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工程图学实验室 工程制图测绘大作业指导书 Instructions for Part Mapping Project 编写:胡琳 审稿:彭小波 2007年1月

1 工程图学实验室 工程制图测绘大作业指导书 Instructions for Part Mapping Project 编写:胡 琳 审稿:彭小波 2007 年 1 月

典型零件的测绘 Mapping of common parts ★作业内容:轴、齿轮、螺纹等的测绘。 Project contents: map parts like shafts, gears, screw threads etc ★目的:掌握量具的使用及测绘的方法,更好地培养学生的实际动手能力,正确 使用测绘工具 Objective: ensure that students master usages of measuring tools and have stronger practical abilities ★要求:根据给定的轴、齿轮、螺纹进行测绘,运用已学过的基本知识,计算出 有关尺寸,如螺距、齿轮的有关参数等。 Requirements Calculate d imensions and parameters like screw pitch, diameter of gear pitch circle etc 二、铸造零件的测绘 Mapping of casting parts ★作业内容:支架、砂轮头架或喷洒机阀体等零件的测绘 Contents: Map brackets, grind ing wheel heads or valves in spray ing machine ★目的:掌握量具的使用及测绘的方法,更好地培养学生的实际动手能力,正确 使用测绘工具 Objective: ensure that students master usages of measuring tools and have stronger practical abilities ★要求 Requirements ·根据给定的铸造零件进行测绘,运用已学过的基本知识,计算出有关尺寸 如螺距、孔中心距等的有关参数等。 Calculate dimensions and parameters like screw pitch, diameter of gear pitch circle etc. by given casting parts 分析需测绘的零件结构形状,选定表达方案,画出零件的草图,测量并标注尺 寸编写必要的技术要求,绘制正规零件图。 Analyze structures of parts to map, select representation methods and complete sketches. Measure and obtain dimensions of the parts, compile necessary technical requirements and complete detail drawings 三、根据给定的零件图画出装配图 Complete assembly drawing by detail

2 一、典型零件的测绘 Mapping of common parts ★ 作业内容:轴、齿轮、螺纹等的测绘。 Project contents: map parts like shafts, gears, screw threads etc. ★ 目的:掌握量具的使用及测绘的方法,更好地培养学生的实际动手能力,正确 使用测绘工具。 Objective: ensure that students master usages of measuring tools and have stronger practical abilities. ★ 要求:根据给定的轴、齿轮、螺纹进行测绘,运用已学过的基本知识,计算出 有关尺寸,如螺距、齿 轮的有关参数等。 Requirements: Calculate dimensions and parameters like screw pitch, diameter of gear pitch circle etc. 二、铸造零件的测绘 Mapping of casting parts ★ 作业内容:支架、砂轮头架或喷洒机阀体等零件的测绘。 Contents: Map brackets, grinding wheel heads or valves in spraying machine. ★ 目的:掌握量具的使用及测绘的方法,更好地培养学生的实际动手能力,正确 使用测绘工具。 Objective: ensure that students master usages of measuring tools and have stronger practical abilities. ★ 要求 Requirements: • 根据给定的铸造零件进行测绘,运用已学过的基本知识,计算出有关尺寸, 如螺距、孔中心距等的有关参数等。 • Calculate dimensions and parameters like screw pitch, diameter of gear pitch circle etc. by given casting parts. • 分析需测绘的零件结构形状,选定表达方案 ,画出零件的草图,测量并标注尺 寸,编写必要的技术要求,绘制正规零件图。 • Analyze structures of parts to map, select representation methods and complete sketches. Measure and obtain dimensions of the parts, compile necessary technical requirements and complete detail drawings. 三、 根据给定的 零件图画 出装配图 Complete assembly drawing by detail

dra ★作业内容:画出平口钳的装配图 Contents: complete a assembly drawing of a flat nose clamp ★目的:进一步培养阅读零件图及画装配图的能力 Objective: improve students' abilities of detail drawing drawing plotting ★要求 Requirements: 1在画装配图之前,必须对所画的平口钳有全面的认识,即要充分了解它的工 作原理、结构特点,并仔细阅读已给定的一套零件图,想象出每个零件的形状根据 平口钳的示意图,找出各零件间的装配关系。 Complete information of the flat nose clamp, work principles and structures for example, should be obtained before starting its assembly drawings. First, detail drawings are read carefully and shape of each part is imagined; then assembly relationships between parts are specified by sketches of the clamp 2根据平口钳的示意图和零件图画出它的装配图,由于该部件较复杂,所以必 须认真选定表达方案,并考虑标注尺寸、序号、明细栏、标题栏等所占位置,选定 图幅,合理布局,并按画装配图的步骤进行,完成全图。 assembly drawing is finished according to the sketches and detail drawings. First, representation methods should be selected carefully for the complexity of the assembly Then, sizes of drawing sheets are decided according to positions of dimensions, item references, item lists and title blocks. Layout of drawings should be reasonable. Finally assembly drawing is finished accord ing to the steps of drawing assembly drawings ★平口钳工作原理 Work principles of flat nose clamp: 平口钳是用来夹持工件进行加工用的部件。它主要由固定钳身、钳口板、丝杠 和套螺母等组成。丝杠固定在固定钳身上。转动丝杠可带动套螺母作直线移动。套 螺母与活动钳口用螺钉连成整体,因此,当丝杠转动时,活动钳口就会沿固定钳身 移动。这样钳口闭合或开放用以夹紧或松开工件。 Flat nose clamp is used to grip parts. It is mainly composed of a fixed body,a movable clamp body, a screw and a nut. The screw is fixed on the fixed clamp body, and the nut on the movable clamp body. When the screw is rotated, the nut moves in straight way, which makes the movable clamp body moves along the fixed clamp body, and thus makes the mouth of the clamp open or close to grip or release the part

3 drawings ★ 作业内容:画出平口钳的装配图 Contents: complete a assembly drawing of a flat nose clamp ★ 目的:进一步培养阅读零件图及画装配图的能力 Objective: improve students’ abilities of detail drawing reading and assembly drawing plotting ★ 要求 Requirements: 1.在画装配图之前,必须对所画的平口钳有全面的认识,即要充分了解它的工 作原理、结构特点,并仔细阅读已给定的一套零件图,想象出每个零件的形状,根据 平口钳的示意图,找出各零件间的装配关系。 Complete information of the flat nose clamp, work principles and structures for example, should be obtained before starting its assembly drawings. First, detail drawings are read carefully and shape of each part is imagined; then assembly relationships between parts are specified by sketches of the clamp. 2.根据平口钳的示意图和零件图画出它的装配图,由于该部件较复杂,所以必 须认真选定表达方案,并考虑标注尺寸、序号、明细栏、标题栏等所占位置,选定 图幅,合理布局,并按画装配图的步骤进行,完成全图。 Assembly drawing is finished according to the sketches and detail drawings. First, representation methods should be selected carefully for the complexity of the assembly. Then, sizes of drawing sheets are decided according to positions of dimensions, item references, item lists and title blocks. Layout of drawings should be reasonable. Finally assembly drawing is finished according to the steps of drawing assembly drawings. ★ 平口钳工作原理 Work principles of flat nose clamp: 平口钳是用来夹持工件进行加工用的部件。它主要由固定钳身、钳口板、丝杠 和套螺母等组成。丝杠固定在固定钳身上。转动丝杠可带动套螺母作直线移动。套 螺母与活动钳口用螺钉连成整体,因此,当丝杠转动时,活动钳口就会沿固定钳身 移动。这样钳口闭合或开放用以夹紧或松开工件。 Flat nose clamp is used to grip parts. It is mainly composed of a fixed body, a movable clamp body, a screw and a nut. The screw is fixed on the fixed clamp body, and the nut on the movable clamp body. When the screw is rotated, the nut moves in straight way, which makes the movable clamp body moves along the fixed clamp body, and thus makes the mouth of the clamp open or close to grip or release the part

四、由装配图拆画零件图 Interpreting and separating assembly drawing ★内容:读懂千斤顶装配图,并由装配图拆画件2螺套的零件图 Contents: understand the assembly drawing of a jack and complete detail drawings of a screw thread insert by the assembly drawing ★目的:在培养读装配图能力的基础上,学习从装配图中拆画出零件图的方法 和步骤,以进一步提高画零件图的能力。 Objective: students should master the methods and steps of Interpreting and Separating Assembly Drawings and thus their abil ities of detail drawing plotting are improved ★要求 Requirement 1根据千斤顶装配图拆画件2螺套的零件图。零件的视图选择、表达方法要正确 尺寸标注要合理,技术要求要正确。 Complete detail drawings of the screw thread insert(Part 2#) by the assembly drawing of the jack. Selections of views and representation methods must be proper, dimensions be reasonable and techi equirements be correct 2读懂千斤顶装配图 根据千斤顶装配图,了解其工作原理,明确各零件间的相对位置及装配关系、 弄清各零件的主要结构形状,并按要求回答问题,以便检査是否真正读懂装配图 Understand the assembly drawing of the jack Read the assembly drawing of the jack, understand its work principles, figure out the structures of the parts composing the jack and relationships of position and assembly between them. Then answer the following questions and make sure the assembly drawin is understood correctly

4 四、由装配图拆画零件图 Interpreting and Separating Assembly Drawings ★ 内容:读懂千斤顶装配图,并由装配图拆画件 2 螺套的零件图。 Contents: understand the assembly drawing of a jack and complete detail drawings of a screw thread insert by the assembly drawing. ★ 目的:在培养读装配图能力的基础上,学习从装配图中拆画出零件图的方法 和步骤,以进一步提高画零件图的能力。 Objective: students should master the methods and steps of Interpreting and Separating Assembly Drawings and thus their abilities of detail drawing plotting are improved. ★ 要求 Requirement: 1.根据千斤顶装配图拆画件2螺套的零件图。零件的视图选择、表达方法要正确、 尺寸标注要合理,技术要求要正确。 Complete detail drawings of the screw thread insert (Part 2#) by the assembly drawing of the jack. Selections of views and representation methods must be proper, dimensions be reasonable and technical requirements be correct. 2.读懂千斤顶装配图 根据千斤顶装配图,了解其工作原理,明确各零件间的相对位置及装配关系、 弄清各零件的主要结构形状,并按要求回答问题,以便检查是否真正读懂装配图。 Understand the assembly drawing of the jack Read the assembly drawing of the jack, understand its work principles, figure out the structures of the parts composing the jack and relationships of position and assembly between them. Then answer the following questions and make sure the assembly drawing is understood correctly



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