620了O S big and lignt. 4 29小99乙9
MODULE 5 Decisions Unit 1
What colour is it? orange red t s orange. It's red
What colour is it? orange red It's orange. It's red
What colour is it? yellow green It's yellow. It's green
What colour is it? yellow green It's yellow. It's green
认读再说说意思 red yellow blue green pink black orange white purple
认读再说说意思 ►red yellow blue ►green pink black ►orange white purple
big sma‖ The elephant is big. The cat is small
The elephant is big . The cat is small. big small
fat thin The panda is fat. The monkey is thin
The panda is fat. The monkey is thin. fat thin
young old The girl is young. The man is old
The girl is young . The man is old. young old
认读再说说意思 big--sma‖ short ---long/tall fat--- thin old-- new/young good-bad
认读再说说意思: ►big ---small ►short ---long /tall ►fat--- thin ►old--- new /young ►good-- bad
学习课文 Listen to the text and then do the exercises
学习课文 Listen to the text and then do the exercises
1) Wiset doe Lingta need? LAA:oy L BAbag Lc.Acap 2) Where do Lingling und Ms Smart 90? A. The horary L A. The staton C. The deparment store 3) wnat's the black bag lke? □ A ars wvy Lg Istar□ C i lght 4)W白什门 won bsn目e A its Dig 口 fi It s heav口e. t'r lot -A The blue one. L D. The black one. L C, The green one e) wlch bag nas got wheels? JA The blue or [A. The buck ot C The green os 7) Why do they take the blue bag? A. Uaca9》值, .日ec;ue红s分 pt two F的ts c. Because H eoay for Lingling to curry