肝息风药 Drugs for calming the liver and subduing wind Chapter 18
Definition: drugs with the functions of soothing the liver and subduing Yang and stopping wind to relieve convulsion for treating the syndromes due to hyperactivity of liver yang and liver wind stirring are called drugs for calming the liver and subduing wind. Survey Section 1 定 义:凡具有平抑肝阳、息 风止痉作用的药物,称平肝息 风药
Definition: drugs with the functions of soothing the liver and subduing Yang and stopping wind to relieve convulsion for treating the syndromes due to hyperactivity of liver yang and liver wind stirring are called drugs for calming the liver and subduing wind. Survey Section 1 定 义:凡具有平抑肝阳、息 风止痉作用的药物,称平肝息 风药
Effects: soothing the liver and subduing Yang, stopping wind to relieve convulsion and tranquilizing the mind. 功 效:具有平肝潜阳、息 风止痉或镇惊安神等作用
Effects: soothing the liver and subduing Yang, stopping wind to relieve convulsion and tranquilizing the mind. 功 效:具有平肝潜阳、息 风止痉或镇惊安神等作用
Classification: drugs for soothing and inhibiting the liver Yang drugs for stopping wind to relieve convulsion
Classification: drugs for soothing and inhibiting the liver Yang drugs for stopping wind to relieve convulsion
Indications: Treating hyperactivity of liver Yang with dizziness and blurred vision, headache, tinnitus, or flaming-up of liver fire with flushed face, restlessness , tendency to anger Treating spasms and convulsions due to up-stirring of endogenous wind resulting from disorders of the liver
Indications: Treating hyperactivity of liver Yang with dizziness and blurred vision, headache, tinnitus, or flaming-up of liver fire with flushed face, restlessness , tendency to anger Treating spasms and convulsions due to up-stirring of endogenous wind resulting from disorders of the liver
适用证:肝阳上亢、头晕目眩, 肝风内动、惊痫抽搐,以及热极 生风之惊风、破伤风等证
适用证:肝阳上亢、头晕目眩, 肝风内动、惊痫抽搐,以及热极 生风之惊风、破伤风等证
Compatibility: ①肝阳上亢每兼肝热,须与清泄肝热药同用; ②因热极生风者,当伍清热泻火药; ③阴血虚少,肝失所养,以致肝风内动或肝阳上亢 者,应配滋肾养阴、补肝养血之品; ④兼见神志不安或神昏者,配以安神药或开窍药
Compatibility: ①肝阳上亢每兼肝热,须与清泄肝热药同用; ②因热极生风者,当伍清热泻火药; ③阴血虚少,肝失所养,以致肝风内动或肝阳上亢 者,应配滋肾养阴、补肝养血之品; ④兼见神志不安或神昏者,配以安神药或开窍药
Notes 药性寒凉之品,脾虚慢惊忌用; 药性温燥之品,阴虚血亏者慎用
Notes 药性寒凉之品,脾虚慢惊忌用; 药性温燥之品,阴虚血亏者慎用
平肝息风药歌诀 平肝息风石决明,珍珠玳瑁赭钩藤, 稆衣紫贝决明子,僵蚕全蝎牡蜈蚣, 羚羊罗布珍珠母,蒺藜天麻共地龙。 详解:平肝息风药包括石决明、珍珠、玳瑁、代赭石、钩 藤、豆衣、紫贝齿、决明子、白僵蚕、全蝎、牡蛎、蜈 蚣、羚羊角、罗布麻、珍珠母、刺蒺藜、天麻、地龙。 Poem
平肝息风药歌诀 平肝息风石决明,珍珠玳瑁赭钩藤, 稆衣紫贝决明子,僵蚕全蝎牡蜈蚣, 羚羊罗布珍珠母,蒺藜天麻共地龙。 详解:平肝息风药包括石决明、珍珠、玳瑁、代赭石、钩 藤、豆衣、紫贝齿、决明子、白僵蚕、全蝎、牡蛎、蜈 蚣、羚羊角、罗布麻、珍珠母、刺蒺藜、天麻、地龙。 Poem
Section 2 ◼ Rhizoma Gastrodiae ◼ Scorpio ◼ Concha Haliotidis
Section 2 ◼ Rhizoma Gastrodiae ◼ Scorpio ◼ Concha Haliotidis