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《新编大学英语》翻译教学课件(PPT讲稿,第三版第四册,Translation and Writing)Lecture 09 科技英语的翻译(2)科技文体的句法特点与翻译方法2/2


Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return Knowing About Translation 科枝英语蜘禄(2) 及蜘泽方法

Knowing About Translation Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation ——科技文体的句法特点 及翻译方法 科技英语翻译(2)

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return Knowing About Translation 1.名词化结构 为使行文简洁、表达客观,科技英语中多用名词化结构。 如: the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves 通过无线电波来发射和接收活动物体的图像 在翻译此类结构时,可以使用以下方法:

Knowing About Translation Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 1. 名词化结构 为使行文简洁、表达客观,科技英语中多用名词化结构。 如: the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves 通过无线电波来发射和接收活动物体的图像 在翻译此类结构时,可以使用以下方法:

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 1.1将名词词组转换成汉语句子,如: 1)The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night 地球绕轴自转,起昼夜的变化。 2)The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor. 这种疗法要想获得成功在很大程度上似乎取决于病人 。 和医生之间的关系

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 1.1 将名词词组转换成汉语句子,如: 1) The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 2) The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor. 这种疗法要想获得成功在很大程度上似乎取决于病人 和医生之间的关系

Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return 1.2将名词词组转换成动宾结构 1)The testing of machines by this method entails some loss of power 用这种方法测试机器会损失一些功率。 2)The change from single crop farming to a mixed crop system would be one important step 重要的一步是把种植单一作物改为多种作物混合耕种

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 1.2 将名词词组转换成动宾结构 1) The testing of machines by this method entails some loss of power. 用这种方法测试机器会损失一些功率。 2) The change from single crop farming to a mixed crop system would be one important step. 重要的一步是把种植单一作物改为多种作物混合耕种

Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return 2.被动语态 科技文章常使用被动态,因为科技文章侧重叙事推理 强调客观,而被动语态可以使叙述显得比较客观,使读 者的注意力集中于所叙述的事物。如: 1)As oil is found deep in the ground,its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface Consequently,a geological survey of the underground rock must be carried out. 石油埋藏于地层深处。因此,仅仅靠研究地层表面, 无法确定有无石油,必须对地下的岩石结构进行地质 勘测

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2.被动语态 科技文章常使用被动态,因为科技文章侧重叙事推理, 强调客观,而被动语态可以使叙述显得比较客观,使读 者的注意力集中于所叙述的事物。如: 1) As oil is found deep in the ground, its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock must be carried out. 石油埋藏于地层深处。因此,仅仅靠研究地层表面, 无法确定有无石油,必须对地下的岩石结构进行地质 勘测

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 2)Today milk is automatically cooled as soon as it is removed from the cow;it is carried long distances in large refrigerated tanks and then processed and packaged for placement in refrigerated showcases in grocery stores. 现在,牛奶从母牛身上一挤出,就被自动冷却;而且是 放在大的冷藏罐里,运到很远的地方,然后进行加工、 包装,以便放到杂货店的冷冻货柜里

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2) Today milk is automatically cooled as soon as it is removed from the cow; it is carried long distances in large refrigerated tanks and then processed and packaged for placement in refrigerated showcases in grocery stores. 现在,牛奶从母牛身上一挤出,就被自动冷却;而且是 放在大的冷藏罐里,运到很远的地方,然后进行加工、 包装,以便放到杂货店的冷冻货柜里

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 2.1在翻译被动语态时,使用表示被动含义的介词“被、 叫、受、为”等,如: 1)Besides voltage,resistance and capacitance,an alternating current is also influenced by inductance. 除了电压、电阻和电容之外,交流电流还受电感 的影响。 2)In Europe and in North America,tons of fruit and dairy products are thrown away every year. 在欧洲和北美每年都有成吨成吨的水果和奶制品被 扔掉

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2.1 在翻译被动语态时,使用表示被动含义的介词“被、 叫、受、为”等,如: 1) Besides voltage, resistance and capacitance, an alternating current is also influenced by inductance. 除了电压、电阻和电容之外,交流电流还受电感 的影响。 2) In Europe and in North America, tons of fruit and dairy products are thrown away every year. 在欧洲和北美每年都有成吨成吨的水果和奶制品被 扔掉

Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return 2.2在科技文章中,许多使用被动语态的句子不需要或者 无法讲出动作的发出者,可译成汉语的无主句,而把 原句中的主语译成宾语,如: 1)Among other things,the levels of the metals in food, human tissues and body fluids must be monitored. 此外还必须监测在食物、人体组织和体液中金属的量

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2.2 在科技文章中,许多使用被动语态的句子不需要或者 无法讲出动作的发出者,可译成汉语的无主句,而把 原句中的主语译成宾语,如: 1) Among other things, the levels of the metals in food, human tissues and body fluids must be monitored. 此外还必须监测在食物、人体组织和体液中金属的量

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 2)These people say that if the mind is fooled into thinking it got medicine,then it will act as if it did,and the body will feel better. 这些人说如果能使人脑上当,误以为得到了药物治疗, 那么人脑就会像真的得到了药物一样行事,于是病体就 会好转

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2) These people say that if the mind is fooled into thinking it got medicine, then it will act as if it did, and the body will feel better. 这些人说如果能使人脑上当,误以为得到了药物治疗, 那么人脑就会像真的得到了药物一样行事,于是病体就 会好转

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 2.3判断句 有些描述事物的过程、性质和状态的英语被动句,可以译 成“是…的”结构。如: The power supply of this motor plant is provided by an atomic generator. 这个汽车制造厂的动力是一台原子能发电机提供的

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2.3 判断句 有些描述事物的过程、性质和状态的英语被动句,可以译 成“是······的”结构。如: The power supply of this motor plant is provided by an atomic generator. 这个汽车制造厂的动力是一台原子能发电机提供的



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