Herpes comes from Greek word“ herpes (to creep or crawl) Herpesviruses Dongli pan Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology Zhejiang University School of Medicine pandongli@zju. edu.cl
Herpesviruses Dongli Pan Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology Zhejiang University School of Medicine pandongli@zju.edu.cn Herpes comes from Greek word “herpein” (to creep or crawl)
Learning Objectives Be familiarized with all human herpesviruses and their associated diseases Know herpesvirus replication cycle and latency reactivation cycle Know the infection cycles and pathogenesis of Hsv-1 HSV-2 VZV HCMV EBV Know anti-herpesvirus drugs and their mechanisms of action
Learning Objectives • Be familiarized with all human herpesviruses and their associated diseases. • Know herpesvirus replication cycle and latencyreactivation cycle. • Know the infection cycles and pathogenesis of HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, HCMV, EBV. • Know anti-herpesvirus drugs and their mechanisms of action
Baltimore classification DNA viruses RNA viruses Group I Group Il Group Ill Group IV Group v GroupⅥl GroupⅦl DNA(+/-) DNA什+ RNA(+/-) RNA(+) RNA(-) RNA(+) DNA(+/-) Reverse transcription RNA(-) Reverse DNA(+/-) transcription mRNA proteins Fields virology, 6th edition
Fields Virology, 6th edition DNA viruses RNA viruses Baltimore classification
Classification of herpesviruses Family Herpesviridae Subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae Species HSV-1 HSV-2 VZ∨ (animal viruses Betaherpesvirinae HCMV HHV-6A HHV-6B HHV-7 (animal viruses) Gammaherpesvirinae EBV KSHV (animal viruses There are 9 currently known human herpesviruses
Herpesviridae Alphaherpesvirinae HSV-1 HSV-2 VZV ..…. (animal viruses) Betaherpesvirinae HCMV HHV-6A HHV-6B HHV-7 …...(animal viruses) Gammaherpesvirinae EBV KSHV …...(animal viruses) Classification of herpesviruses There are 9 currently known human herpesviruses Family Subfamily Species
Size of herpesviruses Plant Animal Bacteria Viruses Ribosomes Proteins Small Atoms ells ⊥ I hl hui u l hll hlll」 Meters 10-2 105 107 10 (1cm) (1mm) (1A) Light microscope Electron microscope X ra NMR X Herpesvirus Ribosomes 200nm) (20nm) Poliovirus (30 nm) Principle of virology
Size of herpesviruses Principle of Virology
Herpesvirus structural components Spherical, 120-260 nm in diameter dsdNa genome(124-295kb), encoding 70-200 protein Capsids have icosahedral symmetry There is a tegument and an envelope Envelope proteins Envelope dSDNA Tegument UTUTU Capsid
Spherical, 120-260 nm in diameter dsDNA genome (124-295kb),encoding 70-200 protein Capsids have icosahedral symmetry There is a tegument and an envelope Herpesvirus structural components Envelope proteins Envelope dsDNA Tegument Capsid
Types of herpesvirus infections Herpesviruses can typically undergo the following three types of infections a. Primary infection viral replication and cytolysis b Latent infection No viral replication dna genome remains in host for the life time of host C. Recurrent infection: viral replication after reactivation HSV-1, HSV-2, Vzv, HCMV can also undergo congenital infections(mother to child transmission during pregnancy or birth) HHV-6A and HHv-6b can undergo integrated infection
• Herpesviruses can typically undergo the following three types of infections: a. Primary infection: viral replication and cytolysis b. Latent infection: No viral replication, DNA genome remains in host for the life time of host c. Recurrent infection: viral replication after reactivation • HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, HCMV can also undergo congenital infections (mother to child transmission during pregnancy or birth) • HHV-6A and HHV-6B can undergo integrated infection. Types of herpesvirus infections
Biological Cycle of Herpesviruses (Including congenital infection) Primary Infection Establish latency Productive(lyti Latent infection infection Reactivation tablish later Recurrent Infection
Biological Cycle of Herpesviruses Primary Infection Productive (lytic) infection Latent infection Recurrent Infection (Including congenital infection) Establish latency
HSV replication cycle ③。。 protein (Vhs) sEeree Immediate. san s回八 concatemeric DNA heen s回 oteins a p-O Principles of virology
HSV replication cycle Principles of Virology
Human herpesviruses Subfamily Virus Primary Target Site of Means of Spread Diseases Species Cell Latency Mucoepithelial cells Neuron Close contact Cold sores, gingivostomatitis HSV-1 Herpetic keratitis, Encephalitis HH-1) HSV-2 Mucoepithelial cells Neuron Close contact Genital herpes herpesviridae (HHV-2 sexual transmission Mucoepithelial cellsNeuron Respiratory and Chicken pox, Shingles (H3) close contact HcM∨ Monocyte, Monocyte, Close contact Infectious mononucleosis. Retinitis (HHV-5)ymphocyte, andlymphocyte, transfusions, tissue Diseases for newborn and epithelial cells and transplant, congenital immunocompromised herpesviridae HHV-6A T cells and? T cells and? Respiratory and Roseola. Others? and 6B close contact HHV-7 T cells and T cells and?? Roseola. others? EBV B cell and epithelial B cell Saliva( Kissing Infectious mononucleosis HHV-4)cell disease nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt's lymphoma herpesviridae malignant lymphoma KSHV Lymphocyte and B cell Close contact Kaposis sarcoma (HHV-8) other cell (sexual), saliva? Wikipedia. org
Subfamily Virus Species Primary Target Cell Site of Latency Means of Spread Diseases α herpesvirinae HSV-1 (HHV-1) Mucoepithelial cells Neuron Close contact Cold sores, gingivostomatitis Herpetic keratitis, Encephalitis HSV-2 (HHV-2) Mucoepithelial cells Neuron Close contact ( sexual transmission) Genital herpes VZV (HHV-3) Mucoepithelial cells Neuron Respiratory and close contact Chicken pox, Shingles β herpesvirinae HCMV (HHV-5) Monocyte, lymphocyte, and epithelial cells Monocyte, lymphocyte, and ? Close contact transfusions, tissue transplant, congenital Infectious mononucleosis, Retinitis, Diseases for newborn and immunocompromised HHV-6A and 6B T cells and ? T cells and ? Respiratory and close contact Roseola, Others? HHV-7 T cells and ? T cells and ? ? Roseola, Others? γ herpesvirinae EBV (HHV-4) B cell and epithelial cell B cell Saliva ( Kissing disease ) Infectious mononucleosis, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma malignant lymphoma KSHV (HHV-8) Lymphocyte and other cell B cell Close contact (sexual), saliva? Kaposi’s sarcoma Human herpesviruses Wikipedia.org