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5-1相率 5-2单组分体系相图 5-3二组分体系相图 5-4双液体系的气一液平衡 5-5三组分体系
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7-1反应速率及其测定 7-2反应物浓度对反应速率的影响 7-3反应级数的确定 7-4基元反应、反应分子数 7-5对峙反应、平行反应、连串反应 7-7快速反应的研究方法 7-6链反应 7-8温度对反应速率的影响
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Chapter 8 Internet market Promotion 8.1 Introduction, category and function of Internet Marketing 8.1.1 Internet marketing conception and characteristic 1. Internet marketing What is Internet marketing? Internet marketing or Internet-based marketing can be defined as the use of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept. These technologies include the Internet media and other digital
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Chapter 2 The strategy of the development of E-Commerce 2. 1 The importance of the development of E-Commerce's research The impact of e-commerce, particularly in business to business(B2B)transactions, continues to grow. Customers increasingly expect to be able to deal with suppliers electronically as a matter
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Chapter6 Transaction behavior on the internet 6.1 consumer buying behavior 6. 1. 1 What is Consumer Buying Behavior Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in bu product Need to understand why consumers make the purchases that they make? what factors influence consumer purchases? the changing factors in our society
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在过去的几年中,万维网(Web)技术的飞速 发展融汇了大量的信息,从商品广告到人才招 聘;从学术交流到娱乐新闻万维网提供了 一个可以轻松驾驭的图形化用户界面,以查阅 因特网上的文档,这些文档以及它们之间的链 接一起构成了一个庞大的信息网
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3-1模拟相乘器 3-2混频器
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5-1概述 5-2变容二级管的直接调频 5-3变容二级管的间接调频电路 5-4扩大频偏的方法 5-5调频波的解调(鉴频)
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7-1锁相环路概述 7-2锁相环路基本工作原理 7-3锁相环路分析 7-4锁相环路的应用 7-5频率合成
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9-1电子设计自动化软件工具概述 9-2 Pspice应用 9-3EWB使用简介 9-4max+plu开发工具介绍 9-5小结
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