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浙江科技大学(浙江科技学院):《无机及分析化学》课程教学资源(讲义)第十一章 s、ds、d区常见元素及其主要化合物(s,ds,d BLOCK ELEMENTS AND THEIR MAIN COMPOUNDS)
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浙江科技大学(浙江科技学院):《无机及分析化学》课程教学资源(讲义)第十章 p区常见元素及其主要化合物(p BLOCK ELEMENTS AND THEIR MAIN COMPOUNDS)
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9.1 沉淀-溶解平衡 Precipitation – dissolution equilibrium 9.1.1 溶度积常数和溶解度 Solubility- product constant and solubility 9.1.2 离子积: 沉淀形成与沉淀溶解的 判据 Ion product: a criterion of formation of deposit and dissolution of deposit 9.1.3 沉淀-溶解平衡的移动 Shift of precipitation - dissolution equilibrium 9.2 沉淀滴定法 Precipitation titration 9.2.1 莫尔法 Mohr method 9.2.2 佛尔哈德法 Volhard method 9.2.3 法扬司法 Fajans method 9.2.4 银量法的标准溶液 Standard solution of argentimetry
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8.3 水解 Hydrolysis 8.1 弱酸、弱碱水溶液的质子转移平衡 The transfer equilibrium of the proton in weak acid and base aqueous solution 8.2 计算溶液的H3O+浓度的精确式、近似 式和最简式 Exact formula,approximation formula and simplest formula of calculating c(H3O+) in solution 8.4 缓冲溶液 Buf er solution 8.5 酸碱滴定原理 Principle of acid-base titration 8.6 滴定方式和应用实例 Titration methods and application examples
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7.1 相关的定义和命名 7.2 化学键理论 7.3 异构现象与立体化学 7.4 配合物的稳定性 7.5 配合物的应用 The relating definitions and nomenclature Chemical bond theory Isomerism and stereochemistry Stability of the complex Apllication of the complex
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6.1 基本概念 The primary concept of redox reaction 6.2 氧化还原反应方程式的配平 Balancing redox reaction equation 6.3 水溶液中氧化还原反应的自发性—电极 电势Spontaneity of redox reaction in aqueous solution — electrode potential 6.4 影响氧化还原反应的动力学因素 Influence of dynamic factors on redox 6.5 应用电化学简介 Introduction to application electrochemistry
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5.1 布朗斯特酸碱 The Brfnsted-Lowry acid-base model 5.2 路易斯酸碱 The Lewis acid-base model
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4.1 化学反应的平均速率和 瞬 时速 率 Average rate and instantaneous rate of chemical reaction 4.3 影响化学反应速率的因素 Influential factors on chemical reaction rate 4.2 反应速率理论简介 Brief introductory to reaction rate theory 4.4 化学反应机理及其研究方法 Chemical reaction mechanism and the study methods
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3.1 热化学和焓 Thermochemistry and enthalpy 3.2 熵和熵变—反应自发性的另一种 判据 Entropy and entropy change — judgment for spontaneous reaction 3.3 自由能——反应自发性的最终判 据 Free energy-the determined criterion for the spontaneous process 3.4 平衡状态和标准平衡常数 Equilibrium and standard equilibrium constant
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2.1 化学键的定义 Definition of chemical bond 2.2 离子键理论 Ionic bond theory 2.3 共价键的概念与路易斯结构式 Concept of the covalent bond theory and Lewis’ structure formula 2.7 金属键理论Metallic bond theory 2.8 分子间作用力和氢键 Intermolecular forces and hydrogen bond 2.4 用以判断共价分子几何形状的价层电子对互斥 理论 VSEPR for judging the configuration of the covalence molecular 2.5 原子轨道的重叠— 价键理论 Superposition of atomic orbital —valence bond theory 2.6 分子轨道理论Molecular orbital theory
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