Part Two International Business Theories and Practices By Fan libo September,2003
Part Two International Business Theories and Practices By Fan libo September, 2003
第二篇跨国经营理论 本篇包含有三个章节: ■基于贸易的跨国经营理论 ■基于外国直接投资的跨国经营理论 ■基于发展中国家和地区的跨国经营理论
第二篇 跨国经营理论 本篇包含有三个章节: 基于贸易的跨国经营理论 基于外国直接投资的跨国经营理论 基于发展中国家和地区的跨国经营理论
Categories of Theories 1.International trade theories 2.Industrial Organizational Theories 3.Theories on developing countries 4.The geo-business model
Categories of Theories 1. International trade theories 2. Industrial Organizational Theories 3. Theories on developing countries 4. The geo-business model
第二章基于贸易的跨国经营理论 贸易结构理论 ■产品生命周期理论 ■小岛清的边际产业理论 国家竞争优势理论
第二章 基于贸易的跨国经营理论 贸易结构理论 产品生命周期理论 小岛清的边际产业理论 国家竞争优势理论
1、贸易结构优化理论 . 古典的比较优势理论(李嘉图和俄林) 二.动态比较优势学说 ▣莜原三代平的动态比较优势理论 口赤松的雁形理论 三.技术缺口理论 四.新贸易政策
1、贸易结构优化理论 一.古典的比较优势理论 (李嘉图和俄林) 二.动态比较优势学说 莜原三代平的动态比较优势理论 赤松的雁形理论 三.技术缺口理论 四.新贸易政策
International Trade Theories 1.1 The Major questions 1.2 The basis for trade 1.3 Limitations of trade theories
International Trade Theories 1.1 The Major questions 1.2 The basis for trade 1.3 Limitations of trade theories
1.1 The Major Questions of International Trade Theories The main questions on which classical and neoclassical theories focus are: Why do countries import and export the sorts of products they make and at what relative prices of terms of trade? How are these trade flows related to the characteristics of a country and how do they affect domestic factor prices? What are the gains from trade and how are they divided among trading countries?
1.1 The Major Questions of International Trade Theories The m ain questions on which classical and neoclassical theories focus are: Why do countrie s import and export t he sorts of products t hey m ake and at what relative prices of terms of trade? How are t hese trade flows related to the characteristics of a country and how do they affect domestic factor prices? What are the gains from trade and how are they divided among trading countries?
1.2 The basis for trade Absolute advantage Comparative advantages, Trade based on monetary costs differences
1.2 The basis for trade Absolute advantage Comparative advantages, Trade based on monetary costs differences
Limitations of trade theories These limitations result from its simple assumption of the model. The key assumption is that the factor of production (land,labor,and capital)are immobile between countries; Another is perfect information exist as to international trade opportunities; Also,the model assumes perfect competition and does not allow monopoly or oligopoly. Probably the most important limitation is that it sees the business enterprises simply as a black boxconverting inputs into outputs and fully described by its production function
Limitations of trade theories These limitations result from its simple assumption of the model. The key assumption is that the factor of production (land, labor, and capital) are immobile between countries; Ano ther is perf e ct info r m a tion e xist a s to international trade opp ortunities; Also, the model assumes perfect competition and does n o t allow m onop oly or oligopoly. Probabl y t he most i mportant limitati o n is that i t sees the business enterprises simpl y a s a black box “con verting inp uts into outputs and fully described b y its production function
市场 进口 国内生产 出口 ≥时间 雁形图