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管鲍之交 从前,齐国有一对好的朋友,一个叫管仲,另外一个叫鲍叔牙。 年轻的时候,管仲家里很穷,又要奉养母亲。鲍叔牙知道了,就找管 仲一起投资做生意。做生意的时候,因为管仲没有钱,所以本钱几乎 都是鲍叔牙拿出来投资的。可是,当赚了钱以后,管仲却拿的比鲍叔 牙还多,鲍叔牙的仆人看了就说:“这个管仲真奇怪,本钱拿的比我们 主人少,分钱的时候却拿的比我们主人还多!鲍叔牙却对仆人说:“不 可以这么说!管仲家里穷又要奉养母亲,多拿一点没有关系的。”有一 次,管仲和鲍叔牙一起去打仗,每次进攻的时候,管仲都躲在最后面, 大家就骂管仲说:“管仲是一个贪生怕死的人!鲍叔牙马上替管仲说 话:“你们误会管仲了,他不是怕死,他得留着他的命去照顾老母亲 呀!管仲听到之后说:“生我的是父母,了解我的人可是鲍叔牙呀!”后 来,齐国的国王死掉了,公子诸当上了国王,诸每天吃喝玩乐不做事, 鲍叔牙预感齐国一定会发生内乱,就带着公子小白逃到莒国,管仲则 带着公子纠逃到鲁国。 不久之后,齐王诸被人杀死,齐国真的发生了内乱,管仲想杀掉 小白,让纠能顺利当上国王,可惜管仲在暗算小白的时候,把箭射偏 了,小白没死。后来,鲍叔牙和小白比管仲和纠还早回到齐国,小白 就当上了齐国的国王。小白当上国王以后,决定封鲍叔牙为宰相, 鲍叔牙却对小白说:“管仲各方面都比我强,应该请他来当宰相才对 呀!”小白一听:“管仲要杀我,他是我的仇人,你居然叫我请他来当宰

管鲍之交 从前,齐国有一对好的朋友,一个叫管仲,另外一个叫鲍叔牙。 年轻的时候,管仲家里很穷,又要奉养母亲。鲍叔牙知道了,就找管 仲一起投资做生意。做生意的时候,因为管仲没有钱,所以本钱几乎 都是鲍叔牙拿出来投资的。可是,当赚了钱以后,管仲却拿的比鲍叔 牙还多,鲍叔牙的仆人看了就说:“这个管仲真奇怪,本钱拿的比我们 主人少,分钱的时候却拿的比我们主人还多!”鲍叔牙却对仆人说:“不 可以这么说!管仲家里穷又要奉养母亲,多拿一点没有关系的。”有一 次,管仲和鲍叔牙一起去打仗,每次进攻的时候,管仲都躲在最后面, 大家就骂管仲说:“管仲是一个贪生怕死的人!”鲍叔牙马上替管仲说 话:“你们误会管仲了,他不是怕死,他得留着他的命去照顾老母亲 呀!”管仲听到之后说:“生我的是父母,了解我的人可是鲍叔牙呀!”后 来,齐国的国王死掉了,公子诸当上了国王,诸每天吃喝玩乐不做事, 鲍叔牙预感齐国一定会发生内乱,就带着公子小白逃到莒国,管仲则 带着公子纠逃到鲁国。 不久之后,齐王诸被人杀死,齐国真的发生了内乱,管仲想杀掉 小白,让纠能顺利当上国王,可惜管仲在暗算小白的时候,把箭射偏 了,小白没死。后来,鲍叔牙和小白比管仲和纠还早回到齐国,小白 就当上了齐国的国王。 小白当上国王以后,决定封鲍叔牙为宰相, 鲍叔牙却对小白说:“管仲各方面都比我强,应该请他来当宰相才对 呀!”小白一听:“管仲要杀我,他是我的仇人,你居然叫我请他来当宰

相!鲍叔牙却说:“这不能怪他,他是为了帮他的主人纠才这么做的 呀!”小白听了鲍叔牙的话,请管仲回来当宰相,而管仲也真的帮小白 把齐国治理的非常好呢! 管仲说:"我当初贫穷时,曾和鲍叔一起做生意,分钱财,自己 多拿,鲍叔不认为我贪财,他知道我贫穷啊!我曾经替鲍叔办事,结 果使他处境更难了,鲍叔不认为我愚蠢,他知道时运有利有不利。我 曾经三次做官,三次被国君辞退,鲍叔不认为我没有才能,他知道我 没有遇到时机。我曾经三次作战,三次逃跑,鲍叔不认为我胆怯,他 知道我家里有老母亲。公子纠失败了,召忽为之而死,我却被囚受辱, 鲍叔不认为我不懂得羞耻,他知道我不以小节为羞,而是以功名没有 显露于天下为耻。生我的是父母,了解我的是鲍叔啊!" 鲍叔推荐管仲以后,自己甘愿做他的下属。鲍叔的子孙世世代代 在齐国吃俸禄,得到了封地的有十多代,常常成为有名的大夫。天下 的人不赞美管仲的才干,而赞美鲍叔能了解人。 不以物喜,不以已悲 平生修得随缘性粗茶淡饭也知足 后来,大家在称赞朋友之间有很好的友谊时,就会说他们是“管鲍 之交:

相!”鲍叔牙却说:“这不能怪他,他是为了帮他的主人纠才这么做的 呀!”小白听了鲍叔牙的话,请管仲回来当宰相,而管仲也真的帮小白 把齐国治理的非常好呢! 管仲说:"我当初贫穷时,曾和鲍叔一起做生意,分钱财,自己 多拿,鲍叔不认为我贪财,他知道我贫穷啊!我曾经替鲍叔办事,结 果使他处境更难了,鲍叔不认为我愚蠢,他知道时运有利有不利。我 曾经三次做官,三次被国君辞退,鲍叔不认为我没有才能,他知道我 没有遇到时机。我曾经三次作战,三次逃跑,鲍叔不认为我胆怯,他 知道我家里有老母亲。公子纠失败了,召忽为之而死,我却被囚受辱, 鲍叔不认为我不懂得羞耻,他知道我不以小节为羞,而是以功名没有 显露于天下为耻。生我的是父母,了解我的是鲍叔啊!" 鲍叔推荐管仲以后,自己甘愿做他的下属。鲍叔的子孙世世代代 在齐国吃俸禄,得到了封地的有十多代,常常成为有名的大夫。天下 的人不赞美管仲的才干,而赞美鲍叔能了解人。 不以物喜,不以已悲 平生修得随缘性 粗茶淡饭也知足 后来,大家在称赞朋友之间有很好的友谊时,就会说他们是“管鲍 之交

A similar story: Damon and Pythias There once lived two men,called Damon and Pythias.They were both lovers of truth and integrity and in all the city of Syracuse they could find no one who upheld these principles so well as each other. Dionysius was at that time the ruler of Syracuse;he wielded complete authority and very often abused his power,for he was hot-tempered and imperious and anyone who angered him was put to death. One day he was informed that a young man named Pythias had been heard complaining against the cruelty of Dionysius;no one was allowed to criticise the ruler, and Dionysius condemned the youth to die. When Pythias learnt of his fate,he begged to be allowed to return home to set his affairs in order. "How far away is your home?"enquired Dionysius suspiciously,"and how may I be certain you will return?" "My home is many miles distant,"replies Pythias,"but I have a friend,Damon, who is willing to take my place while I am away." There was a stir amongst the bystanders and a man stepped to Pythias's side. "I am Damon,my lord"he said."I will give myself up as a pledge of my friend's return,and if any accident befalls him I will die in his stead." The tyrant was amazed by this generosity,and gave Pythias leave to depart, fixing on the day and hour of his return,and warning that he would not fail to exercise justice on his friend,if he did not arrive back in time. The days passed and the morning dawned on which Pythias was to have been executed-still,Pythias did not appear,and the people of Syracuse said that Damon would surely be killed. Everyone was agreed in condemning his behaviour as rash and foolhardy;but Damon himself was the happiest man in the prison.He was filled with hope that his friend would not return in time,and he was led out to execution with a cheerful face. Dionysius had come to see him meet his death,and called out to him in mocking words. "So,Damon,where is your friend,of whom you were so confident?I fear you have allowed him to take advantage of your simplicity." "It is impossible for me to doubt my friend's constancy,"replied Damon. "Perhaps he has met with some accident along the way." At that moment a horse broke through the crowd,and Pythias,travel-stained and weary,half fell out of his saddle,and ran to embrace his friend. "I just come-in time,"he gasped."My horse-was killed,and I could not find another.Thank heaven I am in time to save you!" But Damon did not want Pythias to die.He pleaded with him to allow the execution to continue,and Dionysius watched in disbelief as each friend eagerly sought to give up his life for the other

A similar story: Damon and Pythias There once lived two men, called Damon and Pythias. They were both lovers of truth and integrity and in all the city of Syracuse they could find no one who upheld these principles so well as each other. Dionysius was at that time the ruler of Syracuse; he wielded complete authority and very often abused his power, for he was hot-tempered and imperious and anyone who angered him was put to death. One day he was informed that a young man named Pythias had been heard complaining against the cruelty of Dionysius; no one was allowed to criticise the ruler, and Dionysius condemned the youth to die. When Pythias learnt of his fate, he begged to be allowed to return home to set his affairs in order. “How far away is your home?” enquired Dionysius suspiciously, “and how may I be certain you will return?” “My home is many miles distant,” replies Pythias, “but I have a friend, Damon, who is willing to take my place while I am away.” There was a stir amongst the bystanders and a man stepped to Pythias’s side. “I am Damon, my lord” he said. “I will give myself up as a pledge of my friend’s return, and if any accident befalls him I will die in his stead.” The tyrant was amazed by this generosity, and gave Pythias leave to depart, fixing on the day and hour of his return, and warning that he would not fail to exercise justice on his friend, if he did not arrive back in time. The days passed and the morning dawned on which Pythias was to have been executed – still, Pythias did not appear, and the people of Syracuse said that Damon would surely be killed. Everyone was agreed in condemning his behaviour as rash and foolhardy; but Damon himself was the happiest man in the prison. He was filled with hope that his friend would not return in time, and he was led out to execution with a cheerful face. Dionysius had come to see him meet his death, and called out to him in mocking words. “So, Damon, where is your friend, of whom you were so confident? I fear you have allowed him to take advantage of your simplicity.” “It is impossible for me to doubt my friend’s constancy,” replied Damon. “Perhaps he has met with some accident along the way.” At that moment a horse broke through the crowd, and Pythias, travel-stained and weary, half fell out of his saddle, and ran to embrace his friend. “I just come – in time,” he gasped. “My horse – was killed, and I could not find another. Thank heaven I am in time to save you!” But Damon did not want Pythias to die. He pleaded with him to allow the execution to continue, and Dionysius watched in disbelief as each friend eagerly sought to give up his life for the other

"Cease,cease these debates,"he exclaimed,stepping forward and taking their hands."I hereby set both of you free.Never in my life have I seen such loyalty;nor did I dream such a thing could exist.I beg you will accept my pardon and allow me to share in your friendship

“Cease, cease these debates,” he exclaimed, stepping forward and taking their hands. “I hereby set both of you free. Never in my life have I seen such loyalty; nor did I dream such a thing could exist. I beg you will accept my pardon and allow me to share in your friendship



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