Module6 Unit2 What does lingling have at school?
Module6 Unit2 What does Lingling have at school?
t-o-day -today 201年3月农历乙未(羊)年成寅月建国66年 3 4 十二+三 十四雷锋日惊蛰十六 十七 8 91011121314 妇女节 十九 二十 廿 植树节黑色星期五 廿四 15161718192021 315 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九二月(大)春分初二 22232425262728 初 初四 初五 初六 初七 初八 初九 293031 初十 十二
t-o-day today
Sing a song together
Sing a song together
toda 星期 时间 星一星期二星期三星期①星期五 语文\数学语文数学数学 米上/数学语文款学语文语文 程表 午英语语文语文科学体高 美术綜合科学英语综合2 音乐音乐品德体2美术 下午 科学/英语体肓1综合3英语 体/阳光阳光阳光阳光
我爱当我爱当 时间星期的 星期 Monday 语文 Chinese I have in the Maths 午英语 morning English 美术 Ar十 下 音乐 in the Music 千科学 afternoon Science 体育 PE
Monday in the morning in the afternoon Chinese Maths English Art Music Science PE I have _______
What are they talking about? They are talking about() A Park B class C football
What are they talking about? They are talking about ( ). A. Park B. class C. football
What are they talking about? They are talking about(B) A Park B class C football cl-a-ss class
What are they talking about? They are talking about ( ). A. Park B. class C. football B cl - a - ss class
What does lingling have in the morning? What does lingling have in the afternoon
What does Lingling have in the morning? What does Lingling have in the afternoon?
What does lingling have in the morning In the morning she has Chinese, English and Maths What does lingling have in the afternoon In the afternoon, she has art Pe and Science
What does Lingling have in the morning? In the morning,she has Chinese,English and Maths. What does Lingling have in the afternoon? In the afternoon,she has Art,PE and Science
Practice in groups with your partners.(小组内分角色读课文 Group show time (小组展示秀)
Practice in groups with your partners.(小组内分角色读课文。) Group show time. (小组展示秀)