力影论坛 Top age. com 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 PREFACE 英汉翻译高分攻略 历年翻译真题汇编全译 Text1.2006年试题 Text2.2005年试题(全国卷) Text3.2005年试题(北京卷) m144925 Text4.2004年试题 Text5.2003年试题 Text6.2002年试题 Text7.2001年试题 Text8.2000年试题 Text9.1999年试题 32 Text10.198年试题 Text11.1997年试题 Text12.196年试题 Text13.1995年试题 Text14.1994年试题 Text15.1993年试题 Text16.1992年试题 Text17.1991年试题 Text18.1990年试题 60
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 0 PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................................iii 英汉翻译高分攻略 ................................................................................................................................................... 1 历年翻译真题汇编全译 ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Text1. 2006 年试题 ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Text2.2005 年试题(全国卷) ...................................................................................................................... 9 Text3.2005 年试题(北京卷) .................................................................................................................... 12 Text4.2004 年试题 ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Text5.2003 年试题 ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Text6.2002 年试题 ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Text7.2001 年试题 ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Text8.2000 年试题 ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Text9.1999 年试题 ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Text10.1998 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 35 Text11.1997 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Text12.1996 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 41 Text13.1995 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 47 Text14.1994 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 50 Text15.1993 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 53 Text16.1992 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 55 Text17.1991 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 58 Text18.1990 年试题 ...................................................................................................................................... 60
力影论坛 Top age. com 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 英汉翻译高分攻略 一.近年英译汉考题内容 句子论句子的简单直译方法,而要求把词和句子放 英译汉短文内容大体上涉及当前人们普遍关在篇章里去理解,还可强调英语习惯用法、语感和 注的社会生活、政治、经济、历史、文化、科普等|翻译技巧的掌握。这样仅靠熟悉语法规则和孤立地 方面的一般常识或社会、自然科学与技术常识的题背单词已远远不够了。这也是考生得分普遍不高的 材。体裁多为议论文。科学常识性的题材占了相当|主要原因。近年来英译汉试题主要特点如下 大的比重 (1)反映自然科学、社会科学的常识性、科 1990~2004年英译汉短文主题 学类和报刊评论文章占很大比例 1990年:个性形成的教育(434词 (2)考题难度加大 1991年:能源与农业(444词) (3)语法现象难度有所降低 1992年:智力评估的科学性(406词) (4)突出简单翻译技巧,如:词、词组的省略 1993年:科学研究方法(443词) 及补译,译出it,they,this,that等代词的真正 199年:、技术与科学发展的关系(308词)代表的含义,词义选择、引申、词性转换,长句的 1995年5标准化教育与心理评估(364词)拆句与逆序翻译法等。考生应针对这些特点认真做 1996年:科学发展的动力(331词) 好适当的准备 997年:动物的权利(417词) 三.2005年英译汉考题的命题趋势 1998年:宇宙起源(376词) (1)体裁:议论文 1999年:史学研究方法(326词) (2)题材:反映自然科学、社会科学的常识性 2000年:科学家与政府(381词) 报刊评论文章;特别是有重要现实意义的题材,如 2001年:计算机与未来生活展望(405词) 资源、环境、能源、教育、科技创新、经济全球化、 2002年:行为科学发展的困难(339词) 科教兴国、民主与法制等常识及有生命科学、宇宙 2003年:人类学简介(371词) 探索、信息技术和纳米科技等有现实意义的科普题 2004年:语言与思维(357词) 平均值:短文词数:370词;要求翻译的词 (3)写作特点:语言通俗规范,知识性强,内 数:160词 容新颖有趣,思想进步,有时代感和较强的现实意 从英译汉试题内容分析,考生就应明确认识 义。 到,要想在英语考试中取得成功,必须在基本训练 (4)难度:2004年考题读起来相对简单,难点 上狠下工夫。首先要扩大知识面,提高自身文化素|在于汉语表达的准确性,估计2005年考题的难度会 质。考生如果熟悉试题内容,将有助于对短文的深|适当增加。 入理解,增强信心,提高翻译水平。考生应利用各 (5)重点:词义的选择及引申,对原文理解的 种渠道,特别是通过大量浏览中、英文报纸杂志 深度和语言的准确表达 扩大相关的知识面。 新大纲》的变化将对英译汉考题产生了一定 近年英译汉考题的特点 的影响。首先,新大纲新增了400多新词,删去了 从题型改革后、特别是1996年以后的试题分 一些简单或重复的单词。尤其是新大纲中的词汇没 析,命题组更侧重考生综合运用语言的能力,题难有给出词性以及词义,这样,在英译汉考试中也相 度加大,趋向稳定。考题要求考生在理解全句、全应增加了考生对词汇在上下文篇章中的猜测技能 段或全文的基础上,把语法、词汇的意思和上下文同时新大纲删去了固定搭配的短语,考题中难度增 结合起来理解,表面看上去画线的句子语法不很复加了。 杂,词汇似乎也不陌生,但翻译时很多考生觉得 总之,阅读的材料尽可能多的涉及各个领域, 以动笔,难度增大体现在:不能采用就词论词、就|如经济、社会生活、文化教育、史地或科普知识等
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 1 英汉翻译高分攻略 一.近年英译汉考题内容 英译汉短文内容大体上涉及当前人们普遍关 注的社会生活、政治、经济、历史、文化、科普等 方面的一般常识或社会、自然科学与技术常识的题 材。体裁多为议论文。科学常识性的题材占了相当 大的比重。 1990~2004年英译汉短文主题 1990年:个性形成的教育(434词); 1991年:能源与农业(444词) 1992年:智力评估的科学性(406词) 1993年:科学研究方法(443词) 1994年:天才、技术与科学发展的关系(308词) 1995年:标准化教育与心理评估(364词) 1996年:科学发展的动力(331词) 1997年:动物的权利(417词) 1998年:宇宙起源(376词) 1999年:史学研究方法(326词) 2000年:科学家与政府(381词) 2001年:计算机与未来生活展望(405词) 2002年:行为科学发展的困难(339词) 2003年:人类学简介(371词) 2004年:语言与思维(357词) 平均值:短文词数:370词;要求翻译的词 数:160词 从英译汉试题内容分析,考生就应明确认识 到,要想在英语考试中取得成功,必须在基本训练 上狠下工夫。首先要扩大知识面,提高自身文化素 质。考生如果熟悉试题内容,将有助于对短文的深 入理解,增强信心,提高翻译水平。考生应利用各 种渠道,特别是通过大量浏览中、英文报纸杂志, 扩大相关的知识面。 二.近年英译汉考题的特点 从题型改革后、特别是1996年以后的试题分 析,命题组更侧重考生综合运用语言的能力,题难 度加大,趋向稳定。考题要求考生在理解全句、全 段或全文的基础上,把语法、词汇的意思和上下文 结合起来理解,表面看上去画线的句子语法不很复 杂,词汇似乎也不陌生,但翻译时很多考生觉得难 以动笔,难度增大体现在:不能采用就词论词、就 句子论句子的简单直译方法,而要求把词和句子放 在篇章里去理解,还可强调英语习惯用法、语感和 翻译技巧的掌握。这样仅靠熟悉语法规则和孤立地 背单词已远远不够了。这也是考生得分普遍不高的 主要原因。近年来英译汉试题主要特点如下: (1) 反映自然科学、社会科学的常识性、科 学类和报刊评论文章占很大比例; (2)考题难度加大; (3)语法现象难度有所降低; (4)突出简单翻译技巧,如:词、词组的省略 及补译,译出it,they,this,that等代词的真正 代表的含义,词义选择、引申、词性转换,长句的 拆句与逆序翻译法等。考生应针对这些特点认真做 好适当的准备。 三. 2005年英译汉考题的命题趋势 (1)体裁:议论文。 (2)题材:反映自然科学、社会科学的常识性 报刊评论文章;特别是有重要现实意义的题材,如 资源、环境、能源、教育、科技创新、经济全球化、 科教兴国、民主与法制等常识及有生命科学、宇宙 探索、信息技术和纳米科技等有现实意义的科普题 材。 (3)写作特点:语言通俗规范,知识性强,内 容新颖有趣,思想进步,有时代感和较强的现实意 义。 (4)难度:2004年考题读起来相对简单,难点 在于汉语表达的准确性,估计2005年考题的难度会 适当增加。 (5)重点:词义的选择及引申,对原文理解的 深度和语言的准确表达。 《新大纲》的变化将对英译汉考题产生了一定 的影响。首先,新大纲新增了400多新词,删去了 一些简单或重复的单词。尤其是新大纲中的词汇没 有给出词性以及词义,这样,在英译汉考试中也相 应增加了考生对词汇在上下文篇章中的猜测技能。 同时新大纲删去了固定搭配的短语,考题中难度增 加了。 总之,阅读的材料尽可能多的涉及各个领域, 如经济、社会生活、文化教育、史地或科普知识等
力影论坛 Topsage.coM 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 近10年来的英译汉试题都是科普和社会生活方面较偏好的考点和出题风格 的文章,平时应注意有的放矢的练习。在阅读中应 四备考对策及翻译技巧 仔细分析文章的结构,学会长、难句的切分和简化 ()、简要介绍 尤其要注意累积单词短语,这样才能正确地理解划 翻译部分由一篇400字左右的文章组成,其 线部分句子的含义。以200来的英译汉试题为中划出5个句子,要求考生在30分钟内译完02 依托来复习,因为任何一种严肃的考试都有很好的年题型更改之前,每句3分,一共15分,现在每 延续性,每年试题中总会有一些重复考察的词汇和句2分,一共10分,评分标准如下 知识点。考生可以在历年的真题中找到命题中心比 2003年考题的评分标准为 2004年考题评分标准为 共5题,每题2分,共10分。 共5题,每题2分,共10分 如果句子译文扭曲原文意思,该句得分最多·如果句子译文完全扭曲原文意思,即使有些词 不得超过0.5分。 语翻译正确,该句得分最多不得超过0.5分。 ●如果某考生给出两种或两种以上译法,若均●如果某考生给出两种或两种以上译法,若均正 正确,给分;若其中一种译法错误,不给分。 确,给分;若其中一种译法错误,按错误译法 ●汉语错别字,不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。 在不影响意思的前提下,满三个错别字扣●汉语错别字,不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分 在不影响意思的前提下,酌情扣分 例如 个单词有歧义,可作多种理解时。 2002年第65题 如何做好翻译? Until these issues are resolved, a technology of翻译有三个步骤:正确理解原文:用地道的译 behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it 入语表达原文;对译文进行修改润色。 百分之百正确地理解原文,是做好翻译的前 0.5分 0.5分 提。考生在已有的英语理解基础上,应针对翻译部 possibly the only way to solve our problem 分着重注意以下几个方面 0.5分 1句子中相对应的部分。请看例句: 2003年第65题 The behavioral sciences have been slow to Thus, the anthropological concept of "culture", like change partly because the explanatory items often the concept of "set"in mathematics, is an abstract seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find 一句很明显可以分为A,B,C三个部分,A Its of concrete为果,B,C为两个并列的原因。明白了这一点, d understand 可以解决两个问题:1全句大的结构可以确立为 之所以有A,部分原因是B,部分原因是C:2.B (1)、(2)、(3)、(4)各0.5分 部分中 explanatory items比较难以翻译,尤其是item (、有无必要通读全文? 词,但结合C部分,可以确定 explanatory items 完全没有必要。只有在以下两种情况下,才需实际上就是 explanations B的意思,短语 other kinds o 要回头看看前文:1.出现it,he,they等代词时, 进一步验证了这一点 要回读前文以确定它们所指代的人或物:2出现某 2时态。英译汉时,常需借助"着、了、过"等
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 近 10 年来的英译汉试题都是科普和社会生活方面 的文章,平时应注意有的放矢的练习。在阅读中应 仔细分析文章的结构,学会长、难句的切分和简化, 尤其要注意累积单词短语,这样才能正确地理解划 线部分句子的含义。以 2000 以来的英译汉试题为 依托来复习,因为任何一种严肃的考试都有很好的 延续性,每年试题中总会有一些重复考察的词汇和 知识点。考生可以在历年的真题中找到命题中心比 较偏好的考点和出题风格。 四.备考对策及翻译技巧 ㈠、简要介绍 翻译部分由一篇 400 字左右的文章组成,其 中划出 5 个句子,要求考生在 30 分钟内译完。2002 年题型更改之前,每句 3 分,一共 15 分,现在每 句 2 分,一共 10 分。评分标准如下: 2003 年考题的评分标准为: 共 5 题, 每题 2 分, 共 10 分。 2004 年考题评分标准为: 共 5 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分。 ● 如果句子译文扭曲原文意思,该句得分最多 不得超过 0.5 分。 ● 如果某考生给出两种或两种以上译法,若均 正确,给分;若其中一种译法错误,不给分。 ● 汉语错别字,不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。 在不影响意思的前提下, 满三个错别字扣 0.5 分。 ● 如果句子译文完全扭曲原文意思,即使有些词 语翻译正确,该句得分最多不得超过 0.5 分。 ● 如果某考生给出两种或两种以上译法,若均正 确,给分;若其中一种译法错误,按错误译法 扣分。 ● 汉语错别字,不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。 在不影响意思的前提下,酌情扣分。 例如: 2002 年第 65 题: Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it 0.5 分 0.5 分 0.5 分 possibly the only way to solve our problem. 0.5 分 2003 年第 65 题: Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture”, like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept (1) (2) (3) which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. (4) (1)、(2)、(3)、(4)各0.5分 ㈡、有无必要通读全文? 完全没有必要。只有在以下两种情况下,才需 要回头看看前文:1.出现 it, he, they 等代词时,需 要回读前文以确定它们所指代的人或物;2.出现某 个单词有歧义,可作多种理解时。 ㈢、如何做好翻译? 翻译有三个步骤:正确理解原文;用地道的译 入语表达原文;对译文进行修改润色。 百分之百正确地理解原文,是做好翻译的前 提。考生在已有的英语理解基础上,应针对翻译部 分着重注意以下几个方面: 1.句子中相对应的部分。请看例句: The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. (2002:62) 这一句很明显可以分为 A,B,C 三个部分,A 为果,B,C 为两个并列的原因。明白了这一点, 可以解决两个问题:1.全句大的结构可以确立为: 之所以有 A,部分原因是 B,部分原因是 C;2. B 部分中 explanatory items比较难以翻译,尤其是 item 一词,但结合 C 部分,可以确定 explanatory items 实际上就是 explanations 的意思,短语 other kinds of 进一步验证了这一点。 2.时态。英译汉时,常需借助"着、了、过"等 2
大影论 Topsage.coM 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 助词和时间副词来表达原句的时态。请看例句: Science moves forward, they say, not so much There will be television chat shows hosted by through the insights of great men of genius as because 翻译本句,需添加届时”一词来表达原文的将tool(19971) 来时态。再请看: 此处 insights能否做"洞察力"讲?如果能,"洞 But even more… for what they were seeing were察力"有复数吗?如果不能,它又当做何解释? the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years 顺便说一句, not so much.as.引导的两部分是 ago.(1998:71) 对应的,因此可以确定,此处的 through与后面的 本句官方给出的参考译文是:因为他们看到的| because of同义 是150亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。我认为,这个 注意词的单复数还有一个实际用途,就是可以 译文翻译的实际上是" or what they saw"而不是"for比较快地确定代词所指为何。请看例句 what they were seeing",换言之,它不足以表达一般 But even more important, it was th 过去时和过去进行时的区别。 farthest. (1998: 71) 再请看 根据现在的评分标准,ⅱ不能简单地译为"它 and digital age will have arrived. (2001: 72) 而应回读前文,找出它具体所指为何。在完成这一 有考生将其翻译成数字时代将会来到",体现任务时,考生只应看前面的单数名词而忽视一切复 的是一般将来时而不是将来完成时 数名词 3.词的单复数,大小写等细节问题。请看例句 英语还有一些特殊的表达方式,如将两个同义 Whether the Government should.(1994: 75) 词用and相连,强调表达一个意思,还有尽可能避 官方给出的参考译文将 the government简单译免重复,这些都是考生应该注意的。限于篇幅,在 成”政府”,不确切。定冠词te以及 government首此恕不赘述 字母大写这两点明显表明此处的 government是特 正确理解原文后,接下来就是翻译。翻译时, 指。本句前一句为" Federal policy is necessarily考生应着重注意处理好句子结构以及句序。翻译部 involved in the technology vs. genius dispute",可以|分的句子,大多为复合句,汉语中没有从句,因此, 确定, the government指的是"(美国)联邦政府"。 正确处理句子结构以及句序,实际上就是正确处理 再请看 从句。请看下表: 定语从句状语从句宾语从句主语从句同位语从句表语从句简单句并列句 以上是对近十年真题的统计,可以看出掌握好定语和词性转换 从句和状语从句的翻译至关重要 ()、人名地名怎么译?碰到不认识的词怎么 修饰润色这一工作,针对考研,只需看看有无办? 明显的漏译错译即可 不常见的人名地名可以保留原文。 四、翻译技巧 万一有不认识的词,最好忽略不译,切忌胡乱 应付考研翻译,比较常用的翻译技巧是添减词|翻译,因为一个错译远比一个漏译扎眼
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 助词和时间副词来表达原句的时态。请看例句: There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, ...(2001:71) 翻译本句,需添加"届时"一词来表达原文的将 来时态。再请看: But even more..., for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago. (1998:71) 本句官方给出的参考译文是:因为他们看到的 是 150 亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。我认为,这个 译文翻译的实际上是"for what they saw"而不是"for what they were seeing",换言之,它不足以表达一般 过去时和过去进行时的区别。 再请看: ...and digital age will have arrived. (2001:72) 有考生将其翻译成"数字时代将会来到",体现 的是一般将来时而不是将来完成时。 3.词的单复数,大小写等细节问题。请看例句: Whether the Government should... (1994:75) 官方给出的参考译文将 the Government 简单译 成"政府",不确切。定冠词 the 以及 government 首 字母大写这两点明显表明此处的 government 是特 指。本句前一句为"Federal policy is necessarily involved in the technology vs. genius dispute",可以 确定,the Government 指的是"(美国)联邦政府"。 再请看: Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. (1994:71) 此处 insights 能否做"洞察力"讲?如果能,"洞 察力"有复数吗?如果不能,它又当做何解释? 顺便说一句,not so much...as...引导的两部分是 对应的,因此可以确定,此处的 through 与后面的 because of 同义。 注意词的单复数还有一个实际用途,就是可以 比较快地确定代词所指为何。请看例句: But even more important, it was the farthest..(1998:71) 根据现在的评分标准,it 不能简单地译为"它", 而应回读前文,找出它具体所指为何。在完成这一 任务时,考生只应看前面的单数名词而忽视一切复 数名词。 英语还有一些特殊的表达方式,如将两个同义 词用 and 相连,强调表达一个意思,还有尽可能避 免重复,这些都是考生应该注意的。限于篇幅,在 此恕不赘述。 正确理解原文后,接下来就是翻译。翻译时, 考生应着重注意处理好句子结构以及句序。翻译部 分的句子,大多为复合句,汉语中没有从句,因此, 正确处理句子结构以及句序,实际上就是正确处理 从句。请看下表: 定语从句 状语从句 宾语从句 主语从句 同位语从句 表语从句 简单句 并列句 23 18 9 6 3 1 1 0 以上是对近十年真题的统计,可以看出掌握好定语 从句和状语从句的翻译至关重要。 修饰润色这一工作,针对考研,只需看看有无 明显的漏译错译即可。 ㈣、翻译技巧 应付考研翻译,比较常用的翻译技巧是添减词 和词性转换。 ㈤、人名地名怎么译?碰到不认识的词怎么 办? 不常见的人名地名可以保留原文。 万一有不认识的词,最好忽略不译,切忌胡乱 翻译,因为一个错译远比一个漏译扎眼。 3
力影论坛 age. com 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 历年翻译真題汇编全译 Text12006年试题 Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society? I am going to suggest that it is not true. Father Bruckbergen told part of the story when he observed that it is the intellectuals who have rejected America. But they have done that. They have grown dissatisfied with the role of intellectual. It is they not America, who have become anti-intellectual First, the object of our study pleads for definition. What is an intellectual?(46) I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems: He explores such problem consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of he factual and moral information which he has obtained .(47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. This definition excludes many individuals usually referred to as intellectuals-the average scientist for one.(48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems. Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties-he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence or doctor his reports (49)But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. During most of his walking life he will take his code for granted, as the businessman takes his ethics The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching ha ditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living.(50)They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. This description even fits the majority eminent scholars Being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing; living in" public and industrious thoughts, as Emerson would say, is something 重点词汇: hings of the mind (eg the arts, ideas intellectual their own sake) rather than practical adj1[通常作定语] of the intellect智力的:理 matters思维的,善思考的,能运用聪明才 智的:【例】 the intellectual faculties智能。 智的(如艺术、思想等方面,并非指实际事情) 2 of interested in or able to deal witl 【例】 intellectual people善思考的人
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 历年翻译真题汇编全译 Text1.2006 年试题 Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society? I am going to suggest that it is not true. Father Bruckbergen told part of the story when he observed that it is the intellectuals who have rejected America. But they have done that. They have grown dissatisfied with the role of intellectual. It is they, not America, who have become anti-intellectual. First, the object of our study pleads for definition. What is an intellectual? (46) I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems. He explores such problem consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained. (47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. This definition excludes many individuals usually referred to as intellectuals—the average scientist for one. (48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems. Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties—he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports. (49) But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. During most of his walking life he will take his code for granted, as the businessman takes his ethics. The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living. (50) They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. This description even fits the majority eminent scholars. Being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing; living in “public and industrious thoughts,” as Emerson would say, is something else. 重点词汇: intellectual: adj 1 [通常作定语] of the intellect 智力的;理 智的:【例】the intellectual faculties 智能。 2 of, interested in or able to deal with things of the mind (eg the arts, ideas for their own sake) rather than practical matters 思维的, 善思考的, 能运用聪明才 智的(如艺术、思想等方面,并非指实际事情): 【例】intellectual people 善思考的人; 4
力影论坛 age. com 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 ntellectual interests, pursuits,etc需用答辩状 脑力的爱好、研究等。 consciously: adv. n intellectual person知识分子:脑力劳动者:|【形】 conscIous 【例】 a play,bok, etc for intellectuals以知1 knowing what is going on around one 识分子为对象的 because one is able to use bodily senses and plead :/ pli: d; plid/ mental powers; awake感觉到的;意识到的 make repeated清醒的:【例】 He was in a coma for days,but urgent requests(tosb)( for sth)再三恳求或| now hes(uly) conscious agaIn.他昏迷了几 请求(某人)(做某事):【例】 plead for mercy祈|天,但现在又(完全)清醒了 求发慈悲; He pleaded with his parents for a2~ of sth/that.aware; noticing知道的;察 more understanding attitude.他求父母多加觉的;注意到的:【例】 be conscious of being 谅解 watched/ that one is being watched察觉有人 2ofer(th) as an explanation or excuse,在监视自己 esp for failing to do sth or for doing sth 3(of actions, feelings, etc)realized by wong提出(理由或藉口)(尤指因未做某事或做| oneself; intentional(指行为、感情等)自觉 错某事):【例】 They asked him to pay for the的;蓄意的:【例】one' s conscious motives damage but he pleaded poverty.他们要他付| are often different from one' s subconscious 损害赔偿金,但他藉口贫穷而不偿还 ones.一个人有明显动机的举动跟下意识的举动 3~for/ against sb(aw律)( of a lawyer)往往截然不同。 speak to a lawcourt (on behalf of the 4 being particularly aware of and interested plaintiff/defendant)(指律师)(在法庭上为原告 in the thing mentioned对所提到的事物具有深 [被告])提出申诉、答辩或辩护。 刻认识和浓厚兴趣的:【例】 trying to make the 4(aw律) present( a case) to a court of workers more politically conscious努力提高 aw向法庭陈述(案情):【例】 They employed工人的政治觉悟 the best lawyer they could get to plead their【名】 consclousness case,他们聘请了能请到的最好的律师为他们陈[U]1(a) state of being conscious(1)知觉; 述案情。 清醒状态:【例】 The blow caused him to 5(law i)put(sth) forward as the basis lose consciousness.那一击打得他失去了 of a case in a court of law(on behalf of sb) 知觉.(b)~( of sth/that.) state of being (代表某人)向法庭提出(某事)(作为案件的基 悟:【例】m 础)【例】 Counsel for the accused said that he onsciousness of her needs我对她的需 intended to plead insanity ie that his client was insane and therefore not responsible for 2 all the ideas, thoughts, feelings etc of his actions.被告的律师说他想提出案发时被告 a person or people意识:【例】 attitudes 精神失常这一理由,为被告不需负法律责任进行辩 hat are deeply ingrained in the English 护 consciousness深深扎根於英国人意识中的 6 N(for)sth argue in support of sth; support( a~cause) by argument极力主张;以| articulate 辩论支持(某事业):【例】 plead for the adj1( (of a person) able to express one's modernization of the city's public transport leas clearly in words(指人)能用词语 力主城市公共交通现代化 把意思表达清楚的:【例】 She's unusually 【形】 pleadingly in a begging or an imploring articulate for a ten-year-old.对一个十 manner恳求地:乞求地 岁的孩子来说,她异乎寻常地能说会道 【名】 pleadings(律)(原告的)诉状:被告的) 2(of speech) clearly pronounced (h
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 intellectual interests, pursuits, etc 需用 脑力的爱好、 研究等。 n intellectual person 知识分子; 脑力劳动者: 【例】 a play, book, etc for intellectuals 以知 识分子为对象的剧、书等。 plead :/ pli:d; plid/ v 1 ~ (with sb) (for sth) make repeated urgent requests (to sb) (for sth) 再三恳求或 请求(某人)(做某事):【例】plead for mercy 祈 求发慈悲; He pleaded with his parents for a more understanding attitude. 他求父母多加 谅解。 2 offer (sth) as an explanation or excuse, esp for failing to do sth or for doing sth wrong 提出(理由或藉口)(尤指因未做某事或做 错某事):【例】They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty. 他们要他付 损害赔偿金, 但他藉口贫穷而不偿还。 3 ~ for/against sb (law 律) (of a lawyer) speak to a lawcourt (on behalf of the plaintiff/defendant)(指律师)(在法庭上为原告 [被告])提出申诉、答辩或辩护。 4 (law 律) present (a case) to a court of law 向法庭陈述(案情):【例】 They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case. 他们聘请了能请到的最好的律师为他们陈 述案情。 5 (law 律) put (sth) forward as the basis of a case in a court of law (on behalf of sb) (代表某人)向法庭提出(某事)(作为案件的基 础):【例】Counsel for the accused said that he intended to plead insanity, ie that his client was insane and therefore not responsible for his actions. 被告的律师说他想提出案发时被告 精神失常这一理由, 为被告不需负法律责任进行辩 护。 6 ~ (for) sth argue in support of sth; support (a cause) by argument 极力主张; 以 辩论支持(某事业):【例】 plead for the modernization of the city's public transport 力主城市公共交通现代化。 【形】pleadingly in a begging or an imploring manner 恳求地;乞求地 【名】pleadings (律) (原告的)诉状;被告的) 答辩状 consciously:adv. 【形】conscious 1 knowing what is going on around one because one is able to use bodily senses and mental powers; awake 感觉到的; 意识到的; 清醒的: 【例】He was in a coma for days, but now he's (fully) conscious again. 他昏迷了几 天, 但现在又(完全)清醒了。 2 ~ of sth/that... aware; noticing 知道的; 察 觉的; 注意到的:【例】be conscious of being watched/that one is being watched 察觉有人 在监视自己 3 (of actions, feelings, etc) realized by oneself; intentional (指行为、 感情等)自觉 的; 蓄意的: 【例】One's conscious motives are often different from one's subconscious ones. 一个人有明显动机的举动跟下意识的举动 往往截然不同。 4 being particularly aware of and interested in the thing mentioned 对所提到的事物具有深 刻认识和浓厚兴趣的:【例】trying to make the workers more politically conscious 努力提高 工人的政治觉悟。 【名】consciousness [U] 1 (a) state of being conscious(1) 知觉; 清醒状态:【例】The blow caused him to lose consciousness. 那一击打得他失去了 知觉. (b) ~ (of sth/that...) state of being aware; awareness 明了; 觉悟:【例】my consciousness of her needs 我对她的需 求的了解。 2 all the ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc of a person or people 意识:【例】attitudes that are deeply ingrained in the English consciousness 深深扎根於英国人意识中的 看法。 articulate adj 1 (of a person) able to express one's ideas clearly in words (指人)能用词语 把意思表达清楚的:【例】She's unusually articulate for a ten-year-old. 对一个十 岁的孩子来说, 她异乎寻常地能说会道。 2 (of speech) clearly pronounced (指 5
力影论坛 Topsage.coM 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 讲话)发音清晰的 德上的问题的:【例】 argely an ethical problem 3 having joints有关节的。 主要是道德问题 v1 speak(sth) clearly and distinctly清楚明2 morally correct合乎道德的:【例】His 白地说(某事)【例】 I'm a little deaf please behavior has not been strictly ethical.他的 articulate( your words) carefully.我有些耳行为不太道德。 背--请(把话)仔细说清楚 emine 2[通常用於被动语态]~(sth) with sth form adj.1( of a person) famous and a joint or connect(sth) by joints with sth distinguished(指人)著名的,杰出的,卓 形成关节;(用关节)连接:【例】 bones that 越的:【例】 an eminent architect杰出的 articulate/ are articulated with others以关 建筑师 与其它骨骼相连的骨骼。 2[通常作定语]( of qualities) remarkable; 【副】 articulately outstanding(指品质、特性)明显的:显著的 【名】 articulateness 突出的:【例】 a man of eminent goodness品 in the light of按照,根据,当作 德优良的人 analogous 【副】 eminently di(to/ with sth) partially similar or obviously; outstandingly明显地:显著地;突 parallel; offering an analogy类似的;相似的:出地:【例】 She seems eminently suitable for 【例】 The two processes are not analogo the job.她看来极适合做这项工作。 这两种过程不相似 翻译题解 encounter 46 I shall define him as an individual who v( ml x)1 meet or find oneself faced by has elected as his primary duty and (sth/sb unpleasant, dangerous, difficult, etc) pleasure in life the activity of thinking in 遇到或发现自己面临(令人不快的、危险的、困 Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral 难的…某事[某人]):【例】 I encountered many difficulties when I first started this job.我开 句子分段 始做这项工作时,遇到许多困难 I shall define him as an individual ll who has 2 meet(a friend, etc)unexpectedly WiE elected as his primary duty and pleasure in (友人等) life Ii the activity of thinking in Socratic (3h n w(with sb/sth) sudden or unexpected 格拉底) way about moral problems ( esp hostile) meeting突然的或意外的(尤指敌句子分析 对的)相遇:【例】 an encounter with an enemy 本句话的翻译主要难在句子结构的宏观把握, 与敌人的遭遇。 关键要抓住以下两点:第一,who引导的定于从句 ethic 比较长,所以采取后置翻译的方法:第二,“ as his n1 system of moral principles,; rules of primary duty and pleasure in life”是状语成 conduct道德标准:行为准则:【例 Ithe puritan 分,本应放在句末作补充说明,由于 elected的宾 ethic清教徒的伦理观 语“ the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格 2ehsn(a) sing v science that deals拉底) way about moral problems”比较长, with morals伦理学:【例】 is a branch所以as引导的状语作了前置处理,形成倒装 of philosophy.伦理学是哲学的分科。(b)[p] 从微观层面来讲,句子的词义把握总体简单, moral correctness道德规范:【例】 IThe ethics其中的 I define.as(把…定义为),这个词组 of his decision are doubtful.他的这一决定是 在2003年就考过, Socratic还给出了中文。考生 否合乎道德规范值得怀疑 要注意的是两点:第一,him这个代词需要根据上 【形】 ethical 文译出“知识分子”,否则译文不够完整通顺,而 1 of morals or moral questions道德的:道| intellectual这个单词在历年考题中出现过多次, 考生应该认识。第二, elect基本的意思是选举
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 讲话)发音清晰的。 3 having joints 有关节的。 v 1 speak (sth) clearly and distinctly 清楚明 白地说(某事):【例】 I'm a little deaf please articulate (your words) carefully. 我有些耳 背--请(把话)仔细说清楚。 2 [通常用於被动语态] ~ (sth) with sth form a joint or connect (sth) by joints with sth 形成关节; (用关节)连接:【例】bones that articulate/are articulated with others 以关 节与其它骨骼相连的骨骼。 【副】articulately 【名】articulateness in the light of 按照, 根据, 当作 analogous adj ~ (to/with sth) partially similar or parallel; offering an analogy 类似的;相似的: 【例】 The two processes are not analogous. 这两种过程不相似。 encounter v (fml 文) 1 meet or find oneself faced by (sth/sb unpleasant, dangerous, difficult, etc) 遇到或发现自己面临(令人不快的、 危险的、 困 难的...某事[某人]):【例】 I encountered many difficulties when I first started this job. 我开 始做这项工作时, 遇到许多困难。 2 meet (a friend, etc) unexpectedly 邂逅 (友人等)。 n ~ (with sb/sth) sudden or unexpected (esp hostile) meeting 突然的或意外的(尤指敌 对的)相遇:【例】an encounter with an enemy 与敌人的遭遇。 ethic n 1 system of moral principles; rules of conduct 道德标准;行为准则:【例】the Puritan ethic 清教徒的伦理观 2 ethics n (a) [sing v] science that deals with morals 伦理学:【例】Ethics is a branch of philosophy. 伦理学是哲学的分科。 (b) [pl] moral correctness 道德规范:【例】The ethics of his decision are doubtful. 他的这一决定是 否合乎道德规范值得怀疑。 【形】ethical 1 of morals or moral questions 道德的; 道 德上的问题的:【例】largely an ethical problem 主要是道德问题 2 morally correct 合乎道德的:【例】 His behavior has not been strictly ethical. 他的 行为不太道德。 eminent adj. 1(of a person) famous and distinguished (指人)著名的, 杰出的, 卓 越的:【例】an eminent architect 杰出的 建筑师 2 [通常作定语] (of qualities) remarkable; outstanding (指品质、 特性)明显的;显著的; 突出的:【例】a man of eminent goodness 品 德优良的人 【副】eminently obviously; outstandingly 明显地;显著地;突 出地:【例】She seems eminently suitable for the job. 她看来极适合做这项工作。 翻译题解: 46、I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic (苏格拉底) way about moral problems. 句子分段: I shall define him as an individual || who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life || the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏 格拉底)way about moral problems. 句子分析: 本句话的翻译主要难在句子结构的宏观把握, 关键要抓住以下两点:第一,who 引导的定于从句 比较长,所以采取后置翻译的方法;第二,“as his primary duty and pleasure in life”是状语成 分,本应放在句末作补充说明,由于 elected 的宾 语“the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格 拉底)way about moral problems”比较长, 所以 as 引导的状语作了前置处理,形成倒装。 从微观层面来讲,句子的词义把握总体简单, 其中的 define…as…(把…定义为…),这个词组 在 2003 年就考过,Socratic 还给出了中文。考生 要注意的是两点:第一,him 这个代词需要根据上 文译出“知识分子”,否则译文不够完整通顺,而 intellectual 这个单词在历年考题中出现过多次, 考生应该认识。第二,elect 基本的意思是选举, 6
力影论坛 Topsage.coM 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 推选,这里需要根据上下文作适当的引申,可以理定的推理过程的责任。 解为“选择”。其实在翻译时,不用译出 elect的意 2、知识分子的作用类似于法官的作用,后者 必须承担起这样的责任:用尽可能明显的方式来揭 参考译文: 示让他做出决定的推理过程 1、我把知识分子定义为这样的个体:他用苏(48) I have excluded him because, while 格拉底的方式思考道德问题,并以此作为其生命中 his accomplishments may contribute to the 的主要职责与乐趣 solution of moral problems, he has not 2、我把知识分子定义为这样的个体,他把用| been charged with the task of approaching 苏格拉底的方式思考道德问题作为自己的主要责| any but the factual aspects of those 任与乐趣 problems (47) His function is analogous to that of a句子分段: I have excluded him I because judge, who must while his accomplishments may contribute revealing in as obvious a matter as possible to the solution of moral problems, he has the course of reasoning which led him to his not been charged with the task Il of approaching any but the factual aspects of 句子分段: His function is analogous to that of| those problems a judge, I who must accept the obligation句子分析: of revealing in as obvious a matter as 宏观上来讲,本句话不难,主要考察因果关系, possible I the course of reasoning which led虽然在原因部分加入whe引导的让步从句,但句 him to his decision 子结构仍旧简单。 句子分析: 本句话的难点在于微观层面的词义把握。 本句话的翻译和46题相似,仍旧看重句子 Exclude与 include相反,是排除的意思 构的分析。首先,who引导的定于从句是一个非限| accomplishment表示成就: contribute to意为 制性定于从句而且比较长,所以后置翻译,而且a有利于,有助于; be charged with应该是考生最 judge这个名词不够具体,特点不够明显,所以|难理解的地方,它最普通的意思是控告,但这里be Who引导的定语从句是在限定 a judge.其次,“ in charged with a task应理解为承担一项任务。另 as obvious a matter as possible”是状语成分,外,句子中有个分开的词组,not… any but… 用来说明 reveal的方式,“ the course of表示ony,理解为“仅仅”:可见,考研翻译是以 reasoning which led him to his decision”是一定的词汇量为基础的。除了这些词义的把握,在 reveal的宾语。由于动词语宾语被状语隔开,所以翻译时还要注意把句子开头的代词hm具体翻译 考生在历届时有一定困难。最后,“ which led him为: average scientist(普通科学家) to his decision”这个定语从句较短,可以先行词|参考译文 前面翻译 1、我之所以把普通科学家排除在外,是因为 从微观的词义方面来看,本句话要注意以下几个方虽然他的成就有助于解决道德问题,但是他只是承 面:第一, His function最好译出“知识分子的作担了触及这些问题事实方面的任务 用”:第二, analogous表示相似的,可理解为 (改进:我之所以把普通科学家排除在外,是 similar,很多考生不能较好把握这个单词:第三,因为虽然他的成就有助于解决道德问题,但是他只 in as obvious a manner as possible中包含in是触及了这些问题的事实方面。 an obvious manner(明显的方式)和 as obvious 2、因为虽然普通科学家的成就有助于解决道 as possible(尽可能明显)两个词组,翻译时需德问题,但是他只是承担了触及这些问题事实方面 要准切理解词组的结合。 的任务,所以我把他排除在外 参考译文 (49) But his primary task is not to think 1、知识分子的作用与法官的作用类似,后者 about the moral code which governs his 必须承担用尽可能明显的方式来揭示让他做出决| activity, any more than a businessman is
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 推选,这里需要根据上下文作适当的引申,可以理 解为“选择”。其实在翻译时,不用译出 elect 的意 思。 参考译文: 1、我把知识分子定义为这样的个体:他用苏 格拉底的方式思考道德问题,并以此作为其生命中 的主要职责与乐趣。 2、我把知识分子定义为这样的个体,他把用 苏格拉底的方式思考道德问题作为自己的主要责 任与乐趣。 (47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. 句子分段:His function is analogous to that of a judge,|| who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible || the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. 句子分析: 本句话的翻译和 46 题相似,仍旧看重句子结 构的分析。首先,who 引导的定于从句是一个非限 制性定于从句而且比较长,所以后置翻译,而且 a judge 这个名词不够具体,特点不够明显,所以 who 引导的定语从句是在限定 a judge.其次,“in as obvious a matter as possible”是状语成分, 用来说明 reveal 的方式,“ the course of reasoning which led him to his decision”是 reveal 的宾语。由于动词语宾语被状语隔开,所以 考生在历届时有一定困难。最后,“which led him to his decision”这个定语从句较短,可以先行词 前面翻译。 从微观的词义方面来看,本句话要注意以下几个方 面:第一,His function 最好译出“知识分子的作 用”;第二,analogous 表示相似的,可理解为 similar,很多考生不能较好把握这个单词;第三, in as obvious a manner as possible 中包含 in an obvious manner(明显的方式)和 as obvious as possible(尽可能明显)两个词组,翻译时需 要准切理解词组的结合。 参考译文: 1、知识分子的作用与法官的作用类似,后者 必须承担用尽可能明显的方式来揭示让他做出决 定的推理过程的责任。 2、知识分子的作用类似于法官的作用,后者 必须承担起这样的责任:用尽可能明显的方式来揭 示让他做出决定的推理过程。 (48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems. 句子分段:I have excluded him || because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task || of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems. 句子分析: 宏观上来讲,本句话不难,主要考察因果关系, 虽然在原因部分加入 while 引导的让步从句,但句 子结构仍旧简单。 本句话的难点在于微观层面的词义把握。 Exclude 与 include 相反,是排除的意思; accomplishment 表示成就;contribute to 意为 有利于,有助于;be charged with 应该是考生最 难理解的地方,它最普通的意思是控告,但这里 be charged with a task 应理解为承担一项任务。另 外,句子中有个分开的词组,not…any but…, 表示 only,理解为“仅仅”;可见,考研翻译是以 一定的词汇量为基础的。除了这些词义的把握,在 翻译时还要注意把句子开头的代词 him 具体翻译 为:average scientist(普通科学家)。 参考译文: 1、我之所以把普通科学家排除在外,是因为 虽然他的成就有助于解决道德问题,但是他只是承 担了触及这些问题事实方面的任务。 (改进:我之所以把普通科学家排除在外,是 因为虽然他的成就有助于解决道德问题,但是他只 是触及了这些问题的事实方面。) 2、因为虽然普通科学家的成就有助于解决道 德问题,但是他只是承担了触及这些问题事实方面 的任务,所以我把他排除在外。 (49)But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is 7
力影论坛 Topsage.coM 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 expected to dedicate his energies to an放在先行词前面翻译 exploration of rules of conduct in busine 在词义把握的微观层面,要注意 more than 句子分段: But his primary task is not to think表示不仅仅,超过:te具有否定意味,不能翻 about the moral code II which governs h译为一些等 activity, any more than a businessman参考译文: is expected to dedicate his energies to an 1、教师可能擅长教书,而且不仅仅专注于赚 exploration I of rules of conduct in钱,但是大部分教师对涉及人类道德判断的问题很 business 少或没有进行独立的思考 句子分析 全文翻译: 从宏观框架层面来看,关键是要把握两点:第 美国的知识分子被他们的所在社会拒绝并不 which governs his activity”这个定于从认为是社会组成的一部分,这一情况属实么?我将 句可以放在被限定的名词前面,译文会显得简练,暗示一下这不是真实的情况。当父亲 当然后置翻译也是可以的:考生最难把握的是 Bruckbergen观察发现正是知识分子自己拒绝 not-any more than…,表示两者类似。所以后美国,他揭露了一部分直相,但是,他们所做的不 半句话是用类比的方式对前半句话进行说明 仅限于此。他们逐渐对知识分子的角色感到不满。 在词义的微观层面上,有些词组需要注意 正是他们自身,而不是美国,变为了反知识分子。 moral code中,code表示编码,道德编码不同 首先,我们的研究目标是来力求一个定义。什 顺,需要结合汉语表达习惯,译为“道德准则”“道么是知识分子?我把知识分子定义为这样的个体 德标准”等。 dedicate to表示致力于,如果这个|他用苏格拉底的方式思考道德问题,并以此作为其 词组没有准确理解,句子就很难译好。 Exploration 生命中的主要职责与乐趣。他首先提出实际问题 是开发探索之意,翻译时需要做一点调整。看见, 然后提出道德层面上的问题,最后提出看起来和他 考研翻译不仅考察对单词的认知,而且考察根据上 所获得的实际和道德信息相符合的行动建议。通过 下文作意思转换与引申的能力 这一系列行为来清晰明了真实地探究此类问题。知 参考译文 识分子的作用与法官的作用类似,后者必须承担用 但是普通科学家的主要任务并非是思考约尽可能明显的方式来揭示让他做出决定的推理过 束其行为的道德准则,这正如人们不期望商人致力程的责任。 于探究商业行为规范 该定义排除了多个通常被称为知识分子的个 2、但是普通科学家的主要任务并非思考道德 体一一对于个人而言是普通的科学家。我之所以把 准则,虽然道德准则约束着他的行为:这正如人们普通科学家排除在外,是因为虽然他的成就有助于 不指望商人致力于探究商业行为规范 解决道德问题,但是他只是触及了这些问题的事实 (50) They may teach very wel, and more方面。和其他人类一样,即使在日常例行职责的表 than earn their salaries, but most of thel 现中也会遇到道德问题一一人们并不会要求他可 make little or no independent reflections on 以烹饪实验,加工事实或医治报告。但是普通科学 human problems which involve mora家的主要任务并非是思考约束其行为的道德准则, 这正如人们不期望商人致力于探究商业行为规范 句子分段: They may teach very well.,anc 在其大部分的人生中,他将认同他的行为准则,正 more than earn their salaries, I but most of 如商人认同商人的道德规范 no independent 该定义同样排除了多数教师,尽管事实上,教 reflections on human problems I which育是许多知识分子用来谋生的传统方法。教师可能 involve moral judgm 擅长教书,而且不仅仅专注于赚钱,但是大部分教 句子分析 师对涉及人类道德判断的问题很少或没有进行独 本句话相对简单,句子用虽然…但是…的结构立的思考。大部分著名学者甚至都符合这一描述。 即可从前往后按顺序翻译,为译需要作调整的地方在人类知识的某一分支是专家是一回事而生活在 就是句子最后的定于从句。该定语从句较短,可以如爱默生过去常提到的“公共而勤勉的想法”之中 又是另外一回事
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. 句子分段:But his primary task is not to think about the moral code || which governs his activity,|| any more than a businessman || is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration || of rules of conduct in business. 句子分析: 从宏观框架层面来看,关键是要把握两点:第 一,“which governs his activity”这个定于从 句可以放在被限定的名词前面,译文会显得简练, 当然后置翻译也是可以的;考生最难把握的是 not…any more than…,表示两者类似。所以后 半句话是用类比的方式对前半句话进行说明。 在词义的微观层面上,有些词组需要注意。 moral code 中,code 表示编码,道德编码不同 顺,需要结合汉语表达习惯,译为“道德准则”,“道 德标准”等。dedicate to 表示致力于,如果这个 词组没有准确理解,句子就很难译好。Exploration 是开发探索之意,翻译时需要做一点调整。看见, 考研翻译不仅考察对单词的认知,而且考察根据上 下文作意思转换与引申的能力。 参考译文: 1、但是普通科学家的主要任务并非是思考约 束其行为的道德准则,这正如人们不期望商人致力 于探究商业行为规范。 2、但是普通科学家的主要任务并非思考道德 准则,虽然道德准则约束着他的行为;这正如人们 不指望商人致力于探究商业行为规范。 (50) They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. 句子分段:They may teach very well,|| and more than earn their salaries,|| but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems || which involve moral judgment. 句子分析: 本句话相对简单,句子用虽然…但是…的结构 即可从前往后按顺序翻译,为译需要作调整的地方 就是句子最后的定于从句。该定语从句较短,可以 放在先行词前面翻译。 在词义把握的微观层面,要注意 more than 表示不仅仅,超过;little 具有否定意味,不能翻 译为一些等。 参考译文: 1、教师可能擅长教书,而且不仅仅专注于赚 钱,但是大部分教师对涉及人类道德判断的问题很 少或没有进行独立的思考。 全文翻译: 美国的知识分子被他们的所在社会拒绝并不 认为是社会组成的一部分,这一情况属实么?我将 暗示一下这不是真实的情况。当父亲 Bruckbergen 观察发现正是知识分子自己拒绝了 美国,他揭露了一部分真相。但是,他们所做的不 仅限于此。他们逐渐对知识分子的角色感到不满。 正是他们自身,而不是美国,变为了反知识分子。 首先,我们的研究目标是来力求一个定义。什 么是知识分子?我把知识分子定义为这样的个体: 他用苏格拉底的方式思考道德问题,并以此作为其 生命中的主要职责与乐趣。他首先提出实际问题, 然后提出道德层面上的问题,最后提出看起来和他 所获得的实际和道德信息相符合的行动建议。通过 这一系列行为来清晰明了真实地探究此类问题。知 识分子的作用与法官的作用类似,后者必须承担用 尽可能明显的方式来揭示让他做出决定的推理过 程的责任。 该定义排除了多个通常被称为知识分子的个 体――对于个人而言是普通的科学家。我之所以把 普通科学家排除在外,是因为虽然他的成就有助于 解决道德问题,但是他只是触及了这些问题的事实 方面。和其他人类一样,即使在日常例行职责的表 现中也会遇到道德问题――人们并不会要求他可 以烹饪实验,加工事实或医治报告。但是普通科学 家的主要任务并非是思考约束其行为的道德准则, 这正如人们不期望商人致力于探究商业行为规范。 在其大部分的人生中,他将认同他的行为准则,正 如商人认同商人的道德规范。 该定义同样排除了多数教师,尽管事实上,教 育是许多知识分子用来谋生的传统方法。教师可能 擅长教书,而且不仅仅专注于赚钱,但是大部分教 师对涉及人类道德判断的问题很少或没有进行独 立的思考。大部分著名学者甚至都符合这一描述。 在人类知识的某一分支是专家是一回事;而生活在 如爱默生过去常提到的“公共而勤勉的想法”之中 又是另外一回事。 8
力影论坛 age. com 黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 Text2.2005年试题(全国卷) The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities. (46 Traditionally legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person. Happily the older and more continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law. If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators. Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment On the one hand it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice democracy and freedom (47)On the other it links th everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news. For example, notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law. Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalists intellectual preparation for his or her career. 48) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special es of the news media Politics or, more broadly the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists. The better informed they are about the way the state works, the better their reporting will be. ( 49)In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on Furthermore, the gal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists. While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers. (50) While comment and ers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments. These can only come upline.那登山队员受过良好的训练 di [派] disciplined a.受过训练的,遵守纪律的 [记]联想记忆:dis(不)+cij(拿)+ine(线) preserve. 不拿老百姓一针一线—纪律 [记]词根记忆:pre(预先)+ serve(保持)— n.纪律,规定[例] Without discipline, there is便于长久保存而预先采取措施—保护,保藏 no method没有规矩,不成方圆 Vt保护,维持[例] preserve one’ s eyesight 学科[例] We will set up a new academic保护视力 discipline in our school我们将在学校设立一门保存,保藏[例] om preserved the meat in 新的理论学科 the fridge汤姆将肉保存在了冰箱里 训练[例] ]The mountaineer has been under腌制例] The local people use smokehouses
黑暗版考研英语历年翻译真题解析 Text2.2005 年试题(全国卷) The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities. (46) Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person. Happily, the older and more continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law. If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators. Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. On the one hand, it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice, democracy and freedom. (47) On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news. For example, notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law. Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalists intellectual preparation for his or her career. (48) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. Politics or, more broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists. The better informed they are about the way the state works, the better their reporting will be. (49) In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories. Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists. While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers. (50) While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments. These can only come from a well-grounded understanding of the legal system. 重点词汇: discipline: [记]联想记忆:dis(不)+cip(拿)+line(线) ——不拿老百姓一针一线——纪律 n.纪律,规定 [例]Without discipline, there is no method.没有规矩,不成方圆。 学科 [例]We will set up a new academic discipline in our school.我们将在学校设立一门 新的理论学科。 训练 [例]The mountaineer has been under perfect discipline. 那登山队员受过良好的训练。 [派]disciplined a.受过训练的,遵守纪律的 preserve: [记]词根记忆:pre(预先)+serve(保持)—— 便于长久保存而预先采取措施——保护,保藏 Vt.保护,维持 [例]preserve one’s eyesight 保护视力 保存,保藏 [例]Tom preserved the meat in the fridge.汤姆将肉保存在了冰箱里。 腌制 [例]The local people use smokehouses 9