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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Low-phase-noise 1-GHz LC VCO Differentially Tuned by Switched Step Capacitors
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Wide-band CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier for TV Tuner Applications
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Low Noise High Linearity CMOS Upconversion Mixer
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A CMOS Wide-Band Low-Noise Amplifier With Balun-Based Noise-Canceling Technique
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Fully Differential Charge Pump with Accurate Current Matching and Rail-to-Rail Common-Mode Feedback Circuit
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Fully Integrated 1.175-to-2GHz Frequency Synthesizer with Constant Bandwidth for DVB-T Applications
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Fully Integrated 1.175-to-2GHz Frequency Synthesizer with Constant Bandwidth for DVB-T Applications
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A 12th Order Active-RC Filter with Automatic Frequency Tuning for DVB Tuner Applications
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Wideband CMOS Variable Gain Low Noise Amplifier Based on Single-to-Differential Stage for TV Tuner Applications
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