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2.1货币的时间价值 2.2债券的定价 2.3股票的定价
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2.1 货币市场 2.2 债券市场 2.3 权益证券 2.4 股票和债券市场指数 2.5 衍生品市场
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在财务管理的决策中大多涉及到在不同时间发生的现金流量之间的 比较。 例如,某公司正考虑是否投资 100 万元,该投资将在以后的 10 年内 每年产生 20 万元的收益。该公司是否应接受这一投资项目呢?又如, 某种债券的目前价格为 1 050 元,其在今后的两年内每年支付 100 元 的利息,两年后偿还 1 000 元的本金。以现在的价格购买该债券是否 合算?这些问题,以及类似的问题都涉及到现在的 1 元钱与未来的 1 元钱价值之间的关系
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主要内容四 一、一 些基本概念 二、可行集、证券组合前沿、有效集 1、不存在无风险债券 2、存在风险债券 三、风险的分散化 四、投资者的最优证券组合
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CAPM, APT treat securities at a high level of abstraction, assuming implicitly that a prior detailed analysis of each security already had been performed and that its risk and return features had been assessed Specific analyses of particular security markets: valuation principles, determinants of risk and return, portfolio strategies commonly used within and across the various markets
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oissue: bring out (esp. sth. printed and /or official) for the notice of the public发布,发行 -----The school issued a statement about its plans to the press. ---th newsletter(简报) is issued three times a year. -----The Ministry of Finance has decided to issue new government bonds(债券)
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京大学1995年研究生入学考试:微观(含企管)试题 一、解释下列概念(每题2分) 1、债券的有效收益率(effective yield) 2、递增规模报酬(increasing returns to scale) 3、支持价格(support price) 4、寻租(rent seeking) 5、公共产品(public goods)
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