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《药理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)化疗药物 Chemotherapeutic Medicine

Section 1 General Concept of Antimicrobial Drugs Section 2 Mechanism of Antimicrobial Action Section 3 Bacterial Resistance

Chemotherapeutic medicine Li chen Department of Pharmacology School of basic medical science Jilin University

Chemotherapeutic Medicine Li Chen Department of Pharmacology School of Basic Medical Science Jilin University

Classification Antibacterial drugs(35-40) Antimicrobial agents Antifungal drugs(41) Antiviral drugs Antiparasitic agents (44) Anticancer drug(45)

Antimicrobial agents Antiparasitic agents (44) Anticancer drug (45) Antibacterial drugs(35-40) Antifungal drugs(41) Antiviral drugs Classification

Antimicrobial Agents General consideration General concept Mechanism of action Bacterial resistance

Antimicrobial Agents: General Consideration General concept Mechanism of action Bacterial Resistance

Section 1 General Concept of Antimicrobial Drugs

Section 1 General Concept of Antimicrobial Drugs

Antibacterial drugs The drugs that inhibit or kill the bacterial including antibiotics and artificial drugs

Antibacterial drugs The drugs that inhibit or kill the bacterial, including antibiotics and artificial drugs

Antibiotics The agents which are produced by microbes, could inhibit or kill other microbes growth and finally destroy them

Antibiotics The agents which are produced by microbes, could inhibit or kill other microbes growth and finally destroy them

Antibacterial spectrum The antibacterial range of the anti-bacterial drugs broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs narrow-spectrum antibacterial drugs

Antibacterial spectrum The antibacterial range of the anti-bacterial drugs broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs narrow-spectrum antibacterial drugs

Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs affect a wide variety of microbial species tetracycline, chloramphenicol, fluoroquinolones

Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs affect a wide variety of microbial species tetracycline, chloramphenicol, fluoroquinolones

Narrow-spectrum antibacterial drugs act only on a single or a limited groups of mIcroorganisms id bonazzi

Narrow-spectrum antibacterial drugs act only on a single or a limited groups of microorganisms isoniazid

Antibacterial activity Antibacterial drugs competence of Inhibiting and killing bacterium

Antibacterial activity Antibacterial drug’s competence of inhibiting and killing bacterium

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