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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation  Ⅰ. Three peaks of translation in history  1. The Translation of Buddhist Classics: the First Peak  2. The translation of books on science and technology: the second peak  (科技翻译:中国的士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲 学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国来。)  3.The Translation of Western Classics: the Third Peak  (鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政治思想和文学翻译)
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A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English and Chinese  From the angle of translatology, translation includes thought level, semantic level and aesthetic level. But thought level is the basis and precondition upon which the other levels are built. So in this chapter we shall trace back cultural backgrounds contributing to differences in thought patterns between English and Chinese
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 I. Denotative Meaning & Associative Meaning  1. Denotative meaning:  (also known as conceptual meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of the word meaning. It forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same denotative meaning to all the speakers of the same language
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Two tendencies often occur in the process of translation. One is going after smooth reading and beautiful language at the expense of the true meaning of the original, the other is rigidly sticking to the original words, and the translation turns out to be obscure [ əb'skjuə ] 难解的,含糊的and hard to understand
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Idiom, as a linguistic phenomenon, can be regarded as the most special part of language, and they are heavily culture￾loaded. Because of those culture differences, idioms become one of the greatest barriers for cross-culture communication
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Ⅴ.Tentative syllabus Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation Chapter 2 Culture, Language and Translation Chapter 3 A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English and Chinese Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Chapter 5 Lexical Translation Chapter 6 Chinglish (or False Friend) in Chinese-English Translation Chapter 7 Ways to Translate Idioms Chapter 8 Sentence Translation Chapter 9 Paragraph Translation Chapter 10 Non-Literary Translation Chapter 11 Literary Translation
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阿弗里德·马歇尔(18421924)是十九世纪末二十世 纪初最著名的资产阶级庸俗经济学家,英国“剑桥学派”的 创始人。他于1861年入剑桥大学学数学,毕业后在剑桥大学 教数学,后转向研究经济学。1877到1884年先后在布里斯托 尔大学和牛津大学讲授政治经济学,1885年任剑桥大学政治 经济学教授,直到1908年退休,在此期间还参与英国政府政 策咨询活动
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英国历史家爱德华·吉本著《罗马帝国衰亡史》全书出 版至今已逾二百年。我国出版界传出它的一卷节编本中译本 问世的信息,依然令人鼓舞。 爱德华·吉本出身于一个拥有大地产的资产阶级家族。 据他追记,其家族在14世纪时开始拥有土地。到16世纪后 期,其远祖已获得缙绅的称号。当时风气,农村殷实之家,大 都把子弟送往城市习商。这个家族已有几代人到伦敦从事商 业活动,并出现过一位周游西欧并远游美洲的旅行家
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一个企业成长、壮大,以后也许停滞、衰朽。在其转折 点,存在着生命力与衰朽力之间的平衡或者均衡。第四篇的 后几章讨论过的主要是使人口增减或工商业方法兴衰的那类 力量的均衡。随着我们研究工作的逐渐深入,我们越来越有 必要认为经济力量相似于那样一些力量,这些力量使青年人 成长到壮年,此后,他逐渐僵硬,不爱活动,直到最后让位 于其他生气勃勃的人。但是为了给这种高深的研究作好准备, 首先我们就需要观察一下比较简单的力量均衡,这种均衡是 和一条弹线所系的一块石子或一个盆中彼此相依的许多小球 所保持的机械均衡大体上一致的
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马尔萨斯的《人口原理》是从出版直到现在二百多年来 在社会科学领域争议最多的一部著作。这本书第一版的书名 《人口原理,人口对社会未来进步的影响,兼评葛德文先生、 孔多塞先生和其他著述家的推测》,明白地说明了它一出版就 是论战性的著作,是为攻击当时风行一时的社会改革论和空 想社会主义而写作的。此后,关于人口理论的论争一直不断。 在中国,远者不说,在20世纪初,《东方杂志》、商务印书馆 就发表过不少作品,介绍马尔萨斯的人口思想,到30年代 论述马尔萨斯人口思想和中国人口问题的著作就更多了
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